Dreams What's the worst nightmare you've ever had ?

MightyWilliam posted on Dec 09, 2007 at 06:16AM
Just wondering ?

Dreams 37 replies

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over a year ago Booyahboy said…
Ok, dont laugh, I once dreamt that I was being chased by a vampire round my house and the only thing protecting me was wearing pink... dont laugh, It was really scary and when I was a lot younger.
over a year ago MightyWilliam said…
Hmmmm , I've had vampire dreams where I was a vampire and "Pink" didn't scare me off very much .
over a year ago yolypeiba said…
That I was taking finals on vacations. Hate that dream...really a nightmare jeje.
over a year ago bluej12 said…
i had a dream where zombies were taking over:
i was at a supermarket and everything was normal
just grocery shopping until after a while Adam from Heroes showed up, he somehow unleashed the zombies, so i tried to hide but that didnt work... (fragments)i found some of my friends at the store and we somehow made it in the store without any weapons or killing zombies(dont know how thats possible)...when we tired to escape it was scary we had to run from the store to my moms car without getting caught by the zombies and many of them were coming out of nowhere..cant remeber the ending.

i had another zombie dream:it was scary and strange(i somehow changed to an Asian man):
i was at school having a pretty good time then all of a sudden zombies are on the loose...i remeber just running becuase the zombies wanted me for a reason so i ran and ran then i lost them, so i ran some more but i changed into the Asian man and i would jump on cars and over fences(it was crazy)..i see a trailer and check if any humans are there and they were i saw El Wray(grindhouse) and some others all of a sudden zombies come and we fight them , then te zombies became human.... more zombies come and them only way to escape them was by going to China and the only way to get to China was to run on the bridge that connected the US to China, so we ran and ran and ran and only me El Wray and Tom Savini were able to make it to China...

i know i have reaaly weird dreams
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Okay. Mine was repeating and I was much younger, so don't laugh:

A witch (looked like a typical witch, green skin, wart on long nose, black attire with hat, short and squat) was chasing me. Just running. She didn't have a broom or anything. Just running after me cackling. We were in the desert.

Suddenly, I ran off a cliff and felt like I fell into my bed. I tell myself that it was just a scary dream but I turn to face away from my wall, and THE WITCH is standing right over me, looking like she's about to *grab* me.

I woke up, for real this time. I was more freaked out than I ever have been in my entire life.
Double dreams are really, really scary.

Anyways, I had that exact dream 3-4 times within 2 months. I wonder what it meant.
over a year ago miss_little said…
This is important for the dream! Well it was when I lived in my old house so it was a while ago! Well anyway I was about 8years old but anyway the dream was about:-
One day my mum and brother went to get milk from the shop around the corner and they had left me and my sister in the house alone! And me were sitting on our stairs which were right in eye contact of the door window-this window was kind of bleary to look through and there was this dark figure that looked like a man he opened the gate and started to walk up the path and then he opened the letter box and started to scream my name through the door and told me to open the door for him. And I was nearly scared to death and my sister just turned into this zombie thing and went over to the door to let the man in and I was crying. Then when he had came in, he came over to me he was slowly backing up the stairs and he was telling me to stay still that he wasn’t going to hurt me and then the house phone went and my sister went over to the phone and said “we have got her”. And then I turned around on the stairs and ran up them and the man followed me, grabbing my leg and I was kicking him off but he was too strong and he put me over his shoulder and carried me to the living room. He then through me on the couch and gave me this injection that put me asleep.
When I woke I was in some random warehouse, where my sister is sitting on this chair staring into space. I was tied to this chair and then I was asked a question about the government and I said “what the hell” and started to cry and then he punched me in the nose and I literally felt the pain!!!

Then I woke up with my nose pumping blood that lasted around 30 minutes and I kept having really bad nose bleeds that lasted about 20 minutes after that dream!!! And sometimes I have dreams about the man coming. It is scary to me!!!
over a year ago Ratdog said…
^^I have had the same experience after dreaming about being punched in the face and then waking up with a nosebleed.

The worst dream I've ever had was being chased by a dark figure through alleyways and then running into a dead end and being stabbed by him. I had that feeling where I was falling backwards and I woke up screaming. I also had a horrible shooting pain through my chest, right where I was 'stabbed'. The dream kept repeating about 3 times a month for half a year and I hated every minute of it. I think I developed a kind of voluntary insomnia where I would purposefully keep myself awake by drinking coffee or opening a window so I was freezing cold and too uncomfortable to sleep. Touch wood, I haven't had that dream in about 5 months and I'm hoping it stays that way.

