Debate What's your prejudice?

Cinders posted on Oct 15, 2007 at 05:50PM
I was worried about posting this as a pick, or posting this at all, but it's true that we all have at least one. Now I'm not saying you hate a certain group of people, or indeed even if your prejudice determines how you act towards a person at all, but you cannot deny having a little bit of misgivings towards a certain group of people. If the movie Crash has taught us anything, or indeed Avenue Q's (in)famous song, "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" has displayed in a lighter tone, prejudice towards race, religion, sexuality, gender, political beliefs, etc still exist in modern society.

So basically, I'm asking when you meet a person and learn that they are (insert prejudice here), do you become a little more reserved? Maybe a little scared? A little arrogant? A little nervous?

My prejudice (and I admit it freely) is Christians. Until I learn how Christian they are, I become reserved, I have certain misgivings, but I smile and treat them well, "like a good Christian should."

That doesn't mean I'm not friends with devout Christians! I think Christianity is beautiful in principal, but often judgmental in practice. As Ghandi said once, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

Anyways, I know you all have other prejudices. Maybe towards Arabs, or liberals, or conservatives, or blacks, or whites, or scientologists, or Mormons, or gays, or the transgendered, or Mexicans...

Is this a bad topic? I'm just curious. Because anyone who says they are completely unbiased, and unjudging of those different from them is either lying or has never met anyone truly different from them.

Please, no one be offended. Christians are cool. I'm just saying, I'm wary of them. I'm sure you're wary of a certain group of people too.

To judge and fear the different is inherent in our nature, a primal instinct that teaches us survival of the fittest. If they are different, then they are our enemy, and threaten our species. That's our evolutionary logic. But it's intellect, it's compassion, that allows us to overcome this instinct, and allows us to rise above the animalistic urge to fear the different. Once we recognize that we have a prejudice, we can deal with it.

I hope I haven't offended anyone. I know I'm treading on thin ice. This may be politically incorrect, but I believe the world needs more of that.

And as I said to MajorDork, being politically incorrect is telling a racist joke to someone belonging to that race in jest, making light of a stereotype, all in good fun (A little white girl telling an Arab joke to a room full of Egyptians-- and having them laugh at her because they have to respect her audacity). Being racist and hurtful is believing the stereotype of the joke, spreading the stereotype, and advocating for exterminating the race in one form or other (IE, Ann Coulter's plan to "perfect" all Jews and make them Christian).

Debate 112 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 112

over a year ago DrDevience said…
Having done my Undergrad work (as a Mature Student) at Drury in 417, I can confirm the idiocy of the Bible Belt. ;>
over a year ago DrDevience said…
(for the record, that '417' was the area code referenced by Greek, not the year in which I did my Undergrad work...)
over a year ago dazl said…
I did wonder at that, DrD ;D
over a year ago amazondebs said…
to greekgeek: woa i can completley understand you predudice then! you have more reason than any of us
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over a year ago Spotty_Vision21 said…
Mine, like yours, is Christianity. Some more so than others. Mormons... I admit, I am very prejudiced against them. Especially those ones at my school who run around telling me i'll go to hell for being an atheist.

I probably would be lynched if they found out I was a lesbian.

So, although I dislike it, I am prejudiced like everyone else.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I stayed up re-reading this forum WAY past my bedtime and realized we had some very interesting, open and non-judgemental discussions on a very touchy issue!

And most of those comments were made by oldbies who don't frequent Fanpop anymore (but whom I still miss, nonetheless). So I'd be interest in what the (relative) newbies have to say on this issue. Anyone?

This is a safe place. People have admitted prejudices against gays, Christians, Atheists, blondes, chavs, old students, young students, drug users, blondes, Americans, religious zealots... and so much more that I can't even list it here. And no one's held it against anyone.

