Debate The Great Debate of 2008

Cinders posted on Nov 27, 2007 at 12:55AM
The first Great Debate of 2008 (I love rhymes!) will be on a topic to be decided at link.

If you wish to debate or judge, please speak up now. Note that you can put a condition on your participationg. IE: "I'll debate only if euthanasia is the issue" or "I'll judge only if Israel/Palestine ISN'T the issue."

Please note that if you are judging, you are judging the skills of the debater, not necessarily which side you support. If you feel you are too biased on the issue to serve as a proper judge on the subject, you may recuse yourself.

Please also note that if you are debating, you may end up debating a side you do not support. Sides are chosen by picking a number the moderator has come up with. If you find that, after the numbers have been chosen, you cannot argue that side accurately, then you may recuse yourself and someone will take your place.

If you are a debater and feel strongly about a side, and your fellow debater feels strongly about the other side, you will each be allowed to debate the side of your choice (After all, whoever wins the number game gets to CHOOSE his/her side). The number game is played only to sort out any quarrels that may come over who wants to debate what.

More rules, such as format, will be reposted later.

The Great Debate of November 2007 is on hiatus due to a missing debater. If you volunteer to debate, please do not disappear without explanation.

Debate 34 replies

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