Doctor Who The Cruicble and the Experiments

JenXer posted on Jul 01, 2008 at 03:11PM
I think there is so much exciting character stuff to ponder we haven't really looked at what Davros and the Daleks are actually up to with all of this. The Doctor says that the stolen planets form a giant engine. Davors says in the episode that the crucible is ready and later they discuss the humans selected for testing. What are they doing to the humans, testing them for what? Are these Mengele-type experiments, seeing what a human can endure and how it reacts or is there another purpose behind them? More human daleks or something more insidious. Will the fires of Pyrovilia help fire up th engine and heat the crucible that holds the human test subjects? Or is this all simply a huge machine designed to end the universe? What do you think?

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over a year ago blind_moon said…
The Humans being selected for testing, reminds me of the episode in season 3 "Daleks in Manhattan" when the daleks where selecting the humans who were more "intelligent" to make new dalek-humans and the ones who were not to become Pig Slaves!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DalekSec said…
My theory is: cloning.

Remember, it was said (by RTD, I think) that an element from each episode would be carried forth into the season finale.

Well, from the first two episodes, we have missing planets. From "Planet of the Ood," we have 'your song must end soon,' which presumably refers to the Doctor's death - or perhaps something happening to Donna. From the Sontaran two-parter, we have Project Indigo.

What comes out of "The Doctor's Daughter"? CLONING! How this would contribute to Davros's master plan of destruction, well, I have no idea. But it does explain the 'two Doctors' rumours that have been floating around - and it does pave the way for a happy ending for Rose Tyler.