Debate Freedom Vs. Equality

blisslikethis posted on Dec 13, 2007 at 07:15AM
where do you stand in the age-old right vs. left debate? do you believe some personal liberties must be sacrificed for the benefit of society as a whole? or should individual freedom be upheld at all costs?
last edited on Dec 13, 2007 at 07:22AM

Debate 10 replies

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over a year ago blisslikethis said…
it's an interesting quote, but i'm not sure what it has to do with equality?
over a year ago Kegel said…
Had somebody answered with the Franklin quote, and then deleted it?

I have to say this choice is a tough one for me. The question could be extended to "Freedom for who? And from what?" How much economic equality is necessary (limiting individual freedom) so that everybody can enjoy their individual freedom?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
Kegel's cool cuz she debated this. Well... sorta. ;o)

Kegel, I'm gonna make you a banner for being a good sport.
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
..i was sort of afraid that the topic might be too nebulous, or require too much background knowledge on political philosophy haha. any suggestions on how to pare it down to a managable debate topic?
over a year ago DrDevience said…
It is a tough question. It is a tough question that everyone should ask themselves... I mean really dig deep.

For the record, in case anyone missed this fine point: I left the US and expatriated to a Socialist Democracy... something that should shed light a bit on my Devil's Advocate stances... Cinders got it right quick like ;)

over a year ago knifewrench said…
Freedom of speech over "not offending people"... in most cases.

..... That is.... what we are talking about, right?
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
not exactly, knifewrench. maybe an example would be helpful.

if we took the question, "should America adopt a universal health care system?", someone who was far over on the "freedom" side of the debate would likely say: "no, i should only have to look after myself and my own interests. why should i have to pay for other people's bad health?". on the other hand, someone on the "equality" side of the debate might say, "yes, we should all look out for each other. the people who are better off are morally and socially obligated to support those in society who are not so well off."

... i hope that helped.
over a year ago knifewrench said…
Thanks. Over here in England we have the NHS (National Health Service). People pay for this as part of their taxes, but they can also choose to go to private practice hospitals. At the moment the NHS is completley crappy, the service sucks because they have so little money.

In my opinion it's because of the idiots who get VERY drunk/drugged up and hurt themselves and others. This happens all the time in England and they're costing the NHS a lot of money and resources because of thier own idiocy.

Also, the NHS is employing loads of people in management and buisness and other stuff like that, and these people get large amounts of money for just sitting at a desk all day, telling the hospital how they should spend they're money: "right, I think we should make a bigger reception area, that'll be £2000 please."

So there are problems with health-care-systems-which-apply-to-everyon­e.

....I seem to have gone of the subject; but my point is that America seems to be doing much better with the health care situation.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blisslikethis said…
sorry, so, you think that the American system is more effective than the NHS?

this is totally off-topic, but i've never heard anyone say that before.
over a year ago amazondebs said…
that's not why the NHS doesn't work knifewrench it's because the goverment restricts them and gives them too many regulators and monitors that eat up the buget and yes blisslikethis i too agree with knifewrench i think a lot of british do agree that the NHS just keeps going down hill sorry really off topic

i don't have the full background or understanding but as of current i think that people should have to sarcrifice for the benefit of society however i could probably be swayed on this issue
last edited over a year ago