Disney Princess Disney: What if (s) (?)

Arielthemermaid posted on May 17, 2012 at 09:30AM
Hi guys! This is a game I created, all you have to do, is post what you think would've happened if the Disney Princesses and Princes didn't meet and married someone else. But no crossover! Must be movie-related!

For example:
(must be a story though! I just need to be quick)
Ariel was obsessed with humans, but her father was forcing her to marry a merman. The wedding was in 2 days. Meanwhile, Ariel was human-object exploring while her father and sisters celebrate Ariel's marriage that is in two days.

While looking at her amazing things, Ariel begins a song, "Part of Your World" she notices a boat floating above. She goes to explore it. Of course, Sebastian tries to stop her.

Flounder, Ariel, Sebastian and Scuttle went to explore the ship. Ariel falls in love with a prince, that an old man calls "Eric". So when Ariel remembers, she has to be in bed before the moon is close to the waters.

So that night, Ariel lay in bed, wanting to see the prince again. But she knows she will be married soon. Ariel shed a tear, knowing she can never see him again.

The wedding came soon, and Ariel was getting ready, she was afraid, but ready. The merman was waiting outside. Ariel swam down the aisle. She and the man said their vows, the prince above, lived a sad life... alone.


So that's how I do it guys!
This is entirely made for fun, please no mean comments.

Disney Princess 4 replies

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over a year ago Arielthemermaid said…
Feel free to add images, ask questions about the topic, and more! If you'd like advice, I'll give you advice, :).

This is made for fun, and entertainment and teaches people how to use their imagination, enjoy it!
over a year ago Arielthemermaid said…
Remember not to add comments that hold words not meant for kids 8 and below. There may be kids younger than you, so do write/type/speak carefully or your story will be deleted.

Thank you for cooperating!
over a year ago Arielthemermaid said…
Here's another one that I made up starring Cinderella and her sisters and Anastasia marries the prince instead. Just read.
Cinderella is a servant girl that works in a big house, looks like a castle. She has a step mother, and two step sisters; Anastasia and Drizella. They're all terrible to her. Well the sisters TRY to.

There is a ball at the king's castle, because he wants his son married so he can bare him some kids. The prince does not want to be married. But the king says: "That is an order!". So he invites every unmarried woman in the kingdom to the ball. Poor Cinderella cannot go, she asks her step mother, she just laughs and said no.

Cinderella has no suitable dress but one. The mice allow her to wear the one they specially made for her but were saving for her birthday. She shows her step mother and step sisters.

"Very well, Cinderella. You can go. But on one condition." said the step mother.

"And what may that be, step mother? What do I have to loose?" said Cinderella.

"SILENCE! You wear this mask, so the prince will not see your face." said the step mother.

"But step mother-" said Cinderella.

"CINDERELLA! Wear the mask, or your step sisters will rip your dress." said the step mother,

"But mother, we don't want to rip her dress-ah right Anastasia?" said Drizella. Anastasia nodded.

"Very well, Cinderella, no mask, but wear your servant dress and bonnet." said step mother.

"Ok step mother." said Cinderella.

"NO! Cinderella, you can wear that ball gown, don't listen to my mother." said Anastasia.

"Yeah, Cinderella. Go on! Run to the ball! GO!" said Drizella.

And she did! She did dance with the prince, but he didn't like a girl because of who she is, only the beauty of her dress.

So he married Anastasia, and Cinderella lived with Drizella and her step mother in the house.

And Anastasia lived happily ever after!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Arielthemermaid said…
big smile
And another, it's an edit of the sequel of The Little Mermaid 2.
And also, I forgot to tell you that you can edit a story from Disney!
Well these are like edits.

Ariel and Eric are now married and had a baby! Cool! And they named it Melody 'cause Eric loved Ariel's voice and Ariel misses the songs sang under the sea.

She is so adorable! And this time, Morgana does not want Melody, she wants to scare Ariel and Eric. After getting Melody back from Morgana and discussing with Triton how Ariel and her family can't go under the sea 'til Morgana is found.

After the battle with Morgana, when Melody is 12, they think they're all in peace, but they are wrong. Morgana and Ursula's mom, is still out for them.

Melody, Ariel and Eric go out for a swim, Triton turns the girls into mermaids. Then they go look for seashells and lost human things. On the way, there is a big sea-storm, Melody gets sucked in and Ariel later on.

Ariel: Melody! Watch out!
Melody: What? Huh? [looks behind]
Ariel: Melody! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

So Melody was now with Viola, but let's go there when Ariel's in.

Ariel: I have to go after her! [lets go of rock holding her down]

[Ariel gets sucked into Viola's place]
Ariel was now sleeping, she was awoken by Viola's laughing.

Viola: AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Two mermaid suppers! Magnificent! Magnificent!

Ariel: Where am I?


Ariel: MELODY! You're- you're trapped! [tries to get her out]

Viola: Don't try mermaid, it's just a waste of time!

Ariel: You- please help me? Who are you?

Viola: Well, of course, I trapped her! Who else besides the queen of Pacifa!

Ariel: But why do you want us?

Viola: All I want is your murderer daughter and husband for supper, you're good to go mermaid.

Ariel: So you're Ursula and Morgana's mother?

Viola: What?! Your father never spoke of me?! EVER?!

Ariel: Well of course not!

Viola: May as well eat your father as well, but first take care of you! [zaps Ariel to make her human again]

Melody: [squeezes out of trap] MOM! [grabs Ariel and swims to surface] [gets caught by the tail] [accidentally pulls Ariel inside]

Viola: You'll never save your precious mummy now!

Melody: Oh yes I will! Tip! Dash!