Debate Don't believe in religion.

sallywag posted on Nov 08, 2007 at 07:14PM
I don't believe in Religion but do believe in God. Is my belief in God enough to get me into heaven?

Debate 24 replies

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over a year ago Cinders said…
Most organized religions would say no, but that's out of self interest because they want you to buy in to what they have to say.

I share a lot of Buddhist and Christian philosophies, but I am seriously not a fan of organized religion. My friend is Catholic, Shinto and Buddhist. Ironoically, Shintoism and Buddhism allow her to be Christian as well, but Catholicism claims that she's not a true Catholic if she believes in the house gods of Shintoism and reincarnation ala Buddhism.
over a year ago sallywag said…
I study mostly sciences at school and sometimes i wonder if there really is a heaven or a God. my family is mostly atheist some of them quite strongly so they kinda don't get it but i can't help but kinda hope there is something more.i think most religions are not really realistic in terms of modern life, i mean being stoned (and not the good kind) for using the lords name in vain is hardly possible,I did it five times today, but belief in God/allah/some sort of almighty power possible similar to the platapussy thing in south park is some thing i will always hold onto. In times of great need most people will pray to God, even one of my friends who is so atheist she writes God in quotation marks sat outside the exam hall praying for an A.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
I also believe in the link fyi.

I definitely believe in a force that guides the universe. Sort of like a blend of Buddhist karma, monotheistic god, and the Wiccan belief of a balance between the energies of the earth. The thing is, "God" is the most poorly defined word in the English language.

The funny thing about science, sallywag, is that the more deeper you delve into physics, the more awesome it becomes as our minds jump through hoops just to try and understand it. To me, God is but the most abstract of physics, beyond our comprehension and understanding, beyond our labels, beyond all of our interpretations. God is at the center of a black hole, God is the perfect ratio in a sunflower, God is hiding out in the fourth dimension (look into physics, this isn't sci-fi I'm talking about), God was the catalyst in the chemical reaction of life on earth, God is the reason you do things you cannot otherwise explain, God is your dreams, God is deja vu, God is the inexplicable.

Try reading link. It's the journey of a scientist from an atheist to a believer.

From the Scientific American:

A devoutly Christian geneticist such as Francis S. Collins, author of The Language of God and leader of the Human Genome Project, can comfortably accept that "a common ancestor for humans and mice is virtually inescapable" or that it may have been a mutation in the FOXP2 gene that led to the flowering of human language. The genetic code is, after all, "God’s instruction book." But what sounds like a harmless metaphor can restrict the intellectual bravado that is essential to science. "In my view," Collins goes on to say, "DNA sequence alone, even if accompanied by a vast trove of data on biological function, will never explain certain special human attributes, such as the knowledge of the Moral Law and the universal search for God." Evolutionary explanations have been proffered for both these phenomena. Whether they are right or wrong is not a matter of belief but a question to be approached scientifically. The idea of an apartheid of two separate but equal metaphysics may work as a psychological coping mechanism, a way for a believer to get through a day at the lab. But theism and materialism don’t stand on equal footings. The assumption of materialism is fundamental to science.

Check it out.
over a year ago Rockster3 said…
If you don't believe in religion, then why would you believe in heaven?
over a year ago CutiePoo0828 said…
I know someone who feels exactly the same way. It depends on who you pose this question to. I feel that most people from an organized religion will say no. if you talk to people who are more freelanced and have a broad opinion and foundation about religions, they could see where you are coming from.

I don't think you have to have a religion to believe that God and heaven exist. My suggestion is just stay true to yourself and your beliefs...and that will get you into heaven or if you believe in reincarnation, your good deeds will take you there! =)
over a year ago sallywag said…
I believe that heaven or some kind of afterlife many exist. I don't believe in religion but not in a non-believing way but in a not believing it is right way. If that makes any sense at all. I don't really agree with the views of any religions, i always saw religion and God as two seperate things.
God/mighty powerness thing is everywhere and in everyone but religion is so exclusive. I don't think God minds if i don't follow the bible after all he didn't write it.
over a year ago kateliness2 said…
How can you believe in Catholicism, Shintoism, and Buddhism?
Don't they directly defy one another?
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Sallywag - I think you have very good head on your shoulders and a better grasp of things than most people. If there is a god, then I would guess he is pretty pleased with your line of thought.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Nah, as my friend puts it, "I believe in the Ressurection of Christ, but I also believe in reincarnation and that if I neglect my house gods I'll fail my math test."

To be honest, you can believe in anything if you want to. The only religion out of the three of those that would frown upon her also believing in two other religions is Catholicism.
over a year ago Leonic said…
'Heaven' cannot be truly explained with words, so I do not believe there are certain rules to follow to get in. No one can know for sure if it exists or if it does not.

