Detective Conan CONTEST: 20 in 20 icon contest!

RoughSketch posted on Oct 27, 2012 at 01:10PM
(Totally a copy from Angeloous Hetalia challenge, only inspiring for activity!)


-You have 20 days to make 20 icons about an DC Character.
-NO STEALING. You have to make the icons yourself.
-In each round you have 20 icons this form:

*10 Themed icons: each icon with different theme. New round/10 new themes
*5 Category icons: One theme for 5 icons. New round/new theme
*5 Artist's choice icons: 5 Icons of your choice.

-You can't post the same icon twice.

-Icons must be squared unless specified otherwise. (size between 100x100 & 200x200.)

-The Icon could be screencap or fanfic.

-NO CHEATING. Don't vote for yourself, don't ask others to vote for you. ------------------------------------------­-­-­­­ --­­ ­--­ -­­­ --­­ -­-­ ­--­ ­­-­ --­­ ­--­ ­-­­ -­-­ -­­­ ---­­­-­ -­-­ ­-­­ --­­ ­--­ -----­--­ ­­-­ --­­ ­--­ ­-­­ -­-­ -­­­ ---­­­-­ -­-­ ­
Any person, who does not cancel their sign-up in time (at least 5 days before the deadline), and who fails to submit at least 10 (half) of their icons for a given round will be banned from participaticating.


1. Sleeping
2. Eating
3. Smiling
4. Place (with background)
5. With someone
6. In the beach
7. Sad
8. Angry
9. Purple
10. Formal wear

Category: expressions.

Artists choice: 5 icons of your choice!

The one yhat gets most votes win a price.

* Roughsketch: Ran Mouri

Deadline: decided when someone joins.
last edited on Oct 27, 2012 at 01:13PM

Detective Conan 11 replies

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over a year ago RoughSketch said…
Day 1: sleeping.
Day 1: sleeping.
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
2. Eating (with sweets)
2. Eating (with sweets)
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
3. Smiling.
3. Smiling.
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
4. Place (going to resize.)
4. Place (going to resize.)
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
5. With someone (Shinichi/conan, whoops Shinran feels)
5. With someone (Shinichi/conan, whoops Shinran feels)
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
6. In the beach. C:
6. In the beach. C:
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
7. Sad.
7. Sad.
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
8. Angry.
8. Angry.
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
9. Purple.
9. Purple.
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
10. Formal wear. ('^^)
10. Formal wear. ('^^)
over a year ago RoughSketch said…
Category 1: expressions
Category 1: expressions