Fili and Kili Updates

a photo was added: Owns this place over a year ago by heaven22
a comment was made to the photo: Kili 💕 over a year ago by _Tara
a comment was made to the wallpaper: Fili and Kili over a year ago by _Tara
a pop quiz question was added: What does Kili call Bilbo the first time? over a year ago by benhag1d
a link was added: kili and fili Tears of an angel over a year ago by heaven22
a link was added: Kili and Fili sleeping song over a year ago by heaven22
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by heaven22
a video was added: Fili and Kili - The Greatest Princes of our Time over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a video was added: Fili & Kili | Safe and Sound over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a video was added: For You Only (Fili & Kili) over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a video was added: Fili & Kili - Sons of Durin over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Who plays the role of Fili in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey? over a year ago by girly43
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: How much time does Thorin give Fili to bind the arrow wound in Kili's leg? over a year ago by girly43
an icon was added: Fili over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What colour is Fili's pony? over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: When the dwarves are separated on the rock ledge by the stone giants, Thorin calls out which brother's name? (Kind of a trick question) over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a comment was made to the poll: Is Fili your favorite character? over a year ago by pumpkinqueen
a pop quiz question was added: Altogether, how many braids does Fili have in the third movie? over a year ago by 67impala
a video was added: The battle of Thorin & Cie over a year ago by Sintas54
a comment was made to the poll: Have you ever heard of Aidan Turner before The Hobbit? over a year ago by 67impala
a comment was made to the poll: Have you ever heard of Dean O'Gorman before The Hobbit? over a year ago by 67impala
a comment was made to the poll: Is Kili your favorite character? over a year ago by 67impala
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favorite, Fili or Kili? over a year ago by 67impala
a comment was made to the poll: Who do you find more attractive/better looking? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When running from the orcs and wargs, which one of the brothers enters the Hidden Pass to Rivendell first? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Fili and Kili were supposed to guard the many were there to start with? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: While up in the trees, who uses Fili's lit pine cone to light his own? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: In the Hobbit movies, is Kili the youngest dwarf? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Is Kili the only archer in the dwarf company? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: What colour is Fili's pony? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: What colour is Kili's pony? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: What do Fili and Kili carry into the dining room at Bag End? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Who wipes his boots on Bilbo's bench in Bag End? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When Fili is wearing his swords (and not just carrying them), how are they arranged on his back? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Fili hands his weapons to Bilbo in Bag End and says: "Careful with those, I just had them ___________." over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Who stays with Kili in Laketown when he becomes too sick to travel to the mountain? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: How much time does Thorin give Fili to bind the arrow wound in Kili's leg? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When Kili is shot in the leg with an arrow while trying to release the river gate in Mirkwood, what does Fili throw at an orc about to attack Kili? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When the dwarves are up in the trees trying to escape the orcs and wargs, who slips and nearly falls from the tree - Kili or Fili? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: The dwarves have been separated into two groups by the stone giants. Which of the following are on the ledge with Kili? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: The dwarves have been separated into two groups by the stone giants. Which of the following are on the ledge with Fili? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When the dwarves are separated on the rock ledge by the stone giants, Thorin calls out which brother's name? (Kind of a trick question) over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: When using his bow, does Kili hold the bow in his right hand and the arrow in his left, or does he hold the bow in his left hand and the arrow in his right? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Altogether, how many braids does Fili have in the first movie? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: During the meeting at Bilbo's house, who sits to Kili's left? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: During the meeting at Bilbo's house, who sits to Fili's right? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: What weapons does Fili wear on his boots? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Who is the first dwarf that Fili or Kili meets at Bilbo's house? over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: Who says, "There's another way in." over a year ago by 67impala
a pop quiz question was added: As Bilbo opens his door, which brother does he see first? over a year ago by 67impala