Debate Geert Wilders film "Fitna"

aholic posted on Mar 28, 2008 at 05:41PM
Here you can talk about your opinion about Geert's film "fitna" who critisizes Muslims.

Debate 10 replies

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over a year ago aholic said…
I think it was wrong to publish that movie. It only offends people. Geert used Kurt Vestergaard's drawings without asking. The muslims probably think that Dutch is the same thing as Danish (that's what some medias say) Kurt and Geert should'nt have published the drawing or the movie, but they did, and nothing can change that, but the muslims blame the nations, and they have nothing to do with it. The Danish prime minister says that he don't want to use his time on that, because it's not in our country, and the newspaper can publish whatever they want.

Of course Geerd and Kurt should'nt have published their "stuff" (you know), but the muslims should'nt react so violent. Some muslims wont have anything to do with it (I know that), but of