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Doctor Who Question

In the episode "The Doctors wife" The eleventh Doctor states that there were female time lords...Do you think we will ever see one?

There's been quite a few female time lords shown. Do you mean if the Doctor will be a girl?
fandomfan posted over a year ago
 destruckto posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

KaylaBaraonda said:
We already saw them... Romana... The Rani... in the books there is also mentions of other female Time Lords\Ladies... Leela and Ace also became Time Ladies, and The Doctor had a granddaughter back in the early days, even though Time-Lordiness was not well developed back then. Her name was Arkytior and when posing as an human she goes by Susan Foreman. Jenny is a female clone of The Doctor (and also a weird case of "Cast Incest"), and River Song is actually an human that was conceived in the TARDIS, but still has Time Lady\Tardis powers.
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posted over a year ago 
dexisawesome said:
The Doctor also said that Corsair was also a Girl a couple of times. We will probably see a woman Time Lord in the future, and Russel T. Davies will make it happen in some sort of strange and complicated way. So yes, there is a chance that The Doctor will regenerate as a girl. I'd also like to see the whole "River Song" thing sorted out.
Well, keep it cool Whovians!
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posted over a year ago 
Fanpup10101 said:
I hope so
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posted over a year ago 
alexthedog said:
We have seen one...Susan.
And Romana.
And the Rani.
And the Doctor's mother.
And Jenny.
And River Song.

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We have seen one...Susan.
And Romana.
And the Rani.
And the Doctor's mother.
And Jenny.
And River Song.
posted over a year ago 
Love the pic!!! Gives me hope!!!! thanks for sharing.
destruckto posted over a year ago
I think there's a chance for more in the future :P
alexthedog posted over a year ago
Whoever did this is freakin awesome...
Rose42012 posted over a year ago
And we've also heard about the Corsair becoming a girl in The Doctor's Wife, :)
alexthedog posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
It is not likely since the Doctor is the last of the Timelords. If Rommana was not summoned back to Galifrey for the war, she could still be alive in E space. There would be a chance of them meeting up.
They could bring Jenny back.
I don't think it's possible for the Doctor to regenerate as a female. I know the writers can do anything, but that just seems wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree, it would be really unsettling.
Elistia posted over a year ago
I'm divided on having a female Doctor. The show is about change (and this would be a big change), but it would be weird in some situations. Imagine the Doctor picking up a companion, becoming great friends with them, and then saying "I used to be a man." Do you know how freaky that would be?!
alexthedog posted over a year ago
That would be freaky. From the old series to the current one, no timelord ever regenerated as the opposite gender. I just don't think they'll do it.
dreamfields posted over a year ago
mbsfan said:
Yes, River Song
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posted over a year ago 
River song's only part time lord, rory and amy are human
Rose42012 posted over a year ago
anto32 said:
Well,technically we already did.Jenny,the Doctor's daughter is a female Timelord.I guess you mean someone from Gallifrey...Umm,they are all dead,teorically...but,you never know.
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posted over a year ago 
Arent they called Time Ladys.
Maria1307 posted over a year ago
Maybe they should,but the name of the race is Timelords.Language is not always accurate,like saying "mankind" refering to all humans,when,obviously,not all humans are men.
anto32 posted over a year ago
No. Donna asked the same question in the Jenny episode. He told her they're all called timelords.
Flickerflame posted over a year ago
Rose42012 said:
We HAVE seen female time lords before... if you don't remember Leela (cause she was in the series back in the 60's or 70's or somethin) there was also those two women who were sitting with Rassilon at the table on Gallifrey in 'The End Of Time, PLUS what about Jenny and River Song? They're PART Time Lord...I guess
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posted over a year ago 
Maria1307 said:
If you saw the Tenth Doctors last adventures the woman is supposed to be The Doctors mother. So I think we did see one.
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posted over a year ago 
OMG THANK U I had n idea who the hell that woman was, (I kept thinking dhe was likke Harriet Jones..! [well she does look like her a bit])
Rose42012 posted over a year ago
docterwho said:
We kind of already have because river song is half time lord.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
We've already seen female timelords: Jenny, ones seen in the original series. The Doctor stated that there were female timelords when Donna asked if Jenny should be called a timelady. There were female characters visible on Gallifrey in TDOTD. Hopefully we'll see more in future. Maybe one will become a more major character.

However, I don't think they'd ever consider the idea of making a future Doctor regeneration be female. It'd be too controversial. It'd alienate audience members.
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posted over a year ago 
TARDIS-Granger said:

Classic episodes people!
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Classic episodes people!
posted over a year ago 
Also girls on the council thingy
TARDIS-Granger posted over a year ago
ktichenor said:
We've already seen female Time Lords but I hope we get to see more. Be interesting to see one working along side the 12th Doctor.
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posted over a year ago 
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