Ever After High RP!

NaomiWinx posted on Jul 01, 2013 at 03:05PM
Here you can create your Ever After High character! Make as many characters as you want! I'll be putting down my Rebel: Chi-Ella SnowFreeze. (Get it? Chi-Ella = Chilly/Chillyea Snow Freeze? Not funny? Kay...)

Ever After High 50 replies

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over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Name: Chi-Ella Snowfreeze-Queen
Age: Unknown
Story: The Snow Queen
Daughter/Son Of: Snow Queen
Family: Snow Queen (Mom) Kai (Little Sister) Grende (Little Brother) Santa (Uncle)
Fairytale Destiny: To become the next Snow Queen
Place At The School: The one who is feared by many
Personality: She is cold and straight to the point not realizing how she hurts peoples feelings. (Soon she wants to change that and transforms into the Snow AND Fire Queen changing her story) She doesn't like people getting in her way and she with freeze you if you do.
Abilities: She can freeze things, Make snow, Levitate objectsn
Name: Chi-Ella Snowfreeze-Queen
Age: Unknown
Story: The Snow Queen
Daughter/Son Of: Snow Queen
limited9906 commented…
Ok I'll join over a year ago
addisonc commented…
m over a year ago
over a year ago limited9906 said…
Name:Yulan Fazuu
Daughter/son of:Mulan
Place at school:the one that is loyal but arrogant for saving china unlike her mother mulan fazuu who was greatful
Fairitale destiny:to become the next Mulan
Royal or Rebel:Rebel
Personality:arrogant but loyal and knows that she hurts ppl and she will hit you with her medal its very strong(its made ou of pure gold from china)she will only hit you when you talk to her in an angry way..
Abilities:can hit very hard,hates ppl who pretend to be something their not and will try to mock them most of the time,her emotions are her strength
favorite colour:jade green(its one of my faves my faves are:royal red,jade green and metalic blue)

last edited over a year ago
Name:Yulan Fazuu
Daughter/son of:Mulan 
Place at school:the one that is l
limited3056 commented…
Do you know that my friend asked a question to some random guy she hates and she said "why you so stupid...!?" LOOOLLLL over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: *looks around* This must be the new stupid school I'm supposed to go to...*walks*
limited9906 commented…
Yulan Fazuu:i know right !? why were we sent to this school i deserve to be in a better one. over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: Hm? *turns* Who might you be exactly...?
limited9906 commented…
yulan fazuu daughter of mulan duhh over a year ago
limited9906 commented…
my mother saved china! over a year ago
halle1283 commented…
lol -.- over a year ago
over a year ago halle1283 said…
Name: Jennifer Queen
Age: Unknown, possibly 17 years old
Story: The Fire Queen
Daughter of: The Fire Queen
Fairy tale destiny: To be the next Fire Queen
Royal or Rebel: Rebel
Personality: She tends to get angry quick
Abilities: Can make fire
Appearance: Coming soon
NaomiWinx commented…
Oh if shes The Fire Queen but then my OC can't because she becomes Fire and Ice queen over a year ago
halle1283 commented…
Oh. I thought she was just ice over a year ago
over a year ago MusaWinxLove said…
Name: Sophia Denae
Age: Unknown
Story: The Animal Queen
Daughter of: Animal Queen
Fairy tale destiny: To be the next Animal Queen
Royal or Rebel: Royal
Personality: Sophia is soft and kind, but can also be rebellious. She enjoys nature and swimming.
Abilities: None
Appearance: Deep pink gown, red high heels, blonde hair, brown eyes
last edited over a year ago
limited9906 commented…
i thought ashlyn ela was daughter of cinderella over a year ago
halle1283 commented…
It's an OC, limited! over a year ago
limited9906 commented…
sorry that wasnt me it was my sister you know jenny -_- shes just 7 but shes brave and defitnetley hits me allot! over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Let's just restart the RP I presume)
Chi-Ella: *walks* Ugh...this stupid school. *looks around observing*
over a year ago limited9906 said…
Yulan Fazuu:*walks around feeling annoyed*WHY???? was i sent to this school its a royal dump!
over a year ago halle1283 said…

Jennifer: *Enters and soon five people run away* Why am I always treated like I'm offensive or something? I just don't get it! *Looks at Yulan* Hey Yulan, I totally agree!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: *looks around and levitates bags* Hm...*points finger towards another student freezing them and chuckles*
over a year ago halle1283 said…
Jennifer: Hey! *Walks to Chi-Ella* I'm sorry but you can't just freeze someone without a reason! That's selfish and rude!
over a year ago MusaWinxLove said…
Sophia: Yesterday I saw a stray cat walking down the nearby, and it meow at me. *Walks to Chi-Ella and Jennifer* And I told the cat not to be rude at other cats!
over a year ago halle1283 said…
Jennifer: Um, who asked you about cats?
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: And who asked you to boss me around? *walks off*
over a year ago limited9906 said…
Yulan fazuu:*thinks maybe i should be friends with jennifer*hey!jennifer...*walks to jennifer*its ok chi ella is just like ...that!....
over a year ago MusaWinxLove said…
Sophia: A cat, is a cat! *Raises both her hands together*
MusaWinxLove commented…
lol Sophia is insane with cats over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: *walks into school* Ugh...the part I hate. Setting up classes.
over a year ago halle1283 said…
Jennifer: So? I'm getting out of this Hell! *Walks into school fastly*
over a year ago limited9906 said…
Yulan: I don't think that this school is appropriate we should be sent into a better one...*talks to a girl and the girl gets angry and shouts at yulan*hey! How dare you shout at me! *hits the girl*
Yulan: I don't think that this school is appropriate we should be sent into a better one...*talks to
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: *looks at list* WHAT! *screams and 10 people freeze in ice around her* This is ridiculous!
over a year ago halle1283 said…
Jennifer: Ugh!
over a year ago limited9906 said…
Yulan: *walks around* ugh i hate this school ppl think im offensive why?? I never did anything wrong accept im hot just like ma mom was....but wtf i dont care now lets go kick some buts...wait what why am i doing this for nothing??...oh well...LOL
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Hehe guys not all the characters are supposed to be all...offensive and stuff. My main character is supposed to be like Raven the only one who really has people run away from her...)
over a year ago halle1283 said…
(Hehe I thought of my character as Cerise Hood. She's not offensive, just can't let go of her wolf side. Except Jennifer can't let go of her fire side xD. I bet Sophia is like Madeline because she did say insane with cats—Madeline is a little insane xD)
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
(Crazy kook xD)
over a year ago halle1283 said…
(Let's continue with the RP)

