Disney Princess Team Tiana!

hajirah4 posted on Oct 31, 2013 at 08:45PM
This thread is for Team Tiana. Here, we'll discuss what we'll do for the challenges and requirements; like the Team Leader. All people in Team Tiana should only be posting here. That doesn't mean that others are left out, or that you can't join. If you have any questions and would like to join our team (though we're full) you may ask
GreatLance_30 the Awesome. *Please* do not post them here :)

Team Members:

Team Leader: hajirah4
Vice Leader:

Have fun, and enjoy!
This thread is for Team Tiana. Here, we'll discuss what we'll do for the challenges and requirements;
last edited on Nov 11, 2013 at 11:09PM

Disney Princess 59 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 59

over a year ago Jayden-G said…
For leader, I suggest either you or Flutey_Girl96. You two are on the most and the most active. Both rhythmic and I have not been on as consistently as before, Awinitarose could be too, but seems a bit quieter (which is not bad).
hajirah4 commented…
Thanks :) Talking about Awinitarose, loos like I'll have to contact her. over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Thanks for the nomination, but I'm too busy with exams for the next couple of weeks, so I have to politely decline :) over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
Hajirah, I'll probably have to contact rhythmicmagic myself if she doesn't come on tonight. Flutey_Girl96, no problem. over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
There's no rush, so Jayden-G, AwinitaRose, Flutey_Girl96, rhythmicmagic, welcome to the thread! I love Tiana just as much as the rest of you, which is why we should start finding the answer for our main question. We don't have any challenges yet, but we should be prepared, no?

Let's start by choosing our leader. (Like GreatLance_30) We'll vote in the forum, and you may give your reasons to why you vote for her or she.
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
I vote for hajrah4. She started this forum, and really loves Tiana.

Can I denominate myself? I'm too busy for the next couple of weeks to be team leader
hajirah4 commented…
You should prolly talk to jayden-g bout that, after all, HE nominated you. Your reasons are fair enough, though you would've made a greast leader :) And thank you for nomiating me! over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
If you are too busy than it is all good, just a suggestion. I am fine with hajirah4 being team leader. over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Also, may I suggest all of us having an icon of Tiana? It'll be easier yo know who's in our team, the others are doing it as well. We don't have to, though. And perhaps we could do it when the challenges begin. Any thoughts on this?
Awinitarose commented…
Sounds like a good idea :) over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
Yeah, I saw the Aurora team do that, and it is a neat idea. I think we should do it ASAP. over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
cool idea. I'll do that when I get on my computer later over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
I think hajirah4 will be a really good leader for us. Like Jayden-G said, she's very active on fanpop and I think she has the skills to help us win.
Jayden-G commented…
I am a he (gasps). I appreciate your nomination, but I do have a lot of things to do outside of Fanpop. We are all very skilled in many ways, and will be a good team. over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
I meant I agree with what you said about hajirah4. I know you are a he :). over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Thank you for nominating me :) Looks like we've just got the amazing rhythmicmagic to go to. (checks to do list) over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
I'll have to email her then. over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Whoohoo! Go TIANA!
I'm definitely for hajirah4, you love Tia more than pretty much anybody! You totally deserve to be our leader!
hajirah4 commented…
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you came, soon, we'll have some REAL fun! over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Thank you for calling me "the amazing rhythmicmagic!" That just lit me up! over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
We will really have a good time. Our team is great. over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
So... now that we've got our icons and the team leader, I'll tell GreatLance and we'll just have to wait for the rest. I think we're ahead, so that'll give us plenty of time to rest, and just goof around. Since some of us will be busy, we can just relax.

