Emo Are you Emo What is Emo

Gorgiacrossroad posted on May 09, 2007 at 03:14PM
What makes you Emo huh
the word Emo means Emotional
so can you dress Emotional

A couple of websites have there own definition of this Way of life

Wikipedia says

Urban dictionary says

So what is Emo to you do you think its all dumb white teens that have nothing better to do but get depressed or do you thing its just a music title gone to far - crossroads

Emo 19 replies

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over a year ago iheartadam2 said…
I think it's a way of life
over a year ago ihatelife said…
i think its like me in every way.
over a year ago Abbibeach94 said…
depents wat kinda emo ur on bowt, dere is emo which is dressin n lyking emo bands or there are emos who are depressed kinda thing.... my m8tz r emos but dey dnt slit dere wrists or owt dey r just normal happi people who dress emo... i think its kewl :)
over a year ago czechgurl said…
punkemo.pronounced (pngk/ˈiːmoʊ/) is a style of music and way of life which describes several independent peoples.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago czechgurl said…
Was that the question?
over a year ago fizzlizz said…
my friends tell me im emo because i listen to that music, i dnt nessecerily dress very emo..just unique, and i think im called it because of my emotions, and what i do to myself...
over a year ago Dark_Silence said…
It's a way of seeing the world in black and white. You know that life is miserable and you try to co-exist with the minimal touch. No one is like you and you know it. We do have emotions, and depression is in the top list. It is not just music or clothes, is feelings.
over a year ago Dark_Silence said…
Nevermind, that is goth. Okay, my definition of emo is that you think that everything and everyone deserves something like a fair treatment or a place in this planet; when deprived from it, you are very sensitive and cry. Emos are the most sensible people in this world (a way to put it, goths have their sensitive moments too).
over a year ago fitzdude said…
its self-obsession,, a scene' people have problems, emos are just people tha unload their problems on other people, and seem incapable of fuckin working to get their life sorted, they dont seem to realize tha anythin in life tha is worth havin is hard to achieve/// they make misery && understand tha misery loves company. sensible?? crying isnt a bad thing, but emos are just dicks tha cry over everyone/thing around them until someone else helps them out of pity or kindness, and takes their burden.- its wrong p.s. i aint callin anyone emo, but i am callin emo fuckin idiocy
over a year ago latinlover said…
i dissagree wit fitzdude i dnt fucking care if peeps care and i dnt put burdens on them in fact i dnt tell no one at my fucking school that i cut i have only really told peeps on pop, and its not idiocy its an addiction asshole and self emotion dickhead so get it strait b4 u start to judge!
over a year ago just_josie said…
fitzdude i think you have pissed some of us off a tiggle bit! i for one do not consider myself emo, i listen to the music and dress the part on occasion, but that isn't emo it's SCENE! emo is a type of music, scene kids listen to the music. holy shit! but either way fitzdude you see emo as i see scene so therefore you are putting myself and my friends down and i'm just not so cool with that ya digg? so here's the deal, grow the fuck up before you open your mouth again. if you think that emo's are self-serving idiots keep it to your fucking self. i think that you are the idiot for judging a whole group of people over a few who have given us a bad name. and you wanna know why emos are depressed and have fucking problems? PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO ALWAYS PUT THEM DOWN YOU FUCKING DOUCHE BAG!
over a year ago iluvtheoffice12 said…
hey fitzdude u fukhead get the hell off this spot if all ur gna do is critisize it im sik and fuking tired of goig to all my favorite spots and seeing dikheads like u fuking it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if ur not a fan GET THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago punkymonkey said…
First Off...Not All Emos Cut.
And Ive Heard So Many Deffinitions Of Emo
Im Jus Gonna Say Emo Is Whatever That You Want It To Be. Everyone Has Their Own Deff Of What Emo Really Is.And Yea fitzdude I Think Your The One With The Self Obsession Problems And I Think You Need To Start Caring About Others Problems.
Jus Cuz Someone Has Problems Dosent Mean That They Are Emo If That Was The Case The Whole World Would Be Emo.
over a year ago trevarawrusrex said…
Mucho agree with punkymonkey
cuz alot of what she says is right.
i get called emo becuz the way that i dress
but im not gonna label mydelf.
over a year ago iluvryry said…
yeah you go iluvtheoffice12!!!!!!
over a year ago deathnote said…
i think emo is a life style, it's you, it's whatever you want to do to be, however, there are many different ways to be Emo, but on most of the time Emo's have some sort of life burden, not all just some :)
over a year ago BmanEMO said…
fitzdude, why dont u shut the fuck up, u dont no what ur talkin about, very few emos r like that, not all emos r depressed and self-obsessed and miserable. thats the most fuckin stereotypical thing ive heard EMO = MUSIC AND FASHION, NOTHIN MORE some emos cut themselves and some r depressed, but cutting, depression, suicide and all that shit shouldnt be associated with emo
over a year ago lovedeath26 said…
emo is a way of life
over a year ago miss_orange said…
I Don't Think that Emo Mean Emotionnal, i Think it's More of a Music Genre.