Disney's Frozen Fan Club Updates

an answer was added to this question: Does anyone else think that Elsa is left handed? over a year ago by George-Mason
a question was added: Was anyone else appalled that at the end of Frozen, one of the first acts of Elsa was to give Kristoff a government sanctioned monopoly on the ice trade? over a year ago by George-Mason
a comment was made to the poll: Who would you hang out with? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: what did Anna think the trolls were? over a year ago by Ella223
a pop quiz question was added: Who is in the picture? over a year ago by Ella223
a pop quiz question was added: what colour was Elsa's dress? over a year ago by Ella223
a pop quiz question was added: Which of these is NOT a Frozen song? over a year ago by ThisIsMe1
a poll was added: Who would you hang out with? over a year ago by ThisIsMe1
a comment was made to the poll: What is your favorite frozen song? over a year ago by RouiaD
a question was added: Does anyone else think that Elsa is left handed? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: What two objects do Elsa use when practicing for her coronation? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: What does Sven have on his medal that was given by Elsa and Anna? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: What is Elsa saying here? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a photo was added: Frozen cast over a year ago by polarbear2001
a question was added: Can somebody tell me why everyone seems to like Tangled more than Frozen? I mean, come on! over a year ago by polarbear2001
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What excuse did Elsa give the Duke of Weselton so she wouldn't have to dance? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a poll was added: What is your favorite frozen song? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: What excuse did Elsa give the Duke of Weselton so she wouldn't have to dance? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a pop quiz question was added: What color are hans' eyes? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a comment was made to the poll: Who is your favorite male Frozen character? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a poll was added: Who is your favorite male Frozen character? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a comment was made to the poll: Who is prettier? over a year ago by polarbear2001
a comment was made to the poll: Best version of Let It Go over a year ago by polarbear2001
a poll was added: Best version of Let It Go over a year ago by goatfacewwe
a pop quiz question was added: Who is in the picture? over a year ago by happybarbie
a poll was added: Do you want a Frozen 2? over a year ago by GiselleFan10
a pop quiz question was added: Where is Hans from? over a year ago by EbonyPotter
a poll was added: Which is better: The normal Frozen or the Cute Kitten version of Frozen? over a year ago by sadiebug48
a poll was added: Who makes a cuter couple? over a year ago by TayTay22
a poll was added: Is Elsa Evil? over a year ago by TayTay22
a poll was added: Who is prettier? over a year ago by TayTay22