Disney Princess Unpopular Disney opinions (confessions)

viktoriya773 posted on Feb 10, 2014 at 11:53PM
Post your unpopular Disney opinion here. Express your opinion about not only DP but Disney in general. Please be respectful about each other's opinions and don't bash someone because of it. Say "I disagree/agree with you because..." I'm sure everyone is mature enough to handle it.

Disney Princess 811 replies

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over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
Belle wouldn't be in Ravenclaw. She would be in either Hufflepuff or Slytherin.

Ravenclaw's characteristics are wisdom, wit, intelligence, and creativity. The only one of these traits that Belle consistently displays is wit, with her backhanded compliments toward Gaston. I don't think she comes off particularly wise, intelligent, or creative, since she tends to rush into things without thinking (i.e. when she went to the West Wing). Yes, she may be a bookworm, but so was Hermione, and Hermione wasn't in Ravenclaw.

Hufflepuff's characteristics are fair, loyal, patient, and hardworking. Belle is unhappy with how the town treats her unfairly just because she's different. She's exceptionally loyal to her father, giving up her dreams of adventure to stay with him at the beginning of the movie and then giving up her freedom for him so the Beast will let him go. Later she is loyal to the Beast, and returns to the castle as soon as she realizes he's in danger. She's also very patient with the Beast once she gets to know him, and forgives his rough table manners and teaches him how to read. The only Hufflepuff trait that she doesn't really portray is hardworking.

Slytherin's characteristics are cunning, ambition, determination, and fraternity. Belle uses her cunning to get Gaston out of her house, making him think she's flattered by his marriage proposal only to open the door and let him fall into the mud. She's very ambitious with her dreams of adventure. She even says "I want so much more than they've got planned." No matter what she decides to do, she's always determined to get it done, whether it's rescuing her father or taming the Beast. Those few friends she has she keeps very close to her and doesn't like to let them go. She'll do almost anything for them, as showcased when she gives up her freedom for her father.

All in all, I think Belle would fit better in Hufflepuff or Slytherin than she would in Ravenclaw. Haha sorry for this being super random, I'm just sick of seeing Disney/Harry Potter crossover fanart in which Belle is a Ravenclaw. Just because she reads doesn't mean she fits in that house!
UnholyNoise commented…
accurate. (though i don't think ravenclaws are always above doing dumb impulsive things.) belle doesn't read out of a need to to know more about the world around her; it's escapism because there's no excitement in her home life. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I don't get why a lot of peoples consider her a Ravenclaw. I seriously don't see it in her. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
Good points! It didn't feel quite right to me that she'd definitely be in Ravenclaw, but I could find no good reason to think that or argument against it. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I don't get why people have to make such a big deal with Elsa with a lot of judges to her such as coward, anxious, pathetic, whatever is that. Don't you all forget how Elsa is a character written to be misunderstood? Although in other side yes, writers and producers are completely succedded to make a different kind of Disney heroine that is not always being cheerful and optimistic, instead they made her to be pessimist and live with fearful. But some people are overjudged her too far. And also she ISN'T supposed to be a role model, so stop saying she's the worst role model, because she ISN'T supposed to be one.

And as a reminder, this has no correlation with her having ice power, or her character, movie, and song being overrated (this is just nonsense reason being misuse by some peoples to express their hatred to her). This is just my complain of how people seems to pretend her like she's worst Disney heroine ever. I know it's not a new issue but realizing how I never post one here so I decide to make one.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I agree that Elsa ( like Merida) isn't supposed to be a role model. But I do agree that Elsa's demeanor is a change from the confident type: she's very anxious, pessimistic, withdrawn, and the rest. Much as I dislike Elsa, I find no personal reasons to continue to beat a dead horse. I give up already. The constant argument of who is "the best role model" angers me, because it generally SUCKS when fans do that. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
ikr??? i love how flawed she is - and that the movie makes a point of not passing it off as something good. she totally has to take responsibility for messing up, and that's refreshing. personally, i think a lot of the hate she gets is just misplaced hatred for the movie (which did suck, but still). over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
Totally agree. I like that she has so many flaws. It's very refreshing. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
On Tumblr, it looks like a lot of PatF fans who don't like Frozen or its princesses getting so much attention who do it. Dunno why fanpop is like that. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
It's kinda sad that the Disney Princess lineup only features humans in it, I wish Nala (from the Lion King) was part of it as well!
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I think they have a standart to include any heroine to be part of it, even not all human heroines have the same chance to be the official member. Beside, Nala is a queen instead of a princess. over a year ago
PrincessAyeka12 commented…
I agree. I wish Maid Marian was apart of it. over a year ago
over a year ago beautybeastfan2 said…
I don't understand why people call Mulan a Transgender. She dresses like a man to take her dad's place in the army, and that's it. It gets annoying that people think like that.
deedragongirl commented…
I didn't know about this until you mentioned it! Yeap, this kind of people are probably homophobic! Just ignore them. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
maybe trans people see something relatable in how she violates traditional gender roles, idk. why not just chill and let people headcanon what they want? over a year ago
beautybeastfan2 commented…
Oh, I don't get very mad about it. It's just something that I've noticed, that's all. over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…