But while we're 'chilling' we'll still need something. How about we try to find ideas for what we call our team members? I know Team Mulan has the Warriors, (although it's not official) but this is just a question for us to think about while we've got nothing to do. Feel free not to think about it at all, it's just something to bring up ;)

Everyone, thanks for your cooperation, this will be a fun game to play! You've all done a great job, and I'm glad your all aware of this. For now, just relax, the real fun will soon begin! (runs off on horse with sword in the air)
So... now that we've got our icons and the team leader, I'll tell GreatLance and we'll just have to w
rhythmicmagic commented…
Oh, that picture's so cute! over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Thank you :) I was just bored, it was midnight, so I decided to'whip' this up. (badum-tisssssssssssssss) That's a pun. over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
Team name suggestion:
I was thinking maybe "The Fighting Quakers"
We are all figthers, but we don't forget to have fun along the way. :)
Jayden-G commented…
That sounds cool. It is better than the Cooks (my initial suggestion), since that is all Tiana, but I am liking Fighting Quakers. over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
i like it! It's a little long, but it really fits. :-) Mine was the Chefs, but now that I hear the Cooks and the fighting quakers, I'll rethink that. XD over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Oh, that's a really creative one! Fun to say, too! Again, my idea was more along the vein of the Cooks and Chefs, my idea was the Waitresses! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
We may or may not need to elect a vice leader as well. GreatLance_30's team is, and since she's running the game, that may be another rule. So we. might as well starting voting for that as well, since we've only got 2 days left maximum. I vote Awinitarose, she seems to be the only one active at that time. Either her or rhythmicmagic :-)
rhythmicmagic commented…
I'm fine with honestly anyone over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
^Okay, great! over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Cool! over a year ago
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
I know there's the Getting to Know Each Other game, but I thought that we should all say a few things about ourselves so everyone can get to know us, seeing as we're on a team together.

I'm 17, and I live in Australia.
I play the flute, and am considering posting some YouTube videos soon.
I'm currently "studying" and sitting my end-of-high-school exams, which have a big influence over my uni entry score.
I love my dog Taffy, but dislike the cat, Bella, and I'm neutral abut the other dog, Sasha.
I like drawing when I have the time.
I also like puzzles, and I can solve a standard Rubik's cube in under 3 minutes

If you don't feel like sharing, that's fine, but I thought it'd be a good idea to get to know each other a little better :)
hajirah4 commented…
I'll share! Great idea, and I'm almost done my All About Me article, so this'll be fun :) over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Thanks, and I will, but gotta get through exams before I can start practicing again, let alone recording over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Alright, about me!

I'd rather not hand out my age online, but I'm from Arizona, so it's very hot here!
I play piano and trombone. Once, for my birthday, my uncle gave me a CD of pieces arranged on trombone- including 76 Trombones played by 76 trombonists!
My biggest fear is thunderstorms (but specifically the thunder)
I LOVE CATS! I have two, Oliver and Harley
In addition to Disney and the DPs, I'm an obsessive fan of Harry Potter and gymnastics! I also love rhythmic gymnastics.
Oh, and my arms hyperextend!
Jayden-G commented…
Ohh, hyperextended. I love cats too, and for some reason, I can tell that you were into gymnastics and that stuff. over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
You play the piano AND the trombone. That's really cool. Oh and I love Harry Potter and cats as well :) over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Jayden-G: Really? I'm proud of myself then! over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
winitarose- Yep, both! Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
I'm 14, I come from this region in Toronto Ontrario known as Etobicoke. This is the region in which the infamous Rob Ford lives at. He lives only 8 streets away from me, and I don't plan on visiting him any soon :P In my school, I'm in the student council, debate team and such. I can make by eyebrows dance and put my kegs up to the back of my head. I'm a muslim, and I play the viola. (I named her Violet, and my bow Lucille :)
rhythmicmagic commented…
Oh, I love that you named your instrument and your bow! over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
Etobicoke? Oh my gosh. I only live half an hour away from you MAX. Rob Ford is a hot ass mess. Did you hear about his crack scandal? For all of you who don't know Rob Ford, he is the crazy mayor of Toronto. over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
My mom complains about him AT LEAST once a week. It is about time he admitted it now over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
I live in Denmark. English isn't my first language (as you probably can tell by my writing). My parents are foster pet parents for animals (mostly dogs). We help rehabilitate them and find new permanent and safe homes. I love wild animals, especially leopards. I like to swim in oceans (I live extremely close to the ocean).