Also, I've been told by family and friends that I regularly sleep with my eyes open and talk in my sleep. I have had conversations with people with absolutely no recollection when I awake. My brother was so scared of seeing me asleep with my eyes open that he actually took a photo to prove it to me, it even scared me, lol.
over a year ago tvluva49 said…
Ok, I have all these dreams about Freddy Krueger, but they're not scary. Then I have these dreams about getting in trouble at school, and I freak out. (So preppy, I know). The weirdest thing. . .
over a year ago Epetrus said…
The worst nightmare? I don't often have these, but the latest one freaked me out. I'm not easily scared and bloody horrors don't frighten me. I'm more scared of the psychological horrors and young children, since I get along with very few kids younger than me.
So, here's my nightmare:
I was flying home (yes, I had wings) after a night out with friends. I was gonna get in trouble, because it was WAY too late. I promised my mom I'd be home by 9 and it was past midnight.
Usually, when I stay out too long, I get a warning call or message from my mother, in which she instructs me to come home immediately, but this time, I didn't get one.

I was almost home, so I decided to walk, since(obviously) I didn't want anyone finding out about my flying abilities. As I turned the corner, on foot, I heard a chain being dragged somewhere in the dark corner. I came closer and saw a face illuminated in the light of the only lamp in the entire street.

It was a dirty face of an approximately 2-3 year old boy. He was filthy and naked, only wearing something that once must have looked like underwear, but now, more like a muddy scarf. The way his skin showed the outline of most bones in his body, I realized that it must have been weeks since he had some food. He also had cuts and bruises and was chained to a tree. At least that's what I thought.
He tried to say something, but had a hard time doing so, because the chain was fastened around this neck. He must have had a sweet voice back in the day, but now t was a little hoarse. He asked me to play with him.

I knew that I'd be a dead woman if I stayed out any longer, so I apologized and said I couldn't. This made the boy's wrinkly, sweaty face harden with anger. I looked in his eyes and saw that they could have easily been a murderer's eyes. I caught myself standing very close to him and saw he was no longer chained to a tree. He walked over, the chain rattling behind him. Of course, I moved back.(I didn't trip like I would if this was a movie)

The closer he got to me, the less conscious I felt. He stopped, looked into the other dark end of the street and started growling.
The growling grew nearer from behind me, but my eyes were glued to the boy who was standing in place. With the greatest effort, I looked over behind me, but there was nothing there. When I looked back at the boy, I saw he was accompanied by a dog. A cocker spaniel, to be exact. It started to get closer

My dream had the lamest ending you could imagine. I wasn't even chased by anyone. The dog just got closer and I woke up.
The freaky part is this: I often see the very same dog and boy following me and they disappear every time I try to get a closer look. I often pass the street and see a chain near the tree or a shadow. Their faces and bodies are usually in the most random places. In church this lady had a shirt with green flowers on it and I saw the cocker spaniel there as well. It was gone after I blinked. Even right now, as I'm sitting next to a window, I feel the breeze and get goosebumps.

Sorry for the rant XD
I also have double dreams and once I had a triple dream, but that's it.
over a year ago noleeblue said…
I was out fishing with my dad and there was a whorl pool and I got sucked down there while my dad was still on the boat. anyway I wasn't dead apparently, I was on some island and I looked up in the sky and I saw my dad.

curs my for remembering this! I'm sad now!
over a year ago made_of_awesome said…
well nobody else thinks this is scary, in fact, most of them laugh.

When i was in 4th grade i dreamed that i was cleaning up my basement with my mom and all of a sudden my mom disappeared. Then i stepped on the hand of this really scary "How the grinch stole christmas" doll and it came to life and tried to eat me... i ended up defeating him with laughter... i dont know wtf that dream meant but i was so terrified of that doll afterwards cuz i had 3 other dreams like that

the second one was i heard laughter from the basement and so i came down there to see the grinch doll standing there smiling at me it was so freaky

the third one was it had taken a bunch of children (my sister and i included) and we were sitting at desks in the middle of the road and the grinch said he planned on eating us all and my sister and i ran away to our neughbor and she cast a spell that would kill the grinch but the speel would take 100 years. Then she aid my sister and i couldnt leave the spot we were in until the spell worked and my sister started listing all the things we would miss in 100 years and i woke up sobbing cuz it was really sad and scary

we had to get rid of that grinch doll. I haven't had another one of those dreams since then.
over a year ago dreamerpixie said…
i don't actually remember having a nightmare... i can control my dreams farely well. it's weird, but before i could i guess i had like one.here it is: i was in 1st grade, and everyone from my class was at my house. then these creepy huge gang guys came through our side gate, and they killed us all one by one, then just as they were about to shoot me in the head i "woke up". i thought i was safe, but then i got shot in the head from the inside out and my forehead was spewing blood like a fountain. then i really woke up, i was really scared. i was only a first grader too. :(
over a year ago fear1888 said…
the night after i went to the haunted house called nightmare, FACE YOUR FEARS i dreamt that i was locked in the haunted prison in there and coulden't get out the rest is wayyyyyy to private. it really ment that face your fears part just thinking about what i saw in there make me scared.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ChibiUsa1995 said…
There was a disease going around that made you want to kill and my family caught it. My Mom, Dad, and both my sisters were after me. I remember that once you got the disease there was no cure. I was crying as I looked at my family; they stared at me with cold, soulless eyes. I would try to escape, but my family would always catch me.