Okay, I get that it’s popular to ship characters who are really close friends (Nick/Judy, Dory/Marlin, etc.), even though I’m not fan of doing that, but whatever, to each their own. Anyway, you would think even if someone is a fan of shipping those kind of characters, they would know better than to interpret a fanfiction that clearly shows characters in a close NON-romantic friendship as a shipping. No offense to all the users on various sites who have asked me, but for the hundredth time, I do NOT ship Scrooge and Minnie! Their relationship is meant to be more of a father/daughter not boyfriend/girlfriend.
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Considering that Emma Watson's portrayal as Belle is wooden, I would either go for Anne Hathaway or Emmy Rossum as Belle, but the former will definitely be typecast as royalties like the 1950's popular Austrian actress Romy Schneider.
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I feel like peoples tend to put double standards for Princesses more than Princes (Or Heroines more than Heroes). I often seeing older Princesses for being criticized due of being damsels and do nothing beside waiting the prince, and the newer Princesses for being way too flawed, selfish, stubborn, or helpless, but I rarely found the same thing happen with Princes.
Look how peoples categorize which princesses/heroines that are best role model and which one are not. I seriously never found it with the princes/heroes as well.
last edited over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I suppose that (for most of the movies anyway) the Princess gets more focus than the Prince, so its easier to notice these things. Of course, it isn't always true, and i do agree with you. over a year ago
over a year ago snowybennet said…
Lilo and Nani make a better sister relationship than Anna and Elsa.
AudreyFreak commented…
Isn't that pretty popular in the fandom? over a year ago
over a year ago snowybennet said…
Ariel and Elsa are selfish and inmature. Ariel changes everything for a random guy she has a crush on and Elsa ignores her sister for years, blames her for her problems and runs from her responsabilities,
over a year ago snowybennet said…
Ariel and Elsa are selfish and inmature. Ariel changes everything for a random guy she has a crush on and Elsa ignores her sister for years, blames her for her problems and runs from her responsabilities,

