Debate The Dodgeball Debate

dodgeball_beast posted on Oct 06, 2007 at 07:09AM
Should dodgeball be allowed in public school gym class?
last edited on Oct 06, 2007 at 07:09AM

Debate 14 replies

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over a year ago dodgeball_beast said…
Obviously, I think it should.

over a year ago DrDevience said…
I agree it should.

Don't even get me started on American coddling of children and where that leads...
over a year ago Zerstoren said…
Its a rough world out there. Kids need to learn to cope with this eventually. And what better way than a game that clearly highlights the weak and the strong!

Dodgeball is fun, and i remember enjoying it because i loved the feeling of getting someone out or my team winning. It meant so much more than a game where "Everybody wins"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
American coddling indeed! You put a US HS football team on an English or Australian rugby field in rugby garb against an English or Australian HS rugby team, and they would get so injured!

Dodgeball was weak when I was in middle school, which is when we played it. Not that a particular person was good and one was bad, but we had segregated PE classes (girls and guys) and too many of the girls in my class were not on any sports teams, if you catch my drift.

As for me, I just didn't care.

Sure, why not, go dodgeball.

And more rugby.

Because I'm just hardcore like that.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kegel said…
I hated dodgeball at school. I liked volleyball and soccer and stuff, but not being hit by a ball at dodgeball lol. I guess I am wimpy.
over a year ago katiemariie said…
What's the educational value of dodgeball? The point of school is to learn. What do kids learn in dodgeball?

"Clearly highlighting the weak and the strong?" I think American kids learn that when they get beat up by the stronger kids or when the jocks get special privileges and more praise in class.

PE is supposed educate children about the benefits of exercise and encourage them to continue exercise for the rest of their lives. How does getting whacked in the face with a giant red ball encourage one to exercise? How does getting humiliated in front of forty other kids make one want to go out for a team?
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Simply put: Coping skills.
over a year ago dodgeball_beast said…
Dodgeball has the same adrenaline/excitement factor as things like paintball, etc. The little bit of danger keeps things exciting. I plan on playing for as long as I am physically able, and it's some of the best exercise I've ever gotten. Plus, I regularly play with people who have no athletic talent whatsoever who keep coming back for the fun social aspect of it.
over a year ago maybeastarbucks said…
I was always terrible at dodgeball, being the bookworm that I am, but I do think it should be allowed in all schools. Children need to "toughen up" these days.

I remember hearing about that principal that wouldn't let his students play "Tag" at recess, for who knows what reason. That was just as ridiculous as this. I don't want to tell my grandchildren some day, "A long time ago we had these games called 'Tag' and 'Dodgeball'."
over a year ago dodgeball_beast said…
Well, even if it's not in grade schools, it's growing on the college, adult, and professional levels so I don't think that'll happen. But yeah, in grade school I was never any good either. That came later.
over a year ago katiemariie said…
Maybe out in the suburbs kids need to toughen up, but where I live kids have experienced more life than a lot of adults. I watch enough kids in rival gangs kick the tar out of each other, enough kids come to school high, and enough girls come to school with bruises all over to know that my peers aren't being coddled
over a year ago dodgeball_beast said…
Then a little bit of dodgeball should be no sweat.
over a year ago hekissedmyhand said…
i am against all sports. lol. I dont see the big's just dodge ball.
over a year ago TweenaCat said…
hekissedmyhand, the point of sports is to teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle and to interact with each other better. I'm normally not into sports but when I'm with my hockey team on a Saturday we have such great team spirit and we make up all these crazy races and excercises before the game starts and always end up laughing and sooo thrilled if we win.
Well, personally I have to say, I don't see the point of dodgeball. But I also don't see the point of banning it.