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Doctor Who Question

Do you like what Steven Moffat's done so far on the Doctor Who series?

 ktichenor posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

pizzaamane said:
No. No. No. No. He's afraid of real consequences in his writing and his female characters are essentially the same. He makes sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc., jokes at every opportunity. He's made the Doctor get sexually assaulted at least twice, as well as sexually assault a married queer woman and not even apologize. He is misogynistic, biphobic, and has called asexual people "boring". He called Rose Tyler the Doctor's "needy girlfriend". He creates these characters whose ENTIRE LIVES revolve around the Doctor and it just makes me want to puke my guts out, Amy was constantly infantilized, had a mystical pregnancy story line that took all of her agency and tossed it, and regressed as a character. I appreciate that he brought back Gallifrey, I really do. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, he completely threw canon into the fucking wind in the 50th. And I'm so mad that he refused to bring in any classic companions or Doctors besides Tom Baker, because the 50th was supposedly about looking forward? Bullshit. That was the biggest missed opportunity, and every single one of those actors deserved to have their part in that special more than Moffat ever would have. I also really hate him as a person, the fact that he just seems to have this huge ego and thinks that his writing is beyond criticism or something makes me want to throw up in my mouth. So yeah, no. I don't appreciate Moffat. I can't wait until he's gone, either. Then maybe I can start being enthusiastic about New Who again.
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posted over a year ago 
TDDD said:
I agree completely and utterly with Pizzaamane. link fully explains everything I've hated about Doctor Who in recent years, and it's all since Steven Moffat took over.

Russel T. Davies created this wonderful concept. He brought back an old highly beloved TV character and brought him back completely changed. The new doctor that came on screen had done this horrific and terrible thing to his own people and "2.47 billion children" in order the save the universe because he felt he had no choice. But this meant that the Doctor was now the last of his race, grief-stricken, angry, self-loathing, bitter. He's not the same character we had before and rightly so. How could he be the same after what he did? Using that Russel T. Davies created a wonderfully complex and nuanced character and builds several years worth of character development on that. The Doctor acts the way he does because of that decision he made on Gallifrey. He had a vision of a character and formed him beautifully - “He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful."

The quote the article I referenced - Moffat doesn't understand grief. When he refuses to let people die (and Davies certainly wasn't afraid of this) or when he gives them softened deaths (dying happily of old age is a really common one in the show now) he cheapens death in the show. And this is another way he has no respect for Davies work. Remember at the end of "The Doctor Dances" it was really surprising and heartwarming because "Just this once — everybody lives!" This was a beautifully written two-parter and I commend Steven Moffat for it, but he can't end every single episode with everyone being okay! He just can't. I have been unable to properly watch or enjoy Doctor Who since the end of Tennant's reign. It's extremely difficult to care about any of the characters when none of them are in any real danger.

Don't get me started on the continuity issues that have riddled the show since Moffat began writing. He's skating on the popularity of the show and using the excuse "because time travel and wibbley wobbley timey wimey". He's constantly contradicting the rules of the universe that have been in place for years and making writing decisions that make no sense!

I don't like his writing for his sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia. But most of all, I dislike it because he undid every bit of character development, nuance and complexity that embodied Doctor Who at the beginning of the reboot. All because he's afraid of consequences and grief.
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posted over a year ago 
Natalie_Singer said:
Okay, I understand it's an unpopular opinion, but I must say I don't like it. I don't like his characters (except Clara). I don't like the changes made to the Time War. I really think Russell T Davies era was the Golden Ages of Doctor Who. He brought it back, and he has helped advance Doctor Who into the highest levels. He's a really great writer. I don't want to say we shouldn't be grateful that Moffat done for Doctor Who, but honestly I worry about Doctor Who’s future.
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posted over a year ago 
i kind of agree with you on that. i like the way he did the show, but what i didnt like was the fact he didnt mention or show the Master -_- like John Simms
dcanimefreak posted over a year ago
Potter_Who97 said:
I have a very mixed opinion. His episodes during the RTD era were amazing (three of them are in my top ten). However, the past two series of Doctor Who have no where near been as good. I believe he makes it too complex and builds up lots of questions with answers that don't deliver the same amount of suspense. His female companions can also come across as being very annoying and very fake. I am not going to lie, I miss RTD sometimes!
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posted over a year ago 
I agree. He has changed the look of the show too. It looks nicer, but the older seasons with the bad special effects had their own special charm to them. I do think he does better with an episode than with a season.
ginja-ninja posted over a year ago
Pearl_Eriko said:
Well,that's a mixed answer,because I think this new 50 Anniversary I really liked it ,howeverI miss RTD era sometimes as well,but Moffat really did his best after seeing through series,I think both of them have their specific ways to show,Still I love RTD more,stories are longer,but really impressived,detailed
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posted over a year ago 
DW_girl said:
Overall, yes I do. There have been some good episodes and some bad, but wasn't that the case for RTD? I think the down side to Moffat's Who is that he has all these complicated plots which are often very forced (notably series 6), and end up being resolved too simply (eg, use of the sonic screwdriver). Russell built up simple yet believable plots, and resolved them believably and shockingly. I like RTD better, but I believe Moffat brings a sense of uniqueness to the show, and has kept it diverse. I also want to add that I love the risky decision to bring back Gallifrey in the 50th. It's something new to explore in the writing and it will continue to keep the show going.
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posted over a year ago 
labyrinth75 said:
I honestly really like what Moffat has done on Doctor Who.
I love The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. I love The Girl in the Fireplace. I love Blink. I love Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. I love The Eleventh Hour. I'll admit, The Beast Below was a disappointment. I enjoy The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone. I love The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang. I love A Christmas Carol. I really like The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon. I loved A Good Man Goes To War. Let's Kill Hitler is mixed as is The Wedding of River Song. The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe is my least favourite Moffat Story. Asylum of the Daleks and The Angels Take Manhattan are mixed for me. I love The Snowmen. I really like The Bells of Saint John and The Name of the Doctor. I love The Day of the Doctor.
The Time of the Doctor sounds awesome.
I love his writing of the Doctor. I like his characters.
I really really really like the Silence will Fall story arc. And I love that he's saved Gallifrey in the 50th.
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posted over a year ago 
sherlxck said:
I guess it's weird, it's not how it used to be and some of the changes shouldn't have of been there :P
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posted over a year ago 
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