UnholyNoise commented…
lol. elsa is only selfish if you completely ignore that she grew up being forced to repress her powers, and the basic human emotions that could trigger them, and then basically exiled herself when they were discovered -- all in order to protect her sister and her kingdom from abilities she never learned how to harness. she did the best she could given the circumstances. but yeah, everything ariel does is motivated by what she wants, and none of it is especially dire or necessary. which would have been fine, except that other people constantly had to pay for it. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^People paid dearly for Elsa's mistake. Elsa got so angry at the repressive life that she had to live, that she exiled herself, "let it all go" without thinking, and FROZE the entire kingdom because she believed that "now was her time." I would have accepted this as an accident, if, after Anna reminded her of what she had done, Elsa hadn't turned around and slammed ice into her sister's heart in a frenzy of anger. That basically did make me see Elsa as selfish. That, and of course, sending out Marshmellow to make sure Anna never returned. I wonder just how these last two actions make Elsa so selfless? Elsa is definitely selfish to me. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
And YUP. Ariel is selfish for having "her own dream" which doesn't apparently include living under the sea for the rest of her life, and being part of her father’s “singing orchestra” forever. Ariel's dream is indeed selfish, but Snow White's desire for her prince to come back is likewise selfish. Like Elsa wanting to claim her own freedom, and Ariel wanting to become a human, Snow believes that her prince will return to her. Is this a dream that the dwarfs can share with Snow White? I'd say, nope. But Snow White is not immune from selfishness. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I don't find Meg pretty. She has weird face and her design is way too pointy. And also her waist...she looks like a girl with anorexic imho.
I don't find Meg pretty. She has weird face and her design is way too pointy. And also her waist...sh
MaidofOrleans commented…
I agree that she's not very attractive. If she was an official DP she'd be last on my prettiest list. I just don't like the way she's animated :/ over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
i loooove her hair - not enough curly-haired women in animation :( - but her body is like...grotesquely thin. i know all the character designs in that movie are based on greek vase art, blah blah blah; it's still weird to look at. her looks are vastly better than her personality though, imo. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Solid and memorable character design though! over a year ago
over a year ago princesslullaby said…
I think the only unpopular opinion I can think of off the top of my head is that Belle is so selfless-- I don't really see her as selfless, or any more selfless than the other princesses. She took her father's place, yes, but I think anyone who cared about anyone else would have done that. Her father was the only person she loved, so it would be no-brainer. She wouldn't want to live without him and she couldn't knowing he was in the castle. I never saw it as some grand act of selflessness. I thought it was just something anyone would do for someone they loved. And we see later, she refuses to marry Gaston even though he will throw Maurice in an asylum so obviously she won't do EVERYTHING for her dad--- to me that would be more selfless (and horrible). To me all the princesses do something to obtain their own ends so I don't find any of them particularly selfless-- perhaps Mulan, but she even admits she joined more to prove herself than to save her dad.
wavesurf commented…
^I definitely agree with this. I also did an article series ( where I reflected on just how selfish/selfless each princess is, along with all of their other flaws). Moana is missing from these assessments, because she wasn't "out" at the time I wrote these. Links to the other articles are found in this last one.--> link I still believe in what I've written in these articles. But the bashing of some princesses ( Ariel and Merida) needs to stop, imo, while the constant praise for Belle and Elsa's selflessness is totally misplaced imo. over a year ago
over a year ago Mongoose09 said…
I never really understand why people use "spoiled" as a reason to dislike a character or simply as a negative trait, period. (Jasmine, Ariel, Lottie, etc). A person/character can't help being spoiled and there is a vast difference between someone who is simply privileged and a spoiled brat. for what it's worth I don't find any of the DPs spoiled anyway.
princesslullaby commented…
I don't think any of them are spoiled either. I don't think any of them act entitled, Jasmine and Ariel are just more privileged than some of the other DPs. I Think they call them spoiled because they seem 'ungrateful' just because they aren't content staying in the life that they're given. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Agreed. Nothing wrong for being spoiled. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
I think some people use it to mean the character is pampered and hasn't had to work or suffer to get anything they want. I also think it's a dumb reason, because none of that is their fault as you said nor does it mean they can't still be a great person. I mean, Sara Crewe from A Little Princess was spoiled rotten but was a kind, thoughtful person even before she lost everything. over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
-Belle use to be my favorite princess as a kid and i really want to like her but
I find her to be the less interesting of all the disney princess the fact that a lot of people ( including myself) relate to her doesnt help she seems to be the typical girl that everyone can be and i think she doesnt have something unique in her
- i really dont see how aurora is shy she was surprised but then act confident around philip and her parents
wavesurf commented…
Being "relateable" to everyone is one of Belle's hallmarks, I suppose. Belle is bland white bread/vanilla ice cream.Because "everyooooobody sees themselves in Belle." But I was eight when I first watched Belle, and I found her so very unrelateable. Belle is a white girl who didn't have to struggle with her upbringing ( like Ariel and Cinderella who are also white girls, had to struggle and contend with abusive step-parents and abusive parents, who were left after the parents who were't abusive already died). Belle chose to sacrifice herself to stay with an abusive guy. That WAS her choice. Belle didn't do anything fun, didn't outsmart anybody, didn't defy anyone's expectations ( save her own high-minded expectations for herself being too-good for everybody around her), and Belle really didn't really save anybody's life-- except Maurice's. It was the enchantress's spell that did the whole weight-lifting for the entire movie. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
So, like you have surmised, I have struggled to like Belle since I was a kid. The live-action remake ( circa 2017) was even blander and less charming. I just...frankly, don't understand the "Belle worship." Jane Porter is such a better example than Belle is. I can see Mulan stans being adamant that she did something. I can see Ariel fans saying that she stood up to the patriarchal status-quo ( most of the sole control in Atlantica belongs to men ( Triton and Sebastian, wow…) Besides the "feminist argument from the radical feminists," I never have found exactly what Belle did in her movie that was groundbreaking enough to justify jaw-dropping love. So I continue to place Belle low. Aurora isn't shy, just demure. Aurora is very up-front with what she wants; when the opportunity presents itself she insists that Phillip show up in the cottage to meet her "aunts" in person. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
I think people tend to give Belle the credit for "changing" the beast (read: overcome the main obstacle, save the day, whatever) just because she's heavily painted as the one to root for. In reality the Beast has agency and he CHOSE to improve himself. Belle inspired him to do it but it was all his own doing. He's also the one who got rid of Gaston. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I never understand why many peoples ever want Marvel or Star Wars heroine to join the Disney Princess lineup, only because she was called as "a Princess"
I think the Disney Princess lineup don't fit with live action, modern and sci-fi princess.
last edited over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
They're not joining the lineup... because Giselle didn't when Amy Adams wanted to be paid for her likeness. And why not sell other things besides Disney Princess? Disney SOLD TONS of FROZEN stuff for a LONG time without an outcry. I don't see what's wrong with selling other franchises. The only thing I hate/dislike is this: that Disney has bought out almost all of their competition, and that is the only HUGE issue I have with them. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Disney QUIT making good snowglobes. The last good one was Merida's. The ones for Frozen and for Moana both looked chintzy. I get your point about Disney "buying other film-making enterprises" so that they "can cash in" on the returns. Black Panther is a GOOD CASE of the latter. However, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that nobody else really needs to be shoved into the existing DP lineup. And Disney HAS gotten LAZY. I've already picked up on this. With the exception of Moana...what else besides re-releases ( B&TB) has been exclusively Disney in the last year and couple of months? Yeah. Coco. And that's it? Not surprising though. over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
I LOVE Princess Suri. Suri is what Tiana was supposed to be!!!! Now, I don't think Suri even needs to join the lineup at all. Neytiri doesn't need to join it, either. But Suri is this wonderful, polished scientist, and is such a NICE, KIND, and SWEET PERSON to other people, and does this along with showing her own tenacity and grit. Instead of the self-righteousness, and nitpicking judgment of Tiana, Suri is a welcome leap FORWARD!
last edited over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
May I ask you, who is Princess Suri? over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^Black Panther's sister from the Marvel universe. She's sister to the King of Wakanda, T'Challa. If you can, do go see Black Panther if it opens in Indonesia..For the first time, white people do not dominate the screen, and they aren't the main protagonists. over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
i found her so annoying. The way she spoke was so un-wakandian and forced (especially the humor) and using data memes. I inferred that because she's a techie she picked up the language of the internet, but if they had explained that in some way that would have been really funny- her uses common slang wrong. But it just came off as shameless pandering. over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
meant to say *dated memes. not data memes lol over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I don't really think that evil and sinister facial expressions on female characters make them less attractive and I don't find the facial expressions ugly AT ALL. In fact, I actually find those evil and sinister facial expressions that good looking villainesses make to be incredibly attractive, hot, and sexy. It adds like a dangerous but alluring and seductive quality that's so appealing to me. Plus, villainesses don't have to look all innocent and can have sharper and narrower eyes instead of big and round innocent looking ones. I also noticed this in anime, the villainesses, unlike the female characters on the good side, almost always have lips instead of just being drawn without lips, which is part of why I don't care for the anime style because animated female characters having lips is important to me. Anyway, the evil and sinister facial expressions are to be expected with villainesses and it also gives them a more mature look because they don't have to look so innocent. They end up looking more like women than girls. This is related to Disney because I hear this complaint all the time about Vanessa from The Little Mermaid.
I don't really think that evil and sinister facial expressions on female characters make them less at
wavesurf commented…
Vanessa (but basically Ursula from The Little Mermaid) is one of my all time favorite villain characters. Megara from Hercules is an example of a heroine with sharper features, and contrary to several posts above this one, I find her pretty attractive. I think sharper features have their place and sometimes work out in the context of the character. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Tbh I don't really think it's that an unpopular opinion. over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
okay so then.........you should say it IS a point of contention , not that it ISN'T lol. because you're saying it IS an argument. so you can take that sarcasm and use it for another time when you actually know what you're talking about over a year ago
over a year ago princesslullaby said…
You know, I'm just gonna say it- I'm tired of people saying that Snow White wouldn't beat Shrek in eating 10 raw onions faster than him. This is brought up literally ALL THE TIME and I am SICK of it! Yes, she ate a bite of an apple and fainted but the apple was POISONED. 10 raw onions are totally different circumstances! Just because she isn't as big or as manly as Shrek does not mean Snow White can't do everything he does, including eating 10 raw onions at a rapid pace! I can't take hearing it anymore and I will not stand for another minute of it!
MaidofOrleans commented…
Finally someone said it. Preach girl! over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I was recently going through my Facebook feed and I saw a headline on Frozen 2. It said Elsa may have a female love interest in the movie. Some people loved the idea while others hated it. There were afew who wanted her to stay single. I want to know what your opinions are. Because I'm Christian, I personally hope they give her a male love interest SHOULD they give her a love interest. (I know I've been pretty brash about stuff like this in the past, and I apologize for it.)
last edited over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
I don't really care either way, but I hope she stays single over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Agreed over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
i want her to have a girlfriend <3 over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Like Starfox said...single would be better. The Frozen fanbase has fractured into so many separate factions, and each is angry about something. Just keep her single. Because, then, they'll be another ridiculous uproar that makes the internet a foul place to visit. over a year ago
over a year ago cruella said…
Speaking as one of the few Jar Jar Binks fans out there, I do not for the life of me get the (weird and honestly creepy) furry fetish that nearly all of his female fans seem of have about him. Almost all of them seem find him sexually appealing for some reason and are always doing stuff like, nude pictures of him with his head on a stud’s body; or they’re writing a self-insert romance/porn fanfic where they date him, and he’s completely out character, no longer clumsy or awkward but a total Gary Stu. I mean, I used to think that Launchpad’s fan girls were bad to overly sexualize him but they’ve got nothing on Jar Jar’s fan girls. Also, at least you can argue that Launchpad was intended to look sexy. But, I guess my question is, why? I mean, Jar Jar was intended to be a dim witted but well meaning, clumsy and awkward comic relief character; not sexually appealing. And turning him into a sex object is not being a fan of him.

