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Doctor Who Question

I was just wondering...

How many of you guys out there find Matt better as The Doctor? Because I find him better. But this is my opinion.

Because I know there is only a handful of you guys that love Matt.

And I just would love your opinion on David and Matt.

I was just wondering...
 totaldramafan96 posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

Elistia said:
I think that both Matt Smith and David Tennant are amazing actors and both are absolutely wonderful as the Doctor. I don't really have a favorite though, but I think if I had to choose, right now it would certainly be Matt Smith because--for one thing I just watched him--but for another he's got so many episodes that-- to me--show who the Doctor is, "Let's Kill Hitler," "The wedding of River Song," and "Closing Time" are great examples. But again, both are amazing. That's just my opinion though.
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posted over a year ago 
dreamfields said:
It took a few episodes for me to really enjoy Matt. I don't think it was Matt, but the episodes that were written for him. Now I enjoy him as the Doctor.
I have been watching the Doctor long enough to have seen all eleven. One of the great things about the show is that each time the Doctor regenerates we see a different part of his personality emphasised. This allows the new actor to make the character his own, while keeping the core of who the Doctor is the same.
I don't have a real favotite. I hope that next year, for the 50th aniversery, they follow a tradition. For the 20th they had a special, "The Five Doctors". All the regenerations of the Doctor were in one show. For the 50th, they could have at least the last three, if not one or two from the old series involved. But, that is not part of your question. :)
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posted over a year ago 
l_carmichael said:
Personally I am a bigger fan of Tennant. I have nothing against Matt Smith and I think he's doing a great job, but from what I have seen of them both I like Tennant better. They say that you never forget your first Doctor :)
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posted over a year ago 
YoYoLover4Ever said:
Honestly; it's becoming a toss-up. I mean; Tennant was my first love...but then when he turned whiney; I started to hate him. And then Smith came along and I thought 'FAG!' but now I'm starting to really love him. Dx So I have no clue.
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posted over a year ago 
MissChicky97 said:
I have nothing against Matt Smith, I think he does a wonderful job playing the Doctor. But I'm always going to be a bigger fan of Tennant.
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posted over a year ago 
DTorMSfan said:
Everyone has their doctor and I forget who i heard this from but they said, "well my doctor was Tom Baker and when he left I and many other people were heartbroken and whoever came next, to me, wouldn't be the Doctor but someone in front of the camera where my doctor should be." I sort of agree with him but in the case of David and Matt, David was my doctor and someone else replaced him, but I did give Matt the benefit of the doubt and I grew to love him too. But just not enough that he would replace David.
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posted over a year ago 
Watching the End of Time was the saddest moments of my life. :(
The10thDoctorDT posted over a year ago
BLuceB said:
I love Matt's portrayal of The Doctor. David was great - no doubt about that. But Matt, seems to me, brings the character to life even more wonderfully. He's kind but he can also be frightening and he's young but on the other hand his expressions sometimes seem so old and wise. That's what I love about him. Matt is definitely The Doctor I would like to have as a friend and The Doctor I would love to travel with.
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posted over a year ago 
The10thDoctorDT said:
I am really sorry but David's Doctor was the best, his adventures with his companions will always be the best of times and his love for Rose will never end. Matt is great but he can never replace him, when the tenth Doctor regenerated, the moment I saw the eleventh doctor I hated him like I never hated anyone in my life.
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posted over a year ago 
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