I love to play the piano. It's so relaxing and peaceful. I'm a huge fan of Alan Menken (almost obsessed with him :P). It was because of him I wanted to play the piano.

Another thing about me is that I have a thing for underrated characters. Such as Remus Lupin (Harry Potter), Princess Sissi, Virginie (Sophie et Virginie), Sitka (Brother Bear), Thomas Andrews (Titanic) and Col. Brandon (Sense and Sensibility). As I said, I love underrated and/or underappreciated characters.
last edited over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
I also love the piano, I find it the same way as you! over a year ago
over a year ago Jayden-G said…
So our first contest is to make an icon by the 10th. Any ideas as to what we want to make it look? Who is going to actually create it and the others add onto it? I want us to start ASAP /9 we have more time to deal with things.
hajirah4 commented…
Okay, after school ill start pouring info everywhere. Just give me three or four hours. over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Well, I suck at making icons, but I can definitely contribute ideas. Is there any particular theme, or is it just an icon of Tiana? over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
I'm POSITIVE it'll look good! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Okay, I'll delete the ones I don't wan to be in the vote. For now, I'll just post it in case I don't succeed in any other icons. And I wish good luck to the rest of you! Nobody has submitted their icons yet.
last edited over a year ago
Okay, I'll delete the ones I don't wan to be in the vote. For now, I'll just post it in case I don't
Awinitarose commented…
I really like this one. over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Last one!
Last one!
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
NOW it's the last one.
last edited over a year ago
NOW it's the last one.
hajirah4 commented…
I'll resize it, chill :) over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
Here is mine.
last edited over a year ago
Here is mine.
hajirah4 commented…
Woah. Your's looks so beautiful! over a year ago
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
I'll make mine tomorrow when I have more time and energy. I'm meant to be studying right now. Don't tell my mum :P
hajirah4 commented…
Haha, okey-dokey XD over a year ago
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
Here's mine
Here's mine
hajirah4 commented…
It looks great! I can resize it for you, because it needs to be an icon. That is, if you want me to resize it! over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
That'd be good, thanks :) over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Number 2 (This is probably my least favorite)
Number 2 (This is probably my least favorite)
hajirah4 commented…
I think this one looks really pretty! I like the color and the sparkles, it fits the emotion well. Well done! over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
This oen looks the best of your three :) over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
*one over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Oh, cool! Thanks! I thought it didn't turn out too well- I guess that's just the way things go! over a year ago
over a year ago Jayden-G said…
Well, I am not an icon person, and I have not been in Media Arts for a year, but just to participate. Here is my craptastic icon
Well, I am not an icon person, and I have not been in Media Arts for a year, but just to participate.
hajirah4 commented…
I really like it! It fits her, in a way :) over a year ago
over a year ago kat-wonderland said…
Hi Team Tiana!:) I just wanna ask you if there's any chance that i can join this team? I love Tiana and Belle, but especially Tiana, please write me back!:) Thank you
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Hi! You'll have to wait until hajirah4 comes online and sees this, she's our team leader over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
I thought you were on Team Belle? over a year ago
over a year ago kat-wonderland said…
Thank you for answer me, i'll be waiting:)
hajirah4 commented…
Hello! We've only got 5 members, and last time I checked, another member is fine :) You can join if you want to, but it'll only be official until GreatLance_30 puts your name on the original forum. over a year ago
over a year ago kat-wonderland said…
so am i in Tiana's team for now? Can i do an icons too?
hajirah4 commented…
Yup! You're in. Remember, your icon will need to be Tiana as well :) over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
BUT you need to submit an icon as well. over a year ago
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
