Depression Wall


Displaying wall entries 21-30 of 230

19987 said …
So much pain hiding underneath this smile.
I never knew how hard life could be and as we get older life gets harder. It's good when you'v got your friends to help you get through everyday. I don't understand all the pain. That has come from no where. I hate feeling like this but I put my fake smile on everyday. And try and get through the best I can. Posted over a year ago
19987 said …
I'm here for you all. Msg me if you need someone to talk to.
I'm going through the same problems as you.
It's important where here for each other Posted over a year ago
LTboy said …
Laughing helps, having a funny friend (or friends) that says funny things to make me laugh is great. Watching my favorite comedies that make me laugh can help lift my spirits. I tend to watch more drama but when I'm down comedies help. I just watched Bird Cage and now Romy and Micheles HS Reunion. Pls don't knock me, I'm just needing to vent right now and tell other peeps what works for me, it
might help others. Thx.
Posted over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
Depression s different for everyone but when it hits u it hits u hard and a lot of times ur not awear until it's to late it might be this little voice or a darkness coming over u mine is both and it hits me often it causes me to be extremely sensitive and the smallest thing can break and hurt my feelings I spend years busting my ass tring to keep mine from taking over now I know from my nightmares and everything Im only fighting a losing battle it takes over its like this darkness taking ur soul Posted over a year ago
Iheartscene17 commented…
Sis u are not losing the battle. Uve only lost if u give into it im trying my best to not give into my battle but ill find a way to help u through everything. Ur not alone :) over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
I know and I'll try and help u to over a year ago
Cherry9090 commented…
Thank u over a year ago
PoweredKaoru said …
my family is wonderful, and they all love me and I have good friends, yet some reason, I feel lost and alone, and no one really understands how I feel... They all say they love me and they will be there for me, but they don't understand this feeling I have, and that I feel usless, and that everyone is better than me, almost so much, I'm losing the imagination of real happiness, and I'm JUST 13 Posted over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
Vampiyaa said …
I am a sensitive person. I have amazing friends and family who all love me. and yet i still feel cut off from the world with nobody to turn to. in my life i am the one that others turn to but nobody will listen when i need a shoulder to cry on. i was hurting my boyfriend so i had to dump him and try to sound like as big of a bitch as possible so that he would stay away from me and not get hurt anymore. i ended up making an enemy today, and that hit me really hard. i can't stand others hating me. Posted over a year ago
Vampiyaa commented…
somebody now knows my biggest secret ever this just kills man T_T over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
thejokersgirl13 said …
I hate my life. I had one boyfriend, but he screwed me up, and dumped me. I haven't had a boyfriend since, because all the guys at my school think I'm some sort of freak because the most popular guy in the school dumped me. Posted over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said …
I swear everyone is against me and won't listen to a fucking word i say;
people won't come near me or even talk to me;
people start fucking rumours about me.....

i swear i'm going to break down into to tears any moment;

fuck. i hate my life so much

and yes; i have tired self harm before...

i have been double-crossed and back stabbed so many fucking times....

i give up on life.....i really do....