(I added a picture of one of the tamer examples)
last edited over a year ago
Speaking as one of the few Jar Jar Binks fans out there, I do not for the life of me get the (weird a
mhs1025 commented…
I didn't know female fans thought about him like that! That IS creepy! It'd be one thing if they wrote romantic fanfics/one-shots about Obi-Wan, or even Anakin, but Jar Jar? WOW! Even the Obi-Wan and Anakin fangirls don't take THAT far. But yeah, Jar Jar was meant to be funny, clumsy, awkward, and dim-witted. I may not be a big fan of his, but he CAN be funny. As there's some comedy in all the Star Wars films, he was meant to gave comic relief, NOT be some sex symbol that these girls claim him out to be. over a year ago
cruella commented…
Yeah, it doesn’t surprise me that not many people know about his creepy fan-girls, since his fans in general are pretty scarce. But I’ve definitely had some show me their artwork/fanfics. I guess they assumed that I had the same fetish, since I’m a female Jar Jar fan. over a year ago
mhs1025 commented…
If I were a fan of his, even I would recognize that he's FAR from all of that. By the way, that picture just took things to a whole new level. over a year ago
cruella commented…
Well yeah, I mean, a big part of being a fan of a character is liking them for what they are (and what they're not), and not trying to turn them into something they aren't. I mean, I love Jar Jar because I find him funny, endearing, and relatable, NOT because he's some dream guy/stud. And if you think that picture is bad I've definitely seen worse :P over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
A few months ago, I read that Disney was going to make Sailor Moon back in 1997, wonder what would it be like if Naoko Takeuchi would have accepted it? Considering that Disney is popular in Japan too and I'm a big fan of Sailor Moon (both the Classic and R) and Disney.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I honestly never got the big deal over Angela Lansbury's (Mrs. Potts) singing voice. People act like it's absolutely amazing and I remember a critic saying she has one of the most beautiful voices on Broadway at the time Beauty and the Beast came out. I just don't really get it! I mean, her voice is good but it's really nothing special and is kind of an average and everyday sounding kind of voice. I've heard girls in my high school choir that sound just as good as she does. I even remember hearing someone saying that Emma Thompson's singing voice was inferior to Angela Lansbury's and I think they're on the exact same level. She's far from one of the best singing voices of all time and while her voice is good it's pretty ordinary and nothing special.
princesslullaby commented…
people say that? her voice is prettier than emma's only because emma's sounds so cockney in the movie, but it's just like a pleasant old lady singing voice. it's soothing and all but yeah, i wouldn't buy an album from her lol over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Emma's singing sounds wooden if you ask me, I think Emma Thompson is trained. over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree. I recently heard the Mrs. Potts version on Youtube and it sounds pretty flat and lack of emotions. I feel the same about Emma Thompson. over a year ago
over a year ago PrincessAyeka12 said…
I watched the pilot of Tangled the TV series and realised something. I can't take her seriously with the brunette short hair because I'm a child of the 80's & 90's. Mandy Moore will always be a blonde haired singer to me. As a grown up woman with brown hair she's unrecognisable now. The voice is still the same but it sounds wrong on a Brown haired Rapunzel. When Rapunzel got her blonde hair back, I still couldn't take her seriously. Blonde Rapunzel looks like a little girl. In the movie it made sense. But here, she's taken a step back.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago beautybeastfan2 said…
I don't understand why people associate the animated Alice in Wonderland with drugs, or think that you have to be high to enjoy it. It's just about a girl in a dream world.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
My unpopular opinion: Rapunzel's life was BETTER in a LOT of ways than was Ariel's. Rapunzel was frustrated by Gothel keeping her isolated and ignorant, but Ariel was tormented through harsh verbal harangues that were DISGUISED as protection but were NOT, and Ariel was openly forbidden to express her point of view. All Triton wanted for Ariel was for her to sing in front of crowds so "he could look good," and then marry her off to a merman. That's Triton's trajectory for Ariel. Every time Ariel doesn't do what Triton wants... he blows up at her. Ariel's abuse is right up there with Cindy's and Snow's.