How do you guys think we should vote for the icon we use? It's gotta be in soon
hajirah4 commented…
We can just vote for any icon! I'll make another post. over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Okay, whoever wants to delete the icons they don't want to enter anymore, do it within 48 hours, because by then, the voting in our team will be over.
1. Don't vote for yourself
2. If a tie between some icons occur, we will vote again, only including the icons with the tie.
3. All icons must be 200 x 200 or 100 x 100.
hajirah4 commented…
Oh AND, *please* do not vote until kat-wonderland posts her icon(s) over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
My icon is 150 x 150. Is that okay? I can always make it smaller (100x100) over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Yeah, your's has to be either 100 x 100 or 200 x 200. Sorry, but most people check, and will be pretty darn specific and won't stop till they see perfection with the size XD (I've been down that road MANY times before) over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
Fair enough. I changed the size :) over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Flutey_Girl96's spectacular icoooooooooonn!
Flutey_Girl96's spectacular icoooooooooonn!
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
I vote for rhythmicmagic's icon
I vote for rhythmicmagic's icon
over a year ago kat-wonderland said…
Hi, here is my icon, hope you'll like it!:)
Hi, here is my icon, hope you'll like it!:)
hajirah4 commented…
It looks wonderful, good job! ;) over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
That looks really nice. I reckon you should make that your icon, seeing as you're Team Tiana :) over a year ago
kat-wonderland commented…
thank you, i will over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
They ALL look very beautiful! But I'll just choose AwinitaRose's icon.
over a year ago Jayden-G said…
I have to vote for this one. All were a lot better than my craptastic one.
I have to vote for this one. All were a lot better than my craptastic one.
kat-wonderland commented…
Thank you:) over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
^You did make a great icon, I can see why she chose it. Looking forward to more~ over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
hajirah4's first one!
hajirah4's first one!
hajirah4 commented…
Thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
Arggg, this is really tough. I think everyone did a great job, but I have to choose and I really like hajirah4's number 4 icon, so I'm gonna choose that one.
hajirah4 commented…
Okay, thanks! over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
If we somehow end up with no two members voting for the same icon, can I put in a secondary vote for Flutey_Girl96's? Seeing as some of the other teams seem to be getting rather impatient on the Team Games forum!
hajirah4 commented…
Definitely! over a year ago
over a year ago kat-wonderland said…
I vote for Hajirah4 second one: Tiana with a pie on plate:
I vote for Hajirah4 second one: Tiana with a pie on plate:
hajirah4 commented…
Thank you, kat! (Can I call you that? No? That's okay.) over a year ago
kat-wonderland commented…
you can call me Kat:D over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Yaaaaaaaaaaay! 'Cause it sounds nice. I've got a friend named Katrina, and I call her Kat, so it would eventually become a habit of mine to call you that XD over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Okay, so it looks like it was almost a tie! But the pie on the plate Tiana icon got 2 votes, which seems to be the most. So should we hand in the Tiana icon with Tiana holding the plate? Is it fair for everyone else, or should we restart? All opinions welcome, and thank you all for submitting your wonderful icons!
rhythmicmagic commented…
If it had the most votes, we should hand it in! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Okay, since Fanpop unfortunately doesn't make the comments as an update, this comment would be '9 hours ago', so I'll have to make a forum post. I'll be posting this icon for the team icon since it had the majority of votes. Thank you to everyone who participated, all the icons were fantastic! This icon will be posted within an hour.
Okay, since Fanpop unfortunately doesn't make the comments as an update, this comment would be '9 hou
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Let's get down to business! (KataraLover asked for that) Not only do I have some singing and dancing to do at this lovely team of ours. (which is *way* more lovely than Judy Garland) But we do need to be a bit more prepared, even though we are. New Check List:

□ Motto
□ Banner
□ Team Name (The Cooks/Chefs/Bakers, the Mixers)
□ Flag
last edited over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
Team Name: Don't forget the Waitresses and the Fighting Quakers. :). Btw, I'm working on a banner right now, but I'm not sure about the size. What size should the banner be? over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Yeah, I was going to add the etcetera part there XD The size of the banner? Well, just the size of any regular banner at this club I guess. But we'll probably get more info when GreatLance gets more active and visits the forum once again. I'm thinking that'll be our next task. over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
Motto: I thought of two
1. We may be strong as individuals but together we are invincible.
2. Together we stand, together we fall. All for one and one for all!
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Name: Tiananators, Tiaras (too girly for the guys), Bees, Busy Bees, The Hardboiled Eggs? I suck at this.

I'll get a motto later.
over a year ago Jayden-G said…
Motto: We always work hard, and we ALWAYS get there. Dreams come true anywhere.

And how big does the flag have to be?
hajirah4 commented…
That we don't know yet D: I put the checklist there for the next tasks, so we can check everything we've done so far. Maybe the next task will be a flag- who knows? over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Okay, looks like we've got nine days of freedom left! (till the next challenge) So let's just flow this place with mottos or group member names! How about

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!' "
"Striving for success without hard work, is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted.

And for group names. That's it.
hajirah4 commented…
^Oooh, ooh, ooh! The Jazzy Jambalayas. 'Cuz Tiana makes Jambalaya in the movie. Actually, that' s a pretty bad group name. over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
What are you talking about, I LOVE the Jazzy Jumbalayas! (Is it Jam or Jumbalaya?) over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
^Thank you :D over a year ago
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Okay, motto idea:
"The stars can't grant your dreams if you don't help them"

Group name:
Hmm, I liked Hajirah's idea of including the music aspect- the Spicy Swingers?
last edited over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
Woah. Both of your ideas deserve an A PLUS! Should we use Frogs somewhere? over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
I got some, maybe the Stars? The Fireflies? The.... Evangelines? LOL! over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
Awinitarose- Okay, so we have at least one intelligent member (or at least one who notices the obvious) And thank you! over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
Everyone! Take which spot you would like to be in. Only 2 spots available for each group you'd like to be in. I'll just go in the last spot available. (Though drawing is my specialty XD)

- banner

- drawing (any theme. be creative)

- 1 person writes the article representing the Team (The Team's name, Team's motto, why they love Cinderella, etc.). That person also has to include the banner and the drawing in the article. p.s. that person also has to put the Team's icon at the top image section of the article.
last edited over a year ago
rhythmicmagic commented…
I'll do the article! Please please! over a year ago
Jayden-G commented…
Since there is 6 of us, and I am not that great drawing or banner making, I'll help rhythmicmagic with the article. over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
I can draw! over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
I would love to make the banner. over a year ago
over a year ago hajirah4 said…
kat-wonderland, we're waiting for you....
Jayden-G commented…
She has not been active in 5 days. You should just do the drawing as well as Flutey. over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
I would do that, but I don't know how to co-operate when it comes to drawing, haha over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
I'll get started on those tomorrow :) over a year ago
over a year ago Jayden-G said…
Rhythmic and I have decided to do the article together. We have some ideas, but we need the rest of you to suggest some more, so it can be more of a group effort, and so the rest with you will have some familiarity with what is going to be on the article. Please and thank you.
hajirah4 commented…
Okay, so I'm thinking your article could use our group name, motto, banner, icon, and the drawing. Maybe each of the members can give a paragraph to your article about themselves. (Like, my name is Hajirah4 and I like Tiana because hogwarts, narnia, swag...) over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
You guys could add some really cool pictures of Tiana from DeviantArt. over a year ago
hajirah4 commented…
^Just some suggestions. over a year ago
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
Here's the banner. I hope you like it.
Here's the banner. I hope you like it.
rhythmicmagic commented…
Ooh, very pretty! over a year ago
Awinitarose commented…
Thank you. over a year ago
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
Very nice :) over a year ago
over a year ago Flutey_Girl96 said…
Working on my drawing slowly. It's hard to find time/motivation, but I will have it done by the deadline. I reckon it's looking good, and my sister recognised it as Tiana with just outlines and no facial detail, so that says something :)
over a year ago rhythmicmagic said…
Hello! Back after Thanksgiving! Just wondering, when is the deadline for this round?
Flutey_Girl96 commented…
I think it's the 12th, but I can't remember for sure. Check the Team Games forum :) over a year ago