Jennifer: When's class gonna start? *Looks at the wall clock* Oh! It's about to start in… *Bell rings and Jennifer with some other people run to class*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Chi-Ella: Ugh. Class...*walks into the class sitting at a desk.*
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Can I join as apple?
halle1283 commented…
NO! Create your own character! over a year ago
NaomiWinx commented…
No it's fine if she wants to join as Apple over a year ago
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Apple: Hey guys! You must be new here. I'm Apple, one of the royals. Before you start, let me ask you, are you a royal or a rebel?
Apple: Hey guys! You must be new here. I'm Apple, one of the royals. Before you start, let me ask you
halle1283 commented…
NO! over a year ago
NaomiWinx commented…
She can if she wants over a year ago
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
We have our own OC's and my OC Chi-Ella is a rebel
over a year ago halle1283 said…
(Take a look at link!)

Jennifer: *Enters* Hey, where's the teacher? *Looks around and smirks*
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Teacher: Right here. *puts arms back onto her body* Now sit.
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Apple: (Sits down) Ah, nothing better than a lesson on spells......
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Teacher: Now. Spell-o-logy is a class for all beginners. You don't pass you're an idiot. Now. First spell is levitation. I'm sure you all can do that.
Chi-Ella: Easy. *lifts up a students with a spell and drops him back down*
Teacher: Chi-Ella. I'm glad you're following you destiny, but dropping students isn't exactly going to help.
Chi-Ella: It sure will.
Teacher: *rolls eyes* Now everyone else start practicing
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Apple: (mutters under her breath and lifts up empty chair next to her, holds it up for 15 seconds and slowly lifts it back down) Perfect! Miss, I did it!
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Teacher: Good. Now. Conjour up at lest 3 spells, and test them.
over a year ago limited3056 said…
Hey it's me limited9906 I got suspended ill just continue as Yulan

Yulan:ummm teacher I have one question....wait nevermind
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Apple: (tests 3 spells, levitation, invisibility and super speed) Excuse me miss?..... I've finished.
over a year ago NaomiWinx said…
Teacher: Good. Now write down notes of what you have learned from those spells.
over a year ago Frankiestein65 said…
Apple: Ok....... (Mumbles) I know I wanna follow my destiny but I HATE taking notes
over a year ago lanawish74 said…
Name: Jamison (Jamie) Hook
Age: 16
Story: Peter Pan
Daughter/Son of: Captain Hook
Family: Captain Hook(Dad) Jax (Older Sister)
Fairytale Destiny: To become the next Captain Hook
Place At The School: The Tricky one
Personality: She wants to be her own person, she got confidence (maybe to much) but hates being a villain .
Abilities: Able to trick anyone to do anything she wants (but would rather not)

Name: Jamison (Jamie) Hook
 Age: 16
 Story: Peter Pan
Daughter/Son of: Captain Hook  
 Family: Ca
over a year ago Airinreika said…
lanawish74, you are using my character and my art, so please, remove this
over a year ago MysteryGirl10 said…
Name: Alexis Frost
Age: 15
Story: Rise Of The Guardians
Daughter of: Jack Frost
Fairy tale destiny: To be the next Jack Frost, kinda
Royal or Rebel: Rebel
Abilities: Can make snow and ice
over a year ago Ty_Rex said…
Name: Tyrannus Rexillius
Age: 17
Story: Unknown
Daughter/Son Of: Unknown
Family: Unknown
Fairytale Destiny: Unknown
Place At The School: Prankster
Personality: Mischievous and secluded
over a year ago AndyXD34 said…
Name: Rebecca (Beca) Queen
Age: unknown
Parents Story: Snow White and the seven dwarfs
Story: Evil Queen
Family: Evil Queen (Mom) Raven (Younger sister) Eric (Younger Brother)
Place at school:
To be the evilest
Is like Raven but more Mature. She is Mostly quiet and likes to read books and can cast more spells than her sister. Doesnt want to be rejected and to be rhe next evil queen.
But is friendly and kind if awkward in a way.
Is a Rebel
over a year ago limited3056 said…
Sorry but i would like to continue as a new character
over a year ago limited3056 said…
Name: Elizabeth Whitey
Age: Unknown
Parents Story: Alice In Wonderland
Parents: The White Queen, Unknown Father
Place At School: Kind, Cool but Sweet Popular Royal.
Royal or Rebel: Royal
Personality: Kind, Cool and Sweet. Although she wants to live her life to the fullest like Briar. So, sometimes she is a party animal. I mean, she's got a pretty sweet house.
over a year ago limited3056 said…
this is Elizabeth
this is Elizabeth
over a year ago Spamilton said…
Name : Mackenzie hare
Age : 17
Parents story : alice in wonderland
Parents : the March hare
Place at school : crazy, insane, class clown
Royal or rebel : rebel
Personality : crazy, insane, some ever say she's on and above.. well... mad!!
over a year ago Spamilton said…
What she looks like
What she looks like