I simply don't see Rapunzel's abuse as being worse then Ariel's, because Ariel's life had a whole chock ton more rules and punishments IN IT... What I do see is the gradual frustration building up in Rapunzel's life (which is similar to Jasmine's) with both of them being cooped up in a single location, and both of them running away from there because of that frustration. Rapunzel was never heartbroken about her living conditions as was Ariel, her predecessor. Gothel never put Rapunzel's intelligence down, but Triton DID.

I don't see Gothel as the extremely bad figure in Disney's pantheon of villains. The Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, and King Triton are the worst offenders for consistent, openly degrading, mental and physical abuse. Gothel spews a lot of mental abuse, but with her it's a two-way-street. She gives so that she can get something from Rapunzel. Triton withholds his love from Ariel so that she will stay where he wants her, and then, when that fails, he compounds the situation by driving her straight into the arms of his nemesis, Ursula.

No. Ariel's situation and Rapunzel's situation ARE NOWHERE near the same. Punzie and Jasmine have it somewhat well off. They don't have it great, but they are better off than Ariel is. Sure, those two princesses are cooped up, but no one is yelling at them every day about their interests, nor telling them that they have no right to speak up.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago princesslullaby said…
@wavesurf-- I don't think I can take seriously you saying that Rapunzel has it well off. She was emotionally abused every day by her abducter who didn't care one ounce about her and only cared about her hair. I think you're a little hard on Triton- he's not the best dad but he gives his daughter a lot of freedom and him asking her not to fall in love with the people who regularly murder them is pretty reasonable. His temper is bad but you can tell he genuinely cares about Ariel. It kinda sounds like you are projecting. Triton is clearly willing to sacrifice his life for Ariel. He's not the best parent, but he's certainly better than Gothel who emotionally and mentally abused Rapunzel with every sentence and kept her confined in a tower for 18 years. Gothel punished Rapunzel literally every day by shutting down any notions of desired freedom and oppressing her horribly. Triton wasn't really unreasonable, just volatile. I also think you're inserting stuff into the story that isn't present, we don't see that Triton wants Ariel to sing because it makes him look good-- in fact, it's Sebastian who's upset about that. And he literally never says ANYTHING about marrying her off to a merman, in fact, he's excited for her when she's in love but doesn't meddle at all with her, except for curiously asking Sebastian. There is literally no evidence of him trying to marry her off so I'm not really sure where you got that from. Triton's exasperation is often justified. To compare Ariel's abuse with Cinderella and Snow White is blowing things waaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. And this is coming from someone who strongly related to Ariel's living situation when I was her age. My dad acted a lot like Triton, except he was less restrictive, but way more explosive over small things. This just sounds like a lot of projection and denial.
over a year ago wavesurf said…
@princesslullaby: Okay. You think I am projecting? Triton destroys Ariel's stuff in an argument, just as my mother made me take some of my belongings out to the trash during our argument, and then the trash people took my stuff and hauled it away. I never got it back. There were multiple instances in my life like this. If I am projecting, please explain how? Because I don't see how I AM projecting. I see patterns. Gothel isn't doing anything but lying with every breath, which is what Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather did for 16 years to Aurora. I don't see how I AM the one who should not be taken seriously. Rapunzel had it better off than I did. I believe that from simply watching how Gothel treats her in the movie. I didn't get that kind of treatment, even if "said treatment" was abusive in its own way.
last edited over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
you literally just compared your mother to triton and then asked how you could be projecting. comparing gothel to the good fairies is pretty ridiculous because the fairies literally did not have a choice in order to keep aurora safe. gothel ..kidnapped...rapunzell..and lied about her identity for 18 years. people who say rapunzel's abuse is worse than ariel's aren't saying that ariel didn't suffer. but there's a strong emotional disconnect clearly if you think rapunzel lived a good life. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I have an emotional disconnect. Ok. But I don't find Rapunzel to be the victim you all say she is. She left her tower by MAKING Flynn take her. I don't see how Rapunzel didn't live a decent life. over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
We didn't say you aren't listening, but you are wrong imo over a year ago
over a year ago magicworld_88 said…
-I dont know if this is unpopular but i feel like for people if your are a disney prince and you are not a jerk then you dont have a personality. naveen Flynn are bad boy they have a personality. Eric is Nice then he doesnt have a personality. This is so annoying !
- also this is not very important but sentences like "OMG Phillip is so romantic he kill a dragon "just" for aurora" annoy me because they act like aurora is the center of the World and everything is about her and phillip was having fun with the goblins in maleficent dungeon he would have loved to stay one century lol but then decided to save his love After he realize she was in danger. I mean both needed to be save aurora and phillip and even their kingdom. So no Phillip didnt kill a dragon "only for" aurora but also for himself ( with a lot of help from the fairies). I even read on a fanfiction ( who was very good) aurora said to Phillip when they argue "why did you save me" "i wish you never save me" that sound very selfish ! Aurora is not the only one who is in distress in sleeping beauty.
- last one There is a lot of people who cast blond Emma stone as Elsa but think Emma stone would be better as Charlotte from princess and the frog.
Mongoose09 commented…
Agree SO much with your first point. It bugs me when people feel characters have to have "edge" or some complex backstory to them in order to be considered good characters . Just because a character is nice and sweet like Eric it doesn't mean he has no personality. over a year ago
anukriti2409 commented…
one your first point, it is not that nice characters doesn't have personality, it is that they do not show depth of their characters. Real life people are not nice all the time. They get angry, frustrated, sad for no reason etc. With Eric in specific, you really have to read between the lines to see the spectrum of emotions. In general, he always seems "nice". BTW, he's one of my fav prince :) over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
^ But you don't have to be 'flawed' in order to have a personality, at least IMO. Also I don't view Belle as particularly flawed. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Okay, I don't know if this is unpopular, but this photo says it all!!
last edited over a year ago
Okay, I don't know if this is unpopular, but this photo says it all!!
over a year ago JNTA1234 said…
I don't know why it's still so hard for people to understand that "Disney Princess" is just a title.

