Doctor Who Fav Episode of New Series

tubachick posted on Jun 05, 2007 at 09:02PM
Hey! I was just wondering what everyone's favorite episode of the new series three was?
I think my favorite so far has been "Human Nature"...

Doctor Who 8 replies

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over a year ago crewdy said…
Human Nature/ Family of Blood! Absolutely fantastic episodes; they're the two I was desperate to see as soon as they accounced it and they easily lived up to expectations. After that it would have to be Gridlock.
over a year ago Aili said…
At first I liked The Shakespeare Code, but now Blink. But Human Nature and Family of Blood were also real good.
I actually don't know.... I like them all :D:D
over a year ago SunDogDeb said…
Utopia so far -- tied up a lot of loose ends with Captain Jack. Blink scared the s**t out of me -- reminded me of an old Night Gallery with Bill Bixby and an evil possessed statue that had scared me pretty sincerely as a kid!
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
Blink,Utopia,Sound of drums And when it comes out i will probably like last of the time lords. i looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snoznoodle said…
Human Nature/ Family of Blood/ Blink/ Gridlock/ Utopia... the list goes on basically all of them. This season was amazing its sad to see it end.
over a year ago ciaran said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Birdy said…
sound of the Drums
I really enjoyied listening to the master, as he cracked me up
over a year ago Niwdog said…
For me it's between: "Blink", "Utopia" and "THe sound of Drums," but i got to say, that for me as a classic episode I will never forget and always see as the BEST is: "Bad Wolf." The bit when Rose absorbs the TARDIS energy and obliterates all the Daleks with it then resurrects Captain Jack with it, before letting the Doctor absorb it then regenerate. Brilliance!