Dreams What's the strangest dream you've had ?

MightyWilliam posted on Dec 09, 2007 at 06:17AM
Just wondering ?

Dreams 18 replies

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over a year ago stuart1d said…
most of my dreams are based on paranoid conspiracy theories against me. the whole world is against me and either want me dead or to be suffering. if thats not strange then i dont know what is.
over a year ago MightyWilliam said…
I've had those , but for me , It would have to be my werewolf or vampire dreams . The world's a apocalyptic waste land and I'm either a werewolf in a tribe of werewolf warriors , or a vampire fighting werewolves or trying to get into a human strong hold .
over a year ago Booyahboy said…
I dream that Im different people a lot, and kinda like Video game happenings, etc... too much Xbox?
over a year ago R-S-Lee said…
WEll, I have two weird ones.

I once dreamt that my kindly old grandmother had gone insane and chased after me with a knife.

And that the villains of Star Wars (minus Darth Vadar for some reason) tried to suck me into my TV.

I'm an odd person!!!
over a year ago Booyahboy said…
Wow! What's it like in your head... Must be fun, Odd people are the most interesting
over a year ago bluej12 said…
i had a similar dream like R-S-Lee
my grandma told me she was gonna die, and she wanted me to leave her on the chair she died in, so i did and she she sat their dead,for some reason she was evil and i think she told me she was gonna kill me(can't really remeber) but before i went to sleep i was holding a pen for protection.

another weird dream i had was about vampires at my school, i remember it was last year before christmas:
i was in my chemistry class...there was a head-less demon in the halls...one of the floors at my school was flooded..Dave chappelle was the principal...stan lee was living at my school...spiderman was fight something that was a combination of King-pin and the Thing(everytime spiderman was hurt i would feel his pain...mostly everyone was a vampire and they could withstand sunlight, i decide to become a vampire so i asked one of them to bite me and it kinda hurt.
i can't remeber the ending i can only remeber fragments of that dream

i somewhat remember another dream:
i was at school everything was normal till i opened a door it led me to my house in the kitchen thier was a boat and my two friends (pirates) asked me if sharks were around, then i stepped into another rooom and my p.e. teacher was sleeping their...i somehow ended up on the set of that 70's show and i saw jackie and kelso fighting about thier dates for an award show....at the award show i saw kelso standing their then i turned because some one was about to enter, then entrance was golden and Britney spears entered all she said was Snow, then i turneed to kelso and he had turned to justin timberlake with a mustache... i cant remember the ending

i know i have really strange dreams
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cara09 said…
i have a lot of dreams with random tornadoes thrown in. something totally normal will be hppening and then all of a sudden there are like seven tornadoes off in the distances.

I have also had dreams where I am being forced into arranged marriages with people i really hate. Those are kinda creepy
over a year ago jacob4ever57 said…
probably when the floor was falling in pieces into a waterfall and it got all of my family and then.......i was at the end of the earth and it got me but, then i woke up!
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
The other night I had a dream that Jon Lovitz was dressed in pants covered in feathers (probably stemmed from an episode of "My Name Is Earl" I saw), and he was chasing me around a church balcony with a chainsaw.
over a year ago miss_little said…
the other night I had a dream that I was kidnapped by Jensen Ackles, this was because he thought i was demon and then Jared started speaking all Latin or something and I joined in! and they stood back suprised so I laughed and called them Sam and Dean and they said what are you on about? So I was like what the hell is going on and then Bret Harrison from Reaper came along and was like she is the devil's daughter and I was like are you kidding me Bret so he got out his vessel and Jared started chanting again! Then Westlife (the irish boy band) came in and there was a random couch and three of them were sitting on the couch but one of them called Mark was asking them to lift their feet up because he was hoovering with a Dyson Hoover! and he was singing out of tune!!! so they all walked over to me and they are like what are you? and I was like saying "HELLO I AM HUMAN!!" and then they all started doing a dad dance and then i was running and was thrown into a big black car!! and knocked out! Then I woke up!
over a year ago Ratdog said…
I dreamt I accidentally killed a girl in my technology class after she attacked me. It seemed to last for ages and I could remember every detail after waking up. I was arrested in front of my whole school and taken to the police station for questioning but released when they realised it was an accident. But after I returned to school, everyone was scared of me and I killed myself. Not the happiest of dreams.
over a year ago Amberla said…
I once had a dream about a ganster that tried to kill me when a sweet guy saved me. But later in my real life I meet the same guy in the reality. I don't understand....
over a year ago zuntiz said…
I almost always have weird dreams, one I remember is that I "wake up" and there's an old lady in a chair by my bed and she attacks me. As I'm trying to fight her off, I "wake up" again and feel really relieved, but then I see her sitting in the chair before she tries to strangle me, so to defend myself I try to stab her with a ruler...
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
ok this is pretty sick...but i gotta say it. yesterday me and my friends were talkin about jamie lynn spears and how she got raped but its OK cuz she has the cutest baby ever <3 (idk if she got raped but...) well last nite i had a dream tht I was raped (by who IDK) and was pregnant and since im Christian i was terrified of telling anyone cuz my mom would kill me. then i went to this place where all these girls i new were pregnant 2 and it was like 'o i might not b pregnant!!' and then it was like 'i am' and then back and forth. does anyone no wat this means?? i got relly freaked out this morning wen i woke up; i swear i saw a bump on my stomach and started screaming cuz i was afraid it was all real!!!
over a year ago axlluver43 said…
i couple of days ago I had a dream that all my college professors were the batman villains. It was actually kind of cool, but i woke up and I was like "awww" that was probably the most realistic one i've ever had
over a year ago khfan12 said…
So far, it was where i was talking to an old frind who i havent seen for like, two years, then, out of nowhere, Taylor Lautner comes and huggs me. and then at the end, i won an award and then i was singing.

VERY strange.
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
I had a dream where me and my sister and my cousins were kidnapped by pirates. They took us on a ship with our hands tied and started asking us where the "snowite crystals" were, and then Peter Pan came and saved us and I fell in love with Peter Pan, and we got married and had a baby named Paula Pan, and SHE was kidnapped by pirates and she got away by herself and ran away to live with these ninjas or something.

I know. My mind is really messed up.
over a year ago adieee said…
Last night I had a dream that I was at this fancy restaurant with the characters from meet the fockers, but Dina (Pam's mum) wasn't there for some reason.
I was at the back with jay and silent bob (from clerks) and sitting on the counters talking about all of this random stuff, then I kissed jay on the cheek and got mad at him because he asked me to get busy with him so I left and went to sit with everyone else. I found out that I was married to Greg, and I started whispering into his ear and flirting with him. Jack was sitting across from me and his hand was out on the table and this girl next to him (I think it was Pam) tried to punch it pretty hard but missed and got the table, then she's like "Ow, what the hell happened?" and holding her hand back, and I pointed at his hand and I'm like "you tried to punch his hand". Then jack got his 'jack Byrnes face' on cuz somehow he had no idea what Pam tried to do and I accidentally touched the back of his hand with my finger. So I start to move my hand back until he held it lightly, Greg got pissed off at him so he grabbed my other hand a bit tighter, then they both went on for a bit trying to get the better hand action. Then Jack started kissing the back of my hand (like in the older movies) and I was smiling at him, and greg got unhappy and gave up.

Most of my dreams have something to do with movies, too many maybe? Nahh
It was actually the best sleep I'd had in a while O.o