Disney Princess Favourite Princess - list

karolinak1999 posted on Sep 28, 2013 at 02:09PM
I noticed through my participation here that many of you have ordered all the Disney Princesses from your favourite no. 1 to least favourite no. 11(Soon will be adding two more!!!!) and 9 places inbetween - I don't have that kind of list yet.

I created this forum so participants would post their list! I'm curious! and feel free to add side comments & reasons!!!!

Favourite - 1st:
Least favourite - 13th:
I noticed through my participation here that many of you have ordered all the Disney Princesses from
last edited on Dec 07, 2013 at 05:56PM

Disney Princess 24 replies

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over a year ago dclairmont said…
11. Cinderella
10. Belle
9. Ariel
8. Jasmine
7. Merida
6. Mulan
5. Pocahontas
4. Snow White
3. Tiana
2. Aurora
1. Rapunzel
over a year ago dimitri_ said…
Favourite - 1st: Mulan
2nd: Rapunzel
3rd: Ariel
4th: Pocahontas
5th: Cinderella
6th: Snow White
7th: Jasmine
8th: Belle
9th: Aurora
10th: Tiana
Least favourite - 11th: Merida
over a year ago disneygirl7 said…
1. Rapunzel
2. Tiana
3. Jasmine
4. Belle
5. Merida
6. Mulan
7. Snow White
8. Ariel
9. Pocahontas
10. Aurora
11. Cinderella
over a year ago CRaZy_rawR said…
1. Mulan
2. Pocahontas
3. Tiana
4. Rapunzel
5. Jasmine
6. Aurora
7. Ariel
8. Belle
9. Merida
10. Snow White
11. Cinderella
over a year ago Awinitarose said…
1. Mulan
2. Pocahontas
3. Cinderella
4. Tiana
5. Belle
6. Ariel
7. Rapunzel
8. Jasmine
9. Snow White
10. Aurora
11. Merida
over a year ago GreatLance_30 said…
1. Mulan
2. Rapunzel
3. Ariel
4. Tiana
5. Merida
6. Aurora
7. Pocahontas
8. Jasmine
9. Cinderella
10. Belle
11. Snow White
over a year ago sweetie-94 said…
1. Snow White
2. Aurora
3. Cinderella
4. Rapunzel
5. Belle
6. Mulan
7. Pocahontas
8. Jasmine
9. Ariel
10. Tiana
11. Merida
over a year ago LibelluleBleu said…
9.Snow White
dclairmont commented…
your top 5 are all all in my bottom 6... :0 over a year ago
over a year ago ArielandEric16 said…
1. Ariel
2. Belle
3. Tiana
4. Jasmine
5. Pocahontas
6. Rapunzel
7. Mulan
8. Aurora
9. Cinderella
10. Snow White
11. Merida
over a year ago princecatcher93 said…
1: Rapunzel
2: Tiana
3: Cinderella
4: Snow White
5: Mulan
6: Aurora
7: Ariel
8: Pocahontas
9: Jasmine
10: Belle*
11: Merida*
*Can switch like once a week.
karolinak1999 commented…
haha my favourites change all the time too!!!!!!! currently it's....ehmm....I'm not to sure...but I like Merida......wait shes no. 11 on your list!!!!!!! and on most lists!!!!lol over a year ago
dclairmont commented…
I love your list. It's probably the most similar to mine..except Cinderella is last on my list, but other than that your list is really close to mine. :) over a year ago
princecatcher93 commented…
Cinderella is going to become fifth when Frozen comes out. Anna and Elsa are stealing my hearts. over a year ago
over a year ago Queenofpink said…
1). Jasmine-she is independent, has self-respect, and is feisty and can't stand being lied to.She wants to marry for love, not just for the sake of marrying. She is intelligent and a quick-thinker which she exhibits throughout the first movie. She is also beautiful and compassionate. Her hair is all kinds of amazing too!
2.) Aurora-she's sweet and charming. She isn't as assertive as the other princesses but I still love her. She's a romantic and dreams of finding true love, don't we all? She also wears my favorite color-pink! What's not to like?
3.) Ariel- She's adventurous, motivated and she has a dream and goes after it. She's got a beautiful singing voice and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. She also has awesome red hair, and I also happen to be a red head, which may play a small role in her being so high on my list. Overall, she's just fun and bubbly.
4.) Rapunzel- Loved her movie. She is creative and talented and very resourceful. She uses her hair and a frying pan as her weapons of choice which I think is pretty cool. She has a very fun loving personality and manages to see the best in people.
5.) Mulan- She dresses as a man and goes into the army to save her father and becomes a hero when she saves China. She proves that you can do anything you set your mind to and she risks her own life for those she loves. She shows that its okay to be different and being a woman doesn't mean you have to be weak. She is a great role-model because of this.
6.) Belle- She is very intelligent and has a great love for reading. She isn't concerned with getting married and being a "little wife" which makes her different from many of the princesses before her. She shows a great amount of self-sacrifice when she takes her father's place in the Beast's castle. She also gives him a chance when no one else will and shows that beauty is not just what's on the outside.
7.) Cinderella- She's kind, sweet and manages to make the best of a bad situation. She works hard and is finally freed from her abusive home life when she attends the ball and meets the prince. She's very relatable because of her humble beginning, which is why she tends to be high on most people's list. For me though, she just falls in the middle of the pack. It's not that I don't like her, I just like most of the other princesses more.
8.)Tiana- She's hard-working, independent and motivated to get what she wants in life. She's set on owning her own restaurant which is cool. She shows that girls can find true love and also follow their own dreams and have the best of both worlds. I think I would like her more if she hadn't been so serious in her movie.
9.) Pocohontas- I love the fact that Pocohontas is such a free-spirited person. She's appreciative of nature and points out the beauty of the natural world. She has a nice personality and she shows she's mature when she doesn't leave to go with John Smith at the end of the movie. She decides to stay with her people instead which is admirable. She risks her own life to protect John Smith and also has some very moving songs in her film. Sadly though I just couldn't place her any higher. I think the fact that she rarely appears on Disney Princess merchandise is another factor in her low ranking.
10.) Merida- I admire her for being herself and doing what she loves, which is being outdoors, practicing archery , etc. She never tries to mold herself to be something she's not which is a positive quality. The fact that she is such a tomboy and is as unconventional as they come as far as princesses is why she is nearly last, because being a huge girly girl I don't relate to her quite as well. A lot of people think she is too whiny, but honestly can you blame her? She doesn't want to marry for the sake of marrying.
11.) Snow White- Her voice kind of gets on my nerves. Sure she's pretty and sweet and all but she just strikes me as being to naive. You can tell the old woman i.e. the queen looks evil. Never take anything from strangers. Other than that, I'm honestly not sure why I dislike her so much. I have for as long as I can remember.
karolinak1999 commented…
wow!!!! Thats an awesome list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
Queenofpink commented…
Thank you:) over a year ago
over a year ago karolinak1999 said…
Now that "Frozen" has been released we need to start including Anna & Elsa in our lists!!!!
over a year ago disneygirl7 said…
2. Anna
3. Tiana
4. Jasmine
5. Merida
6. Belle
7. Pocahontas
8. Snow White
9. Ariel
10. Aurora
11. Cinderella
12. Elsa
13. Mulan
over a year ago dclairmont said…
1. Aurora
2. Elsa
3. Snow White
4. Pocahontas
5. Anna
6. Cinderella
7. Mulan
8. Rapunzel
9. Jasmine
10. Tiana
11. Merida
12. Ariel
13. Belle
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GreatLance_30 said…
1. Anna
2. Rapunzel
3. Elsa
4. Tiana
5. Ariel
6. Mulan
7. Aurora
8. Jasmine
9. Cinderella
10. Merida
11. Pocahontas
12. Belle
13. Snow White
dclairmont commented…
I love your top 4 :) over a year ago
over a year ago Queenofpink said…
1. Jasmine
2. Elsa
3. Aurora
4. Ariel
5. Anna
6. Rapunzel
7. Belle
8. Mulan
9. Merida
10. Cinderella
11. Pocahontas
12. Tiana
13. Snow White
over a year ago LibelluleBleu said…
11.Snow White
over a year ago Silverrose1991 said…
Currently it is:

1. Belle
2. Cinderella
3. Snow White
4. Aurora
5. Elsa
6. Anna
7. Jasmine
8. Merida
9. Tiana
10. Rapunzel
11. Mulan
12. Ariel
13. Pocahontas

Favorites: 1-7
Love: 8-9
Like: 10
Like/Neutral: 11-13
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MaidofOrleans said…
I'm afraid to make my list with Anna and Elsa because I feel like I have a skewed perspective from only really seeing their movie once... What do you guys think - should I make it anyway?
dclairmont commented…
Go ahead, if it changes it's not like it'll really matter XD over a year ago
MaidofOrleans commented…
Haha that's a good point! over a year ago
over a year ago emerald_32 said…
1) Elsa
2) Anna
3) Rapunzel
4) Aurora
5) Merida
6) Ariel
7) Cinderella
8) Belle
9) Mulan
10) Snow White
11) Tiana
12) Jasmine
13) Pocahontas

Haha, yeah. I guess thats it. X3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago coolsinger198 said…
1. Elsa
9.Snow White
11. Anna
over a year ago CRaZy_rawR said…
1. Pocahontas
2. Aurora
3. Elsa
4. Anna
5. Rapunzel
6. Mulan
7. Merida
8. Ariel
9. Jasmine
10. Tiana
11. Cindy
12. Snow White
13. Belle
over a year ago carrieicecream said…
1) Ariel
2) Mulan
3) Jasmine
4) Elsa
5) Anna
6) Tiana
7) Belle
8) Aurora
9) Rapunzel
10) Cinderella
11) Snow White
12) Pocahontas
13) Merida
over a year ago KishaQuinones14 said…
13)snow white