I woke up so scared and so sad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bluefire said…
My dad died from a car accident while driving to pick me up from home. I was watching the news and they said a man had died in a car accident, and they said my dad's name. I ran out onto the street and then all of a sudden I was in this mall next to where I lived when I was little, and I was running and crying through it. There were these two girls my age in front of me and I punched them for no reason. Then everyone hated me cause I turned depressed. When I woke up I wanted to cry cause I thought it was real, then I remembered it was just a dream but I was so scared...
over a year ago Saffle said…
OKAY DONT LAUGH! I had a dream that i was at this hotel and my sister was a teenager but now today she is only 6 and we had a room in a mouse hole that looked like a lady bug shape. My mom and dad left to do something so we were going to the front desk and there was this little man that just looked like a hat with tiny eyes popping out and he shot my sister so we called 911 and a ambulance came. After that I woke up screaming and i have only told 1 person until now.link
over a year ago quentinduhe said…
you can laugh if you want. ok, in my nightmare i was in bed, and i had this doll hanging from my doorknob. (i don't really have a doll.) and it moved, but i thought i was seeing things. so i closed my eyes again, and the doll got off the doorknob, came to me, and tryed to kill me.
over a year ago LunaShay said…
Mortal Combat came to life with the countdown.And i had that dream when i was 4.FOUR!
over a year ago iluvPrinceMJ213 said…
My house was on fire and I rode my horse out but my other horses didn't make it
over a year ago AaronHaley4ever said…
One time I dreamed that my dad set me on fire because I asked him for a Wii.
over a year ago BLAMargera123 said…
i have loads of wackey dreams like this one:

I was in my old school i was in the 2nd grade, i was in the gym/mess hall i was sitting with this old fat guy in a suit(he wasnt that fat he had like a flabby chin) he was talking to me then a dark guy(he was completely dark he didnt have a face or nothin') hit the old guy in the neck with this pipe, THEN a fat slug cane out of the old guys mouth, the dark figure turned into some tentacled thing and thats all i know.

There was other dream when i was with this team and we were armed with weapons and then there were these pig bikers (yeah go on ahead and laugh) and i was scared they were walking over to me so i stabbed myself in the head, then i woke up with the top of my head aching. yeah thats right i'd take my own life instead of being someone's bitch. *spits*