"Lead human female (of a certain age) from popular/successful Disney film" doesn't roll off the tongue like Disney Princess does. I don't know why the princess title bothers people so much, do you want the X-Men to be called X-Men-and-Women? No. Even though the most prominent and powerful characters are women they're still called the X-Men. In the original Power Rangers series, they called their giant robots DINOzords, even though two of them were modeled after a Mastodon and Sabertooth Tiger, which aren't dinosaurs, it's the same type of thing here. Sometimes the princess title doesn't even make a difference in the context of the actual films, Snow White's status as a princess hardly makes a difference on the plot of the film, in fact it would be even more messed up if the Evil Queen was trying to kill some poor peasant girl she didn't even know.

The people go on and on about how Mulan doesn't fit in the lineup and how it's an "insult" to her character to put her in the line are usually the same type of people who think she's this strong butch warrior chick and all the other princesses are dainty girly girls. THEY are ones insulting her and the other princesses with this foolishness, "she's better than princess, she's a warrior/hero". If they actually watch the damn movie, they'd see that aspects of Mulan's personality aren't that much different from Belle, Tiana, Rapunzel and even Cinderella and Aurora. For that matter, Pocahontas almost MIRRORS Ariel with some of her personality and actions. Mulan likes wearing dresses, her blue dress at the end of the movie is more "princessy" than Jasmine's main outfit, and she hates dressing up like a dude.

To be honest maybe I'm being biased but outside of Pocahontas's wardrobe, both Pocahontas and Mulan fit into the lineup better than Merida. I know this isn't necessarily an unpopular opinion but I just wanted to get it out there.

And sidenote I know some people are like "Disney's just too lazy to make an actual Chinese princess". Uh no. Disney's probably hesitant to make another Chinese film because no matter how much research they do and not to mention travelling all the way to China in the making of Mulan, people STILL found reasons to be offended. Even with Moana, people still found reason to be in uproar, even though I'm really sure they were pretty extensive with the research on that one. So much so, they forget to make the story compelling, but that's a discussion for another time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I'm not a fan of the movie Pocahontas because I find it gross that she was aged up to be with a man who in real life most likely made up the story about Pocahontas saving him
last edited over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
Agree over a year ago
notbrandyss commented…
same thing over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
oh my god the spelling errors in my comment lol over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
I wish the ending part that Howard Ashman wrote for the 2017 version was in the 1991 version instead.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think that Mulan is one of the most beautiful Disney Princesses. She's not in my top 3 but she's definitely in my top 5. I just really love Asian beauty and think that Asian women are some of the most attractive women in the world. I love her silky black hair (No matter the length), her eye shape, her full lips, her head shape, and just her overall appearance. She's absolutely gorgeous.
I think that Mulan is one of the most beautiful Disney Princesses. She's not in my top 3 but she's de
BB2010 commented…
^please don't say stuff like that over a year ago
AdelitaI commented…
I love Indonesian national costumes! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
Thanks about that over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I don't really notice Emma Watson's singing in Beauty and the Beast being all that autotuned. I mean, sure, it is polished in the recording, but so is everyone in the cast. Her voice doesn't sound unnatural or robotic or anything like that. Maybe it's my autism or something, but I just never really got why everyone says that Emma Watson's singing was extremely autotuned. Maybe I'm just so used to the autotuning in overly-produced pop songs that I can't notice any of it. The only time outside of that I've noticed autotune was with Emmy Rossum's very noticeable autotuned voice in Phantom of the Opera (Along with her other music), which didn't make her sound any better but that's beside the point.

