Debate Should this have happened

jighooligan101 posted on Oct 17, 2008 at 06:49PM
I own a Sony Playstation 3 and for the last while Ive been very much looking foward to the game "LittleBig Planet" which was to be released this Tuesday in the US and Friday here in Europe.However, today I read that this game had been delayed because one song playing in the backround is similar to a song described in the Qur'an. The general consensus on the internet is that had this been similar to Christian or Jewish song the game would not have been delayed. My question is why are more people fragile when discussing the Muslim religion then other religions?

Debate 3 replies

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over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
Just a quick note a game released last year which had a scene of a bloody massacre in a Cathederal caused slight up roar with the Catholic church however this did not effect the games release. I know because Im talking about games it may seem childish but I think it shows how religion is affecting modern media
over a year ago amazondebs said…
i think this isn't childish at all

it brings up a very good point about censorship and double standards

my own personal opinion it shouldn't matter where the song is from, heck if the people at the video game want you collect qur'ans instead of life points or crystals then they should be allowed to do that, it's just a game, if people are too sensitive about it, then they shouldn't play it, not try and stop others from playing
over a year ago jighooligan101 said…
Two things I forgot to mention the composer for the game is Muslim and how could anyone think link is racist. Look how cute he is