Posted over a year ago
Vampiyaa commented…
Never give up, light shall shine upon your life eventually. we'll all have our dark hours because life itself is a chasm. don't be afraid to show your tears and if you ever need to talk about something Vampiyaa will be here :) over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
light will never 'shine upon' me.....never....never have never will, the only thing keeping me sane and alive is Doctor Who and my family. :c over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
Cherry9090 said …
i was sitting at my comuter talking to ppl laughing and stuff then it was like something dark hit me i staeted crying i fel like i was falling like there was nothing to grab on to i mean i have good foster family good freinds on here and a amazing boyfreind but it hit me hard i know i suffer from depression becuase of my past but this hit me a couple of days ago.. Posted over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
knuklesismine said …
i dont know if i want a hug or if im becomeing afraid of them... please help, so i come here thinking you guys know what its like. anyone?
Posted over a year ago
knuklesismine commented…
help! everyone is trying to get in the way of my suaside, Witch by the way is NOT a good idea over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
Yes, i know what t's like to feel suicidle. But now, I am more Happy:) Really, it's gonna be okay. Don't kill yourslef, life is beautiful if you learn to let go of your problems. You're beautiful, and whatever is causing you pain shouldn't bother you:) over a year ago
Vampiyaa commented…
i swore to myself i would never think suicidal thoughts and i never have. im never afraid to hug; I'm the one asking for them. But it's only because if I don't hold onto somebody i feel like i'll start to fall until i hit the ground and its over. over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to Talk to over a year ago
Sasukes_Gurl said …
My parents took me to a specialist today to see if I had add (attention deficit disorder)
I come out of the room and they diagnose me with depression.
I seriously can't cope with all this sh*t, I'm so unhappy and I feel like I have nothing to live for.
And I can't stand how lightly the word depression is tossed around nowadays. People 'claiming' to be depressed have no freakin idea... Posted over a year ago
knuklesismine commented…
same here. over a year ago
jbieberluver94 commented…
Agreed. I got diagnosed with suicidel depression. Since I was crying every second of every day, took a jack knife to my head, covered myself in cuts, and tryed multiple times to drown myself. And, I had no reason for me to get depression. Now, I'm on meds, so it's alot better over a year ago
Vampiyaa commented…
i missed exactly one hundred and seventeen days of school fighting depression. i know i have it but i refuse to admit it to others. i refuse to see a counsellor because i feel like i can cope with it without the help of some idiot who thinks they're important. i know it's not suicidal depression-- i've point-blank refused to let it get that far. in the days that i missed school i was home alone, and during those lonely hours i was in my bed crying and i don't know why. but sasukes_gurl, you HAVE something to live for. you have a family, friends and virtual friends (:D) who love you and you must always bear that in mind. over a year ago
Sasukes_Gurl commented…
@Vampiyaa, I refuse to acknowledge it too. When I was literally dragged to see a counsellor, I didn't speak one word to them. Because I hate the way that they made me feel inferior to them, and that they think that they have all the answers. I have my reasons for depression, but I have never tried self harm, and I wouldn't allow myself to either. I get so depressed that I can be sick for weeks. I know the cause of my depression, and it is mainly due to a social reason. I don't have any good friends I can really rely on. I'm ALWAYS there for them, but when I need someone, no ones around. Online is just a way for me to vent my feelings and be myself :) The only thing that keeps me going is my family. I love them for being so supportive. I wish you all the best too Vampiyaa over a year ago
Jakemulliken said …
If anyone here needs someone to talk to about stuff. Come send me an email...Names Jake
Would love to help you guys anyway i can.
Jake) Posted over a year ago
Vampiyaa commented…
that's very generous of you :) over a year ago
19987 commented…
I need help :( over a year ago
7things said …
:( :( :'( Posted over a year ago
Depressed671 said …
You Want to Know Why Your Hurting?
You're being attached to someone who's being distant towards you...
You're paying attention to someone who ignores you..
You're making time for someone who's too busy for you...
You're too caring for someone who's careless towards you..
You're waiting for someone who keeps stalling on you... Posted over a year ago
earthangel commented…
nice :) over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
:)thanks over a year ago
19987 commented…
True! over a year ago
DanniVanity said …
AMAN SISTER! There are so many more reasons to be depressed than just panny rich girl shit. I would love to c thair asses deal with the shit i do Posted over a year ago
teamian commented…
EXACTLY! One day something really shit is going to happen to them and I'd love to see them cope. They have no idea of the real world yet, they're in for a HUGE surprise! over a year ago
SoraGirl111 commented…
Amen sisters!! over a year ago
teamian said …