Besides, I think Emma has a good voice. She's on pitch and has a pleasant tone and sound. Her main problem is that her voice isn't powerful but that doesn't mean her voice isn't good, it's just not great or amazing. But Belle in the movie doesn't require an amazing voice in order for the character or story to work. I mean, if she was cast as Ariel in The Little Mermaid or Christine Daaé from Phantom of the Opera, I would say she was miscast. Sure, she's no Paige O'Hara, Susan Egan, or Anneliese van der Pol, but her voice is still good. Besides, her singing style still suits the character and it's not like she's in the Broadway show that would require her to have a powerful voice.
princesslullaby commented…
It's auto tuned, but not to the point where it's robotic, like t pain or something. over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
This, I must agree!!! over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
I have a hard time hearing auto-tuned unless it's actually noticeable like Nicki Minaj's so I never had a problem with Emma's singing. I thought she sounded good and I really hope we can hear her sing again in the future over a year ago
over a year ago wavesurf said…
Another unpopular opinion from me. I find the animation for Kayley ( Quest for Camelot-- non Disney) to be more consistent than Disney's animation for Belle. I find Kayley to be the prettier one out of the two of them, too. Instead of thin lips with huge eyes, which is how Belle looks ( how Disney drew her), Kayley has huge eyes and a set of lips that actually proportionally match her eyes. Kayley's lips are slightly bigger than Belle's are, which I think is an improvement in proportions.