and this the last one i'll talk about, i forgot the starting but the ending to it was i was at my grandmas computer room then the pillows on the couch in the computer room exploded and i screamed and woke up screaming with my closed. i sleep with my mouth shut, keeps the bugs out.
over a year ago amandafanpeet said…
i was in a link then suddenly my dog swallowed me
over a year ago Bond_Of_Fury said…
Being eaten alive by a white shark.
over a year ago Fairstepshaven said…
Dont laugh-
Mine was i was in my school, which was also my house, and this giant hermit crab that spit poisonous goo was, like, chasing everyone. And i was hiding in a closet in the coatroom of one of the rooms. It found me and started chasing me, out to a gazebo by a pool or ocean type place. I locked it in the gazebo and suddenly was in my house. Again, dont laugh- i had this money blanket i loved, and this girl i didnt know barfed on it. I got pissed. I kicked her out of my house thing and the hermit crab got out of the gazebo, but instead it was a black and brown dog and it jumped into the ocean and swam away. When i woke up, i was TERRIFIED. Now im scared of hermit crabs... But i had strange dreams when i was a kid, and i always drew a picture of it or wrote about it... And my dreams are always so real... Like the hermit crab nightmare, i had screamed in the middle of the night and had woken up with a cut across my arm... which was bleeding and hurting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago carenwang90 said…
TOTAL BAD DREAMS!!!!! I dream when I in the school alone and its midnight. I see a mysterious shadow out there, when I out.......... WHAAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! I know that's my friend and I still 4th Grade. I'm still used a belt, spikes and other for... for.... for.... for.... for what? FOR KILLING ME!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
When i was little I dreamed that my sister died in a car crash and no-one cared but me. I was so scared and sad that I woke up gasping and crying and i ran screaming into my sister's room and I hugged her so tight she had to pry me off. She says that I was sobbing and babbling so badly that she couldn't understand what i was saying...that was a terrible day. I couldn't stop hugging her all day... :(
over a year ago sammyscrazza said…
My bad dream: My family and I were sleeping because it was about 5 am. We woke up to a weird sound and went on the porch to take a look at it. My sister and i stepped out on the porch and found thousands, literally thousands of tornados all over the horizon. One of them was forming right by our house and every where you went there was always a tornado about 1000 feet away from another one. We decided to go to hawaii since there are no tornados their. Once we arrived the airport went into a lockdown and a tornado swept the roof right off and everyone around me was gone but me. I guess im afraid of tornados or something but i have always been so fascinated in them.
over a year ago Azoe said…
My parents were dying of a scary disease. They looked terrible pale with bloody mouths, and I couldn't touch them because it was highly contagious, but I did anyway and then my little brothers were all alone, it was so terrible and I woke up crying! The only weird thing was that the disease came from tigers. I think I was 10 when I had the dream.
over a year ago AmuhasAsecret said…
My family was burnt in a fire... i woke up crying
over a year ago FeelicityW said…
that was one of the worst dreams i've had but it also showed me something - it showed me that i want to live. i dreamt my dad and me were arguing, i ran into my room and locked the door. a few seconds later my dad was standing in front of the door, telling me to unlock it. i refused. he then placed a bomb (!) near the door and said that if i didn't unlock the door RIGHT NOW, it would explode. then i woke up.
over a year ago flipnalex said…
Last night i had a dream that every ten seconds in my room there would be a count down in my room and there would be a tsunami that i had to dive under and hold my breath. By the way i was dreaming about my self trying to get to sleep then all this started happening. Anyway this went on for a while.so i quickly turned my light on between the waves and there was a chucky doll in my face and it said are you scared yet and i pushed it off me and it grabbed my leg as i stood up i managed to wriggle it off and i ran down to my parents room and my parents were chucky and the bride. And they were sleeping but i said mum dad and there heads twisted and faced me and i woke up. Ahhh so scary by the way i havent watched or taled about chucky sice i was 4 so about 10 years ago!
over a year ago ocean20170 said…
The worst nightmare I've ever had was when I was in primary school clowns came and shot everyone but I had found a secret passage but then the clowns found me and chopped my head off and hung me on the wall of their hideout
over a year ago Pikagirl541 said…
I call it Mr. Skull face and it goes like this: my grandma was babysitting me and my older brother one night. We could hear her talking on the phone and then she stopped. We went out to see what was wrong. She didn't respond so I spun her chair around. All the skin from her face was gone; obviously she was dead. At some point my brother disappeared and I was running from an evil spirit that steals peoples faces.
over a year ago Flamefox said…
I once had a nightmare of skipping happily with jack and jill and that rabbit with the watch to a pondand we where singing this creepy song with a kid that cracked his neck when he fell down ad died in the pond.Then this witch that killed that kid came out of the pond and came after us and she killed jack,injured the rabbit,and i do'nt know where jill went.Then i defeated the witch,but i dissepeared,and saw the rabbit limping away singing the song.Then Jack came back and killed the rabbit.....i could'nt fall asleep that night.
over a year ago TheZapAttack said…
this dream was a interesting dream. Your not going to think its scary until the end I fear. This dream was about a warehouse that was parked in a corner of a street. I walked and as soon as I did the main door closed. so I kept walk to see a door open in front of me with no one behind it, so I walked in. It closed behind and another door opened. I go on and on repeat the same process of the opening and closing of the doors as I progressed. I finally get into another room, but there was no doors that was opened, all locked, all cold hard steel. Than I realized that there were body's on ground. I freaked out, so I turned around only to see the door I came through slam shut. For some reason I hear music in the background (music you would hear when at the end of a horror movie) I couldn't control myself anymore. The dream just made me step onto the dead body's and lie there. All of a sudden it became third person view and I saw myself staring into space as the camera(ill just call it a camera) like the movies) zoomed out. I realized I knew I couldn't get out, why try? I woke up very early in the morning only to realize that I was sweating and huffing. Than I was inspired to make a short story about it. One thing kept wondering in my mind that day forward.... "When one door closes another one opens" ******WARNING******* DO NOT READ THIS AT NIGHT*******
over a year ago Cheesiecorn said…
I once dreamed that I was at the funeral of a friend of mine. I was glad when I woke up because I knew it was just a dream but still..... I was in shock!
over a year ago PraetorianGuard said…
I once had a dream where I was all alone and the world was blowing up, another dream was where my oldest sister was killed.