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Doctor Who Question

If the TARDIS doesn't translate the Gallifreyan language, then does the Doctor speak all the languages of the universe or something else?

 Elistia posted over a year ago
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Doctor Who Answers

Cerbolt said:
The TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyian because it doesn't need too as the Doctor and any Time Lord can already read it, I think it must be built in.
As for the Doctor who knows when the TARDIS is translating for him or not for all we know he might not even speak English or any Earth Language at all.
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posted over a year ago 
He has to speak at least english. Otherwise in journey's end when the Daleks send the Tardis into the reactor the Doctor would have known the Tardis(and Donna) didn't die (because he still understood english).
solo1861 posted over a year ago
I'd never thought about that. I think you're probably right about having no idea when the TARDIS translates. Thank you!
Elistia posted over a year ago
He knows speaking the linguishes in universe!He talks to beings who wasn't in TARDIS and also know what linguish are they speaking!
Penguins_fan posted over a year ago
TDI100 said:
The Doctor Can speak every language of every civilisation and cult or tribe in every corner of the Universe. He can speak every language of every country on every planet. He can even speak Earth human English Baby. The man's a impossible wonder. The TARDIS translator is only there for the puny human minds of his assitants
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posted over a year ago 
Okay, thanks. :-)
Elistia posted over a year ago
marifrances said:
He's speaking in English, the Tardis is transelating ot into what ever language is spoken wherever he lands.
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posted over a year ago 
Okay, that makes sense. Thanks!
Elistia posted over a year ago
solo1861 said:
The Tardis doesn't translate Gallifreyan in English but for all we know she could translate English (or whatever language is spoken on the planet) in Gallifreyan.
It's been said a couple of time that Gallifreyan's words are powerful so it might just be a safeguard installed by Time Lords: if you don't understand it you have no business reading it.
That said I think the Doctor understand English and a lot of other languages even without the Tardis help.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks for answering. I see what you're saying, and I'm not as confused. Thanks!
Elistia posted over a year ago
Makes sense
Kacy_Myth posted over a year ago
Kantoe said:
im pretty sure its just written gallifreyan that doesnt translate, but if not, he could just speak everything, as he states whe talking to the baby.
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posted over a year ago 
Ah. Thanks!
Elistia posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
There seems to be rare instances where the tardis cannot translate. To back up what has been said, in the "Five Doctors" it took four of the incarnations to translate what was writen on the slab in Rassilon's tomb. In that case, it was probalby a built in safeguard to see who could answer the riddle of Rassilon. Another example from the new series would be, "The Impossible Planet". The writen language was to incredibally old for the tardis to translate.
The Doctor has the knowledge himself of several languages. In, "The Planet of the dead" the Doctor is able to communicate with a spieces of insect like creatures. The Tardis was somewhere across the galaxy at the time.
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posted over a year ago 
True, I had forgotten about that on the 'Planet of the Dead'. Thanks!
Elistia posted over a year ago
Blakemetaller said:
Well, he does say in various occasions he speaks everything, and, even without the TARDIS help, he can understand Melody's baby-talk, while Amy and Rory cannot, the two aliens that crashed in "planet of dead" and so on.
Also the written language takes more time, probably because your eyes can see something, while the TARDIS must override it with something you can actually read and understand, directly into your mind.
As for Gallifreyan... well you don't need a translator for reading your own language, do you? It would be useless for me to have something that translates Italian, possibly into Italian, so why would the Time Lords need the TARDISes to translate their own tongue? As for why everyone else cannot read it... I suppose it is possible that the TARDIS wasn't supposed to transport anyone but Time Lords.
AND then we'd know the Doctor's name, since we've seen it on the crib, and they just won't tell us!
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posted over a year ago 
True. Thanks! :-}
Elistia posted over a year ago
Mini-gin said:
Disclaimer: I've only seen the recent Dr Who series, not the one from the 60's so that's what I reference. There are 2 relevant facts needed to answer this question.

1) Gallifreyan language: way back when, the Time Lords were @ war with the Daleks, and they sacrificed their own race (and world) to not only ensure the complete annihilation of the Daleks, but that the final battle would be forever locked in time and space so that it would be impossible to undo the event. At that point all things Gallifreyan stopped and became unalterable and unaccessible. The Doctor and his TARDIS, as the intentional sole survivors, would not disseminate or facilitate anything of Galifrey in order to prevent attempts to access technology, knowledge, or causal events that could possibly undo the final Dalek battle. Also, access to the Gallifreyan language could give someone ability to unauthorized use of the TARDIS, or to other relics from Gallifrey. In short, the lack of translation by the TARDIS, and lack of use of the language by the Doctor himself, is a security measure. The TARDIS' translation feature is also incredibly handy, so since it translates for you, why bother trying to learn a dead language? This ease of use that appeals to universal laziness is part of the security feature of not using Gallifreyan.

2. The Doctor does speak A LOT of languages, but not all, and the TARDIS takes care of the translating for him, so he seems universally versed. The Doctor doesn't speak ALL languages, because when a word or phrased is used that is intended for aesthetics to not be translated (such as the old Welsh for "Bad Wolf"), he has had to ask the meaning of the Word or Phrase. An equivalent example is that if the Doctor were to have a craving for chicken and tortillas, he would not hear the clerk say "Welcome to The Crazy Chicken", he would hear the clerk say "Welcome to El Pollo Loco."
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posted over a year ago 
Thanks you for answering!
Elistia posted over a year ago
the13friday said:
While the TARDIS doesn't translate Gallifreyan, it does translate everything else. So, no he does not technically speak all the languages of the universe. And the reason it does not translate Gallifreyan is because it was made for Time Lords, who naturally spoke Gallifreyan, and the Time Lords did not factor in for human or alien companions on the TARDIS. Does that answer your question?
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, thanks so much! :)
Elistia posted over a year ago
geoff2o9 said:
The TARDIS is a Timelord craft built for Timelords.
A Timelord should know Gallifreyan already, so there should be no need for a TARDIS to translate it. Anyone trying to read Gallifreyan who can't, isn't a Timelord and therefore has no business reading it anyway.
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posted over a year ago 
Penguins_fan said:
YES!In the episode "The girl in the fireplace",he said the girl was speaking french.And he ALWAYS translate alien linguishes.
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posted over a year ago 
djdozer72 said:
In actuality the Doctor and the tardis are one. The tardis knows everything therefore the Doctor knows everything. If the Tardis dies the Doctor dies.
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posted over a year ago 
JullietteJones said:
My guess would be yes, simply because he has been in the TARDIS for such a long time. Someone who hasn't been in the TARDIS for as long would have trouble with the older or more complex languages (i.e. Gallifreyan).

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posted over a year ago 
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