And, of course, personality-wise, I like Kayley for her risk-taking and her open-mindedness, and dislike Belle for being prissy and unambitious. Kayley doesn't immediately pass judgement when she meets blind Garrett. Belle gasps in horror at seeing beast for the first time, and isn't tactful. I admire Kayley to some extent, and don't admire Belle. To sum up, I do think Kayley is more physically attractive than Belle is. And because I have seen both, I find the animation is better/more consistent in Quest for Camelot than it is during most of Beauty and the Beast.
Another unpopular opinion from me.  I find the animation for Kayley ( Quest for Camelot-- non Disney)
MalloMar commented…
YES! To all of this. :) over a year ago
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion online but when I first heard about this announcement, A LOT of people I know in real life were really happy and excited about this. I don't think that Beyonce is the right choice for Nala in the "live-action" remake of The Lion King. Sure, she has an amazing voice, but I don't know if she's much of an actress that can play a character outside of herself. Even though I'm not crazy about the idea of a "live-action" remake of The Lion King because of how it's really just going to be CGI, I feel like a better choice for Nala would've been Lupita Nyong'o. She has A LOT more acting experience, I heard she has a good singing voice, and actually has an accent which could make the movie feel more authentic to Africa. However, I'm not exactly looking forward to the remake of The Lion King so I'll probably get over it. I'm not even really that upset about Beyonce's casting, I just feel she's not right for the role and someone like Lupita would be better suited.
Mongoose09 commented…
Agree on Lupita. I think Beyonce was good in Dreamgirls though, but obviously that's a completely different type of movie. Tbh I'm just not excited for this movie at all, regardless of casting, I think it's the most unnecessary of the remakes (and Dumbo) over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Agree on Lupita Nyong'o being a much better choice than Beyonce. Thanks to the train wreck that Niki Caro is doing with the live action Mulan, now all of the remakes are becoming "totally unncessary" in my opinion. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^live action voices have been dubbed too, like in The Greatest Showman and the first High School Musical version so if Lupita needed to be dubbed it wouldn't be a problem. I like some of Beyonce's songs but I'm not a die hard fan so I'm not that hyped about her playing Nala over a year ago
over a year ago pretty_angel92 said…
i don't find Wreck it ralph and Zootopia that interesting
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I wouldn't find Zootopia interesting too if they don't bring up the racism/discriminative issues. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Zootopia doesn't interest me much either. I've seen it, it was good, but I'm not interested in seeing it again. Wreck it Ralph initially didn't draw me in, but I was pleasantly surprised with the movie. Also I have a little video game dork side of me, so that's a thing. over a year ago
over a year ago MissCinico said…
Though I didn't like Wreck It Ralph, I'm really excited for this new movie especially since it has the Disney Princesses I feel like Disney is going to do something with that.
mhs1025 commented…
I'm not so sure about Anna and Elsa. I'm not even sure about Moana. Though, forgive me for saying this for the millionth time, but, maybe you're right. Maybe we can expect a coronation in the future. over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
I feel like I'm the only one who never get the hype of Star Wars. It was so overrated in my opinion (and remains one of the most overrated fandom so far imo), and I don't get the appeal of its movies which seems likely offered the same concept; galaxy war.
last edited over a year ago
deedragongirl commented…
Same here, the Last Jedi didn't convince me at all! over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
Old Star Wars, when it was Lucasfilm and still belonging to George Lucas was better ( even though the prequels were meh) than it has gotten now that Disney has bought the entire franchise. I believe Disney has ruined it. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
I love the old ones but they're definitely a bit overrated. corny as heck and Lucas is in love with archetypes. which is fine, but the sequels and prequels improve on a lot. as hated as they are, the prequels got morally a lot more interesting, and we got to see a female ruler work in politics more (I love Leia but sadly we didn't get to see her do that). both had a lot of fanservice for nerds too. the sequels are super female gaze-y which I guess ain't for some people. I love the humor, how there's more women, the characters and villain are way more interesting, so are the morals. some people are just addicted to muh nostalgia I guess. over a year ago
over a year ago avahmarie88 said…
Hans deserved better!!! His plot twist was just lazy writing. He had no real reason to do what he did.
Hans deserved better!!! His plot twist was just lazy writing. He had no real reason to do what he did
wavesurf commented…
I agree with you. But Frozen suffers from lots of areas of lazy screenwriting, and things that simply make no sense. ( But I suppose that I'll never understand other people's fascination with a movie that contradicts itself and leaves me with angry feelings). over a year ago
vintagelace commented…
I agree with both of you. For example, I can't figure out why Elsa, wanting to keep her sister safe, would send a golem of all things to keep her away! over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
^Yes. You see? That's another example where Frozen's logic leaves me angry. The message I received was "Get out, Anna!" not one of "protection for Anna by her older sister." Logic fail. over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
It's annoying because Hans was my fav character before that twist. I've always felt that if they were set on wanting to make him a 'conflicting' character they should have at least written him as a man who was in love and just felt he was doing the right thing by wanting to protect Anna from Elsa, but by the end of the movie ended up seeing the error of his actions. Then he and Anna could just naturally part ways/stay friends if the writer's intent was Kristoff & Anna endgame. That would make him a lot more interesting than the end result, at least in my opinion. over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
You'll Be In My Heart is one of the most heartwarming Disney songs out there! It makes me cry every time I listen to it. You can just feel the impact it has on you. On a personal note, and as some of you know, it also makes think of my grandmother, whom I lost last October.
wavesurf commented…
I know you miss your grandma. But I am glad Phil Collins's song is comforting, even though it is a tear-jerker. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Disney needs another Asian princess, because I feel bad for Mulan being the only princess from the Far East.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago notbrandyss said…
The Revival Era is going to be harshly criticized a few years down the line once it's finished. Most of them aren't really classics and are only liked due to hype.
Mongoose09 commented…
I think most of the revival era are objectively good, well-made movies tbh. over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I don't like the Revival Era, because every movie feels like a repeat of the movie that came before it. I don't begin to see any distinguishing elements, anymore. And I guess Disney just wants to put out more and more of the same thing. In the old days, not every character came from the same mold. But they all do now. over a year ago
AudreyFreak commented…
^^^^^ or that the renaissance didn't cram the preachy morals in. they're infamous for starting the obsession with how Girls Need Role Models. the heroes are just as much a bunch of Purity Sues as before for the most part, the humor in most is dated, and they have their own fair share of problematic elements to them but only Classic and Revival get that. over a year ago
over a year ago notbrandyss said…
Mickey Mouse is a good show.
over a year ago KataraLover said…
I think Morgana is a genuinely good villain. She's nowhere near as awesome as her sister, OBVIOUSLY, but she's still a cool character. I'd explain why, but I feel like this video explains it perfectly!
Mongoose09 commented…
well she's much better than Marina Del Rey that's for sure over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I don't have a problem with how the princesses are portrayed in Wreck it Ralph 2. It's just supposed to be a fun scene, it's not like it's to be taken too seriously
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I agree as well over a year ago
wavesurf commented…
I don't agree. I had a problem with the fact the Revival girls were doing "most of" the speaking parts in the first clip. And now that Mulan is out-of-character, my own lack of enthusiasm for the "princess scene" in WIR-2 has slid even further downward. Internet smear campaign opinions usually ruin all good things. over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
I still haven't seen the full extent of the trailers (trying to keep it mostly a surprise) but I can agree that a lot of them look odd and not like themselves. over a year ago
over a year ago deedragongirl said…
Caissie Levy plays Elsa way better than Idina Menzel, even-though I am a fan of both singers.
over a year ago BB2010 said…
I really don't like the movie Pinocchio because of all the loose ends. Like at the end we're supposed to be like "Yay he's a real boy! Who cares about the enslaved donkey boys! Who cares about the fox and cat scamming people and having no problem kidnapping children? Who cares about the puppet guy who was going to straight up murder Pinocchio eventually? Yay!"
deedragongirl commented…
I so agree, while I like the ending, it was abrupt. over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
i don't how else to put it but that movie has a lot of...dark energy over a year ago
MalloMar commented…
Agreed, except I do like the movie for the most part. It seems like they ran out of time. No villain gets their comeuppance. Its scary! over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
^yeah I try to enjoy what I can, it's just hard to watch the whole thing over a year ago
over a year ago Sparklefairy375 said…
Feels like I'm the only one who don't like Wall-E. Sure I'll have to admit the movie brings out issues and criticized about earth's pollution and human's dependency with technologies, which is a good thing. But the execution of the concept with the story of a robot finding a plant in the earth covered with garbage, is pretty boring. I don't get how the movie is rated so high.
KataraLover commented…
I absolutely DESPISE the movie Wall-E! I find it the be the worst and most boring Pixar movie EVER! over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
there was some stuff I liked like the beginning on earth but then once we get to space I'm totally bored. The only scene in space I did like was Wall-e and Eve's space dance and that was it over a year ago
UnholyNoise commented…
wall-e is way overhyped, it's boring past the first 15 minutes. but also pixar movies in general annoy me. over a year ago
over a year ago BB2010 said…
As much as I like the characters, how death is dealt with, and superheroes I really don't like Big Hero 6. The villain was predictable, I felt bored for most of the movie, the villain himself was pretty lame, and it always bothered me that I've seen people say that Anna is annoying but then gush over Aunt Cass when they were similar
deedragongirl commented…
Somehow, it reminds me of Power Rangers! over a year ago
Sparklefairy375 commented…
I like the movie but yeah, it's the typical of cliche superhero movie that has been done in years. Say that to Marvel movies. over a year ago
Mongoose09 commented…
I really like it but I do get your point for sure over a year ago