After all, I did ask the question - so what's your prejudice?
over a year ago katiecain said…
Lik many... Christians. I try really hard not to be but if someone tells me they're a Christian I will automatically judge them. I haven't always been like this, I've just had bad experiences with many Christians and it's hard not to lump them all together. I attended church for about 3 years and generally loved it. It was a lot better than other churches I had visited - there were lots of younger people, good music, interesting teaching and the people there were much different from your stereotypical Christian. During these years I went through a lot of personal problems and a few members really helped me out... But over time, they just became hypocritical and judgemental. They'd flip if I done something very small that was wrong in their eyes, even though there were other church members who were doing exactly the same thing. They told me how to live my life and they seemed to think they had some sort of control over me. In the end I had enough and left. It's hard for me not to assume someone is hypocritical and judgemental if they're a Christian after that. Especially as I thought they were so unlike the stereotypical stuffy Christians.
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over a year ago Cinders said…
I wanted to announce that I'm not really prejudiced against Christians anymore! But I'm still prejudiced against blonde coeds who ask stupid questions. Sorority girls, too. Even though I know very smart sorority girls, sometimes their ditzy, cliquey sisters, ruin it for the rest of them.
over a year ago Sappp said…
Muslim women. I have nothing against their beliefs nor do I think they are terrorists or something like that. I just think they are uneducated and pressured into wearing a headcloth or burka.

I guess it is just me projecting my wishes for women on other women. I would never wear a headcloth because I think it is demoralizing women and therefor I think no one who is educated would willingly make that choice. And although I still think that sometimes it is because of these women are pressured into dressing the way they do, it is not fair of me to think like this about all muslim women.

over a year ago Cinders said…
*Saying this because I know educated Muslim women who wear a headscarf*

I understand your preconceptions. As a feminist myself, I always want women to feel like they have agency and control in their own lives, and I have some issues with Islamic nations and the laws they have with women. I had similar anxieties about women who wore hijab when I was in high school, so I asked a girl who wore one in my psychology class. She was happy to explain to me why she wore it.

She said that it was a personal choice. Her body was her own, and she only wanted to share it with the one she loved the most. Hair is a very sexualized feature in the Arab world, believe it or not. She felt that wearing the headscarf was a way that she could actually take control of her sexuality. She compared it to wearing a bikini. Some women are comfortable with wearing really skimpy bikinis, but other women felt that was personal. It made me think of the concept in a whole new way. She wore it because she chose to.

The really ironic thing about the Muslim faith is that when it first arose, it was very pro-women, much more so than Christianity and Judaism was before it. But somewhere down the road, corruption by a patriarchal culture turned the passages that tried to empower women into laws that imprisoned them. Which is why I'm against Arab Islamic Theocracies (like Saudi Arabia) which abuses women's rights, but not against Islam itself.

Anyways, I didn't mean to sort of jump on your prejudice there, Sappp. This place was meant for sharing, not for saying "Actually..." and trying to correct people's perceptions. But I just felt like saying that.
over a year ago Sappp said…
It's ok, I understand where you coming from. At this moment I can understand why to a muslim woman it is important to wear a hijab.
But when I see someone wearing it at first I still have my prejudices in my head. Then I think about it carefully and realise that's just a prejudice and should not think like that. But it is always just... there in my head, you know?

over a year ago MissKnowItAll said…
I agree, I'm prejudiced towards christians and republicans. Slightly towards the tory party, but not so much.
over a year ago sapherequeen said…
I guess I'm a little prejudiced (if that's what you may call it) against drag queens and the physically disabled. I don't know why, but there's something about them that makes me..a little uncomfortable to say the least.
over a year ago bri-marie said…
I guess I'm mostly just prejudiced against super religious folk (for reasons already given, so I won't go into that) and black people. I grew up in a bad neighborhood, where majority of the crimes were committed by blacks. I don't think all black people are horrible, but there's always that moment when I'm walking alone and one comes toward me and my first instinctual thought is "how do I protect myself and my belongings?"
over a year ago Monrose said…
I am not joking when I say this: Everyone that isn't exactly like me or don't share my opinions. I sometimes wonder what it's like to be them, and I imagine that it's awful for some reason...
over a year ago Cinders said…
Wow, that's a lot of people. Why do you imagine that just holding other opinions means their life is awful? How does holding a different opinion from you affect their quality of life? Are you religious, and you feel that by being not-religious, or belonging to a different religion, they don't know God like you do, and are therefore less fortunate? This is just a curiosity to help you expound on your point, not a judgment.
over a year ago Monrose said…
I honestly don't know... No, it's not about religion or anything like that, it's just something I feel.
over a year ago tellymaster said…
This is going to be scary to get out, but I'm going to have to say homosexuality and pro-choicers (Is that a word?). Now, I'm not a Christian that says that all gay people are evil or going to burn in hell, but I do think that homosexuality is wrong. It's not that I have a problem with gay people in general, just the relationships.
As for the pro-choice voters, I am completely against them. I am strongly pro-life. Abortion is wrong. It's cruel. It's murder.