In my opinion, being a good person without religion backing your choices shows strength of character. You make good choices without any Religion telling you what you should or shouldn't do, so you don't act out of fear of being sinful. If there is a Heaven , people like that should be able to get in as well as the religious.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ineedcoffee said…

If you are a good person at heart it doesn't matter if you believe in a certain religion in my books I believe in a higher being and whether it be god, buddha or whoever they will recognize those who truly believe in being a good person at heart and looking out for those who cant help themselves,, just keep your head on straight and think for yourself and believe in what you feel is right for yourself. I say study any and all or none just believe in your right to believe in something.
over a year ago MajorDork74 said…
I had made some posts in the Soapbox section of this fan spot about God and all.
There is a bit of a difference between 'religion' and 'Faith.'
I don't fully agree with the label 'relgion' anyway. I have my faith in God and His Son Jesus and I try attending church on a regular weekly basis, and that is where I stand.
I have, somewhat, disowned the label 'relgion' because, to me, religion is just a type of exercise in showing you have some type of belief and go through the motions but deep insides, depending on the strength of your faith, there can lie questions as to how much your heart & soul is into what you're actually doing.
over a year ago sallywag said…
Chruch is the thing i most dislike about religion
well christianity anyway. It's not about lable's it is about what they stand for. I don't like the idea of having to fit into a Christian or Jewish or Islamic or any religions mold of how a person should live. I also find most religions extremely hypocritical, the bible says "Judge not, that ye be not judged." but it also goes on about converting others to the religion and that being Gay is wrong and other things like that surely they shouldn't be judging how others live there lives. but you make a good point about religion and God being different.
over a year ago greekthegeek said…
well is Islam, it's more on a matter of have you respected people? are you nice to others? that sort of thing.

Islam understands not everbody is a Muslim. Islam is more of a respect underclass people and be nice to others. In which you will have a pure soul. In which you'll go to "heaven". But heaven is an emotion place in which you are content and happy. "Hell" is an emotional state in which you aren't happy, and you feel regret for your actions.
over a year ago MajorDork74 said…
There are some churches that ARE guilty of pre-judging people and they will answer to God for that. In the Bible, God does say that homosexuality is wrong, though it may not use those EXACT words.
BUT people should not judge, regardless. It does need to be expressed, but not in a judgemental way & I have known ministers, including my own dearly departed father, who knew how to express the truth from the Bible without sounding judgemental. It is a seriously challenging thing. And, seeing those pictures from history showing "God hates Fags" and all that. . . .I do not agree with those. God dislikes the sight of the lifestyle, but loves the people. He loves ALL people. It's called "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin."
We are ALL sinners, that's why Jesus, when he saved Mary Magdelene (spelling?), expressed to her accusers, "Let he that hath NO SIN cast the first stone."
All the people accusing her of adultery dropped their stones and left, leaving Mary magdelene and Jesus where they stood. "Where are your accusers now?" he asked.
"There is no one left to accuse me..." she replied.
"And I do not accuse you either. Go now and leave your life of sin behind." he finished.
Forgiveness is such a beautiful thing.

Greekthegeek......Hell is very real and so is Heaven. Even though there's no tangible proof, they're real.
over a year ago TweenaCat said…
God loves people, therefore, why would he send them to Hell or to be tortured in purgatory? If God will only put you into heaven if you had water poured on your head as a baby, what does that say about Him?

Sometimes I think about believing in God- well, I sort of do, sometimes. But I don't believe in religion, simply because it makes no sense to me. If God exists, that's not what He is about.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Major-- heaven and hell are real places to you. Greek simply has a different interpretation than you, not to mention a different religion. But she's not alone in her beliefs. For example, the Buddhist Nirvana is a state of being, not a place.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Mary was not the gal that was getting stoned. Very popular misconception, that.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Sallywag, our situations are kinda polar opposites, but I understand what you're going through. Your family is Athiest, mine is extreme Christian... I've had Christianity shoved down my throat since I can remember. And it's getting old.

I believe there is a god, but I am definately not a fan of organized religion. I think everyone should be able to belive what they want, and others shouldn't try to force their religion on you. If someone is curious or seeking answers, it's fine, but when people come out of nowhere and insist that you believe everything they do, it's just... aggravating.

I've been studying Paganism a bit, and my family (although they won't say it straight out, but it's been implied) basically thinks I'm going to hell for it. Glad to know I have their unwavering support.
over a year ago sallywag said…
DarkSarcasm, I think your right everyone should be able to believe what they want. But I do get the same thing at home my brother basically thinks I am an idiot because i believe in a higher power. My Family is extreme athiest, my uncles an authour and he wrote a book and in it he killed God, now that is kinda extreme.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Yeah, that's definately extreme.
over a year ago XpsychotickissX said…
doesnt that make you agnostic?
over a year ago XpsychotickissX said…
im atheist so i cant really say anything on this subject
over a year ago sallywag said…
helpful input