UGH, God, I hate those girls who claim to be depressed and cut them selves simply because they listen to rock or metal! I actually asked one girl why she was claiming to be depressed ... she said because her friend couldn't go to a concert with her ... I'll show her real depression. And OMG those girls who whine saying they want to die or their lives are shit because they like a boy who doesn't like them back! I swear I could kill those girls! bloody drama queens!! Posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
i got girls like that at my high school...its so fucking annoying....... over a year ago
HattersMadGirl commented…
I have to agree with you there. Just being depressed of some preppy guy.. is pretty shallow. over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here for you all! Msg me if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
totaldramafan96 said …
i just tried to cut my self..... my arm fucking stings.......:( Posted over a year ago
15blondCurtis commented…
WHAT?!!!?? DO NOT EVER CUT AND/OR HURT YOURSELF!!!! THAT JUST DAMAGES YOUR BLOOD AND WEARS YOU OUT/DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please don't kill/hurt yourself... for me? over a year ago
ruby1000 commented…
please dont cut, my best friend did when she was depressed and i have seen first hand all of the extra trouble that it has caused her in addition to the depression... please, please dont!!!!! over a year ago
19987 commented…
I'm here if you want someone to talk to over a year ago
hottie23 said …
I used to have really bad depression and I thank God every day that I continue to get better. Posted over a year ago
ruby1000 commented…
thats great Xd over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva said …
im depressed but not enough to hurt myself:(( Posted over a year ago
totaldramafan96 commented…
im depressed and i got a scar on my arm coz i try to cut my self :( over a year ago
Depressed671 said …
I'm always forgotten now..There's this girl who I used to be friends with, now I hate her, and all of my "friends" would rather be her friend than mine, even though she treats all her friends like shit. I think she knows I'm mad at her, because lately, all of my "friends" have been counting me out of any advice? Posted over a year ago
emogangster01 commented…
jus take it day by day thats what i do and eventually youll get passed it over a year ago
Sasukes_Gurl commented…
that's almost the same situation as me. What I did was just move on, even though she had been my very best friend of 5 years. I finally realised that she's not a real friend. It's hard to move on, but it's for the best. over a year ago
NikkiLovesMJ said …
Why does sadness and depression have to be such a big part of our lifes?? ='( Posted over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
no clue but i wish it wasn't over a year ago
19987 commented…
Wish I knew :( over a year ago
Depressed671 said …
For a while, I've been feeling that in this world there are no happy endings..And right now, I'm feeling broken and worthless... Posted over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
it sucks... over a year ago
teamian commented…
I know what you mean, looking around and seeing everyone boast their lives, it makes me sooooo angry !! really sucks !!! over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
yah -.-, who do you preppy's think you are? Going around showing ur happiness, i swear, if i see that again, im gonna kick some ass over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
count me in i see it every day over a year ago
GOTHGIRL4eva said …
its a fact everyone feels depression sometime in there life. some people feel it 4 no reason but some unlucky people like me actually have a reason. and the shity thing is the people who have no reason has someone 2 comfort them but people who ACTUALLY HAVE A REASON has no 1. or is that just me? Posted over a year ago
Irkans commented…
ur not alone over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
not alone over a year ago
jadebigfan said …
Some times people cant get things right it gets you mad and fustrated and you want to cry and you let it out all the way.......Do you know what that feeling is, well itz called DEPRESSION...... Posted over a year ago
Irkans commented…
i feel it all the time over a year ago
jadebigfan commented…
yup i know over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
it feels so empty over a year ago
Irkans said …
som 1 pray that my life will b much better id appreciate Posted over a year ago
jadebigfan commented…
ya true over a year ago
GOTHGIRL4eva commented…
i do pray 4 u and i will continue. over a year ago
Irkans commented…
thanx u guys over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
i'll pray for you two girl over a year ago
rockandmetal said …
like Slipknot says.....people=shit Posted over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
got that right!!! over a year ago
GOTHGIRL4eva commented…
DEFINATELY!!! over a year ago
SBKITT1 said …
my life sucks!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
join the club over a year ago
ibrokeurheart said …
life suxx and i hate myself Posted over a year ago
gothemo1234 commented…
mines too my boyfriend break up with me because of summerjoy11 its emo vs popler girl over a year ago
Depressed671 commented…
i know summerjoy11, i knew she seemed like a bitch on the inside >.< over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
i hate my life over a year ago
girlyshadowfan said …
life sucks... Posted over a year ago
RnBStar13 commented…
I couldn't agree more tbh! over a year ago
cutiegirl01 commented…
Ditto over a year ago
sensativEmo commented…
yup true over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
it relly does over a year ago
UmOkayThen said …
Yup, it still hurts... Posted over a year ago
SBKITT1 commented…
dude i totally agree!!!!! over a year ago