Probably another thing I'm prejudice against is Muslims. I had to read the Qur'an for school and have been afraid of them since. That probably sounds like a really invalid argument.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Which parts of the Koran did you read (out of curiosity)?

This is a judgment free zone (ironically) so don't worry about expressing any prejudices.

Here's a question: Some people (like myself) admitted prejudices a few years ago. For those of you who did (and still read this forum), have any of those changed for you at all? Have you found a new prejudice? Why?

For me, I'm not so prejudicial of Christians anymore, mostly because I've had such good interactions with them IRL, in which they have been the furthest thing from self-righteous and judgmental (which was my prejudice). Also, my perusal and discussions in Fanpop's very own Christianity spot has just provided more experience for me with Christians, and I'm a lot less doubtful when I meet someone who identifies as Christian.

As for blonde college coeds - still have that prejudice. Probably because I don't really run into many of them in graduate school.

As for those who confessed prejudices more recently, do you see any way of improving your perspective on these individuals? Are you stuck in your ways for whatever reason? What, if anything, would ever change your perspective about these groups of people?
over a year ago tellymaster said…
I read the first few Surrahs and a bit of the middle. I can't really remember. It was over a year ago.
over a year ago -sapherequeen- said…
I may be able to change my perspective on drag queens and physically disabled individuals. I'll always believe that I have a chance of doing so.

Drag queens, it would be much simpler for me to change my view on them. I know many transgender individuals (I know that's not the same thing, but to me it's similar enough), and I absolutely nothing against them and their choices (if, in this case, it was a choice). Perhaps I will connect this idea for transgendered individuals with drag queens, and learn to be more accepting of them. :)

But the physically disabled, I think I'll have some difficulty with that. You see, I always felt very uncomfortable around these people since I was eleven-years-old. There was a little boy named Evan who went to the same day care as my sister, and at first I was indifferent about him. But then I noticed the way he drools, the way he looks at you lifelessly...I honestly don't know. There was something about him that just made me want to stay away. It wasn't long before (and this will sound terrible, I'll admit that) I developed a strong dislike for Evan. A very strong one, and it didn't make sense to me. I would try to change my feelings, such as help take care of him and such. But it wouldn't work until around two or even six months later.

Today at my school when I'm going to lunch, whenever I enter the cafeteria I always have to pass a table of other kids who are brain damaged to the point where they have to be in wheel chairs. I wince every time I pass them, and avoid looking at them so I won't lose my appetite.

I know this probably sounds so awful, but I don't know why I feel this way. I'm wondering if it's something psychological (although I higly doubt this) or if they somehow make me queasy or nauseous. But it wouldn't make sense for a person to make you feel physically ill (literally), wouldn't it?

Yes, it would be harder to help my uncomfortable feelings towards the physically disabled.

And the strange thing is, if they can talk or communicate like a healthy person (I have a friend, Daniel who has Autism - or is that different? - and another friend who is paralyzed from the waist down), and I feel perfectly fine around them. The others, the more severe, I can't and don't prefer to be around as terrible as it is.

EDIT: Was being dismissive when stating, "But it wouldn't make sense for a person to make you feel physically ill (literally), wouldn't it?", not asking if this is true.
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over a year ago -sapherequeen- said…
*Evan had brain damage and was unable to move the majority of his body.

EDIT: Additional information.
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over a year ago theblondegirl said…
I think I'm prejudiced toward a few things. The biggest prejudice I have is against Christians, but not mainstream Christians (not the kind who consider themselves Christians and go to Church only on Christmas) but those who are very strict about their religion. I was brought up in a Jehovah's Witness family and I guess I was somehow traumatized by that - even today when i meet somebody who's a Jehovah's Witness or a part of some other sect I just feel like I can't possibly have anything in common with them. On the other hand, I do have a good relationship with my mother and I know that being religious doesn't make you a bad person even though it might influence you to make some poor decisions. In my case it's more about the feeling that their ideology is bound to be so different from mine that I shouldn't even try to get to know these people as they are sure to reject me and I am sure to reject them as persons.

