Facebook What would you do if facebook is closed by the developers?

Pick one:
I'll fall in depression...:(
fight!! nothing else just beat those stupid...
fight!!nothing else just beat those stupid developers..
Try to stay out of facebook..
Try to stay out of facebook..
It&# 39; ll be good then if facebook is closed.! : D
It'll be good then if facebook is closed.! :D
Run around with a machine gun and kill everyone.
Added by WolfHeart23
Find another website and tell friends about the...
Find another website and tell friends about the cool website!!*_*
Added by LilyYang
nothing I&# 39; m not that interested.
nothing I'm not that interested.
Added by AlOoOosh
make a twitter
make a twitter
Added by mojo123
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 Haapy-Hair_MeGH posted over a year ago
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