I am also somewhat prejudiced toward very obese people. It's one of those things that I know I shouldn't be, but I can't help it - when I meet obese people I usually think that they must be a little lazy. On the other hand I know that it's not necessarily the case, because my ex with whom I used to live with was obese as a kid, then lost a lot of weight because he started to seriously do sports, and then gained a lot of weight while we were together even though we basically ate the same things while living in the same household and had nearly equal amounts of exercise. That's why I know from my own experience that gaining weight isn't necessarily a matter of laziness. And yet, I can't completely free myself of my prejudice.

I am also somewhat prejudiced toward people who have children very young (say, under 20). Or rather: people who WANT to have children very young. I think that if one gets pregnant by accident and keeps the baby there's nothing wrong with it, but I know some people who have planned on having kids with their partners when they were as young as 16. Even though these people might indeed be mature and capable as parents, I think they're still wasting their own lives and their youth doing something that should've waited till they got older.
I also think that they - despite of what they say - haven't thought through what they're doing because they have unrealistic expectations of parenthood.
over a year ago LoopyLuna96 said…
I think I'm prejudiced towards Tories and hard-core religious people. I can be friends with them, but I always assume they have horrible views unless I'm told otherwise.
over a year ago harold said…
I'm prejudiced against people who can't make reasoned arguments for the positions they take. My prejudice is in proportion to their inability.

That means that I lightly ridicule people who have trouble writing coherently (and I expect others to return the favor when I don't write coherently), I'm mildly contemptuous of people who can't put a sentence together, I have difficulty interacting with people with speech impediments, I have a hard time seeing the worth in zealots (of any stripe), and I am very uncomfortable around the mentally handicapped.

I am prejudiced against big shots and people who engage in what I feel is excessively conspicuous consumption (years ago I created the conspicuous consumption spot to ridicule these). Everyone struggles with pride to greater or lesser extent, but the people who revel in it I find very hard to believe are worthwhile.

I am prejudiced toward the humble and the demonstrably reasonable.
over a year ago harold said…
Thinking about this more the past couple of weeks, I realize that I'm prejudiced against people who drive poorly, and against people who abuse people in service jobs.

Driving poorly: when people don't signal when turning or changing lanes (or, worst of all, turn on the turn signal in the opposite direction), or just flash the turn signal once before starting a maneuver, I have a hard time imagining that they're anything but selfish prigs. Because they are making a choice to not communicate with other drivers, they are endangering everyone on the road and causing traffic congestion.

Abusing service positions: people providing you a service deserve to be treated with respect. When they get verbal abuse, contempt and disrespect, I never imagine any mitigating circumstances for the jerk who's doing it. They're just jerks.
over a year ago Ultimately57 said…
I'm prejudiced against blondes (not all, the ones who are embracing the stereotype) and disabled people.
My mother works with disabled people, and when I was younger, sometimes I had to go to work with her for a couple of hours. I only went ot work with her on Fridays, which was when she was helping this guy, Chris, around. His legs were just so skinny and he could only move his head about a centimeter and he couldn't even drink properly. It just creeped me out so much and I feel so awkward when seeing someone even slightly disabled.
Not to mention, I'm really bad with Christians, not all of them, just the ones who are using their religion as an excuse for everything.
And I'm going to feel really terible now, but I just feel awkward around black people. Men, woman, even some children, I just feel awkward. It just feels like they know I'm judging them and I'm not racist, but it's those television shows, where the bad guys are black, and even though I don't want it to be, it's just been drilled into my head by television.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
My prejudice----
I have to admit Muslims. I'm so sorry, i'm sure most of them are lovely, it's just i always feel like i need to behave slightly better around them.

i'm also just a little bit prejudice to (and i know i'm probably going to get bashed for this) Americans. I know all the americans here are awesome and stuff, but---it's complicated.

And finally, i am just a little bit wary of Northerners (as in english northerners) but that's probably only because there was one in my class who was a complete jerk. :p
over a year ago alismouha said…
It's women,yeah I admit it,I always feel very awkward around 'em,and try to limit my words,I don't know if it's a prejudice or I'm just plain shy.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
^ i'm sure that doesn't make you sexist or prejudice alismouha, it's common for people to shy or a bit less pal-y with the oppisite gender- I personally, had issues more with the same gender, and a lot of my friends are men, but it's just natural. i personally, wouldn't call it a prejudice, but it's all down to interprutation.
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Oh yeah, and i have this thing about 16-18 year old parents. I know it's snobby, but i always seem to think in my head when i see a teenager breastfeeding in the park, "Idiot." Yes, i do relise that's horrible, but i just don't seem to respect their decision to get/get someone knocked up or their decision to keep it if it was accidental. i try to make myself more tolerant but i always end up saying in my head- if not idiot- "Dumbass."

Oh yeah, and families with 6 or more children. For reasons above.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
"i'm also just a little bit prejudice to (and i know i'm probably going to get bashed for this) Americans. I know all the americans here are awesome and stuff, but---it's complicated."

Pandawinx can express it better than I can anyday. Yeah, not racist, just a little...I don't know. I have nothing against them personally, and I am sure the vast majority of them are fantastic people, but- the politics and the media over there- it's all either tabloid crap or Conservatism. Sorry.

over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
"i'm also just a little bit prejudice to (and i know i'm probably going to get bashed for this) Americans. I know all the americans here are awesome and stuff, but---it's complicated."

Pandawinx can express it better than I can anyday. Yeah, not racist, just a little...I don't know. I have nothing against them personally, and I am sure the vast majority of them are fantastic people, but- the politics and the media over there- it's all either tabloid crap or Conservatism. Sorry.

over a year ago adavila said…
I hate mexicans with all their mexicanity they make me hate them... Wait I PREJUDGE Mexicans.... Hahahaha whoops wait just one more time...(checks himself) yup I'm Mexican hahahja. No but really I'm prejudice to mexicans that live in US.
over a year ago vick2075 said…
well i have a lot of prejudices if what is meant by the question is whether you are so objectively. I have nothing against anyone personally if their ideas or opinions do not infringe upon the God-given rights of people in general. But i will have conflict with anyone who does infringe upon the rights of others. I am being utterly honest not that i don't usually am.....I am pro-life, anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, pro-israelis, conservative and what's more i really hate the way brainwashed people think and say things without them realising they have been brainwashed...they dont realise it because their ideas makes sense to them and nobody is against them or only a minority. So they take it for granted that they are in the right. For instance what is really flagrant is the number of people involved in abortion the world over.....the number of human fetuses being destroyed......the doctor is for abortion, the mother is for abortion....but we never hear the complaints of the victim because they cannot voice it yet.....does that mean they are to be silenced for has already measured the gestation period for human females and has found out that human life starts at the embryonic stage that is about 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. Neural activity has already started, whole body movement is noticeable. The only difference is that the infant is still in the womb. A toddler is human as well. He doesn't become human at adulthood. Same thing with a human fetus. The fetus is only a term to describe the initial stage of the human body's development. So because the doctor and mother don't hear the complaints of the fetus, do they have a right to kill him/her? I don't think so...we are talking about initial stage of human life....There should have been greater ethics and moral protocol regarding abortion than for cloning. I think politicians and lawmakers are in reverse gear...they make so much law for cloning and none for abortion. Cloning is only to make a copy of an already live entity. Basically the whole conduct on this type of procedure should only require the express and informed consent of the one being copied. Whereas the destruction of the initial stage of human development or human life at its inception is tantamount to murder.
over a year ago Brittanagleefan said…
I'm prejudiced against conservatives.
over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
^lol, me too. As an elaboration to that, also far-rightists, and people that watch Fox News or listen to Andrew Bolt/ Alan Jones (two australian [biased] commentators).
over a year ago Book-Freak said…
I'm prejudiced against America, I guess. I don't agree with alot of Americans' attitude or actions or methods. Vietnam, for example, or the opinion alot of Americans seem to share on the Islamic faith, or how America seem to involve themselves in things that have nothing to do with them. That doesn't mean I don't get along with Americans - two of my friends are American - rather, I don't agree with some of the things they do.
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over a year ago ducky8abug4u said…
I'm prejudiced against people who read 'The New York Post' or watch 'Fox News.'
I'm prejudiced against groups of men or groups of women, or maybe groups of people in general.
I'm prejudiced against people with very smooth, beautiful, manicured hands. Tend to think they're lazy!
And I'm prejudiced against groups of foreign workers employed in specific retail or service positions.
over a year ago NightFrog said…
I'm prejudiced against Christians. I grew up in a religious environment, so I saw both the good and the bad things about it. Even though they spoke "thou shall not judge" all I really saw was judgement. I keep seeing them as people who refuse to believe any scientific facts or be tolerant of anyone of different belief (or lack of). I know this certainly isn't the case with everyone, obviously, but I have a hard time not viewing them that way.

What I'm most ashamed of is that I'm prejudiced against the mentally handicapped. I don't even know how to explain it, it's just that the moment I know they have a mental problem I automatically want to stay away from them, and I assume that they'll never be capable of learning to do things for themselves. This is coming from someone who's friends with two people with slight mental problems, and never says the word "retard" in an offensive way. ..I think I'm just afraid of being "mistaken" as someone like this, because of my low self esteem, because I sometimes have to be given extra help, and because people have considered me "stupid" before.

I'm also a little prejudiced against blacks (I didn't really grow up in a racially diverse community), conservatives, and anyone against gay marriage (I automatically label them as rotten, evil people- I know it's not true, it's just the first thing that pops in my head.)
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over a year ago Renarimae said…
I know none of these prejudices are right, but I'm prejudiced against some Christians (even though I myself am one), teenage parents, people with more than 10 kids (the Duggars and Octomom for instance), sometimes Muslims (even though most of them aren't extreme), and parents who don't keep their kids from running around or screaming in public places.
over a year ago tiagih said…
hmm good question I don't really know.

Well I am generally shy and reserved around people I don't know or aren't familiar with, not matter who they are. So I am not sure if I have a prejudice, more I am wary of everybody I see and meet.
over a year ago adavila said…
trying to revive some good posts here
over a year ago blackpanther666 said…
I'm prejudiced against hardcore, devout Christians who expect everyone to share the same belief that they do. I'm prejudiced against people who don't care about our planet, who care more about making money and care more about themselves. I'm prejudiced against uneducated people that can't string a proper sentence together and have little understanding of how the English language actually works.

I'm prejudiced against a lot of things, yet I do my best to hold it in and try be a reasonable person, without judging others too much. However, I do tend to get into stupid arguments with people on Youtube when they are nasty to others, or they say stupid things, or I generally disagree with what they are saying. I'm not perfect.
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over a year ago alexthedog said…
tamore commented…
sorry over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
Social Justice Workers (Like the ones mentioned zanhars article)
Radical people period (extreme feminists,misogynists,etc)

zanhar1 commented…
I share this prejudiced. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Probably drunks. I'm sorry but I've had so many bad experiences with them that I really just...

Where I work I get a lot of drunks I'm only like 4 ft 11 inches and to have a group of drunk middle aged men and women going at me. It's scary. And so I kind of have this prejudice against them.
over a year ago tamore said…
I've mostly just realized this since being on this site, but I always assume that if you're over the age of ~14 (and especially if you're 20+) and you're still exclusively obsessed with Disney movies, Disney channel, YA lit and stuff like that you're not that smart and/or you're emotionally immature. Sometimes my prejudices are backed up by talking to the person, but not always.
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over a year ago Cinders said…
Social Justice Workers?

Do you mean SJWs (Social Justice Warriors)?

I understand that prejudice, but I find the label we use to describe those people telling. I prefer the term Slacktivist, because I feel using the term Social Justice demeans literal warriors in the field like MLK or Susan B Anthony. Nothing wrong with literally fighting for social justice, after all.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I started this thread eight years ago. My prejudices have changed. I've mellowed. I am no longer prejudiced towards Christians.

Right now, it's mostly people who support Trump.

(@Tamore -- I love reading YA lit, and MG lit, but my excuse is, I'm a teacher and I need to know what my students are reading... also, I love it. :D)
ThePrincesTale commented…
I think I’ve gone the opposite way, admittedly. Since the last time I posted I’ve encountered a good deal crazy Christians (mostly, American evangelicals) on the ‘net. A lot of the time they’re both politically disagreeable (“ban abortion in ALL cases”, “[clearly secular nation] is a Christian Nation”, “gay rights should be reversed”, “evolution shouldn’t be taught in schools”, etc) AND theologically wrong (“Good works aren’t necessary to get into Heaven”, which is clearly against everything Jesus ever taught. Also, the ‘Quiverfull’ movement). Their perchance for homeschooling in order to indoctrinate children into their own worldview/not expose them to any contrary opinions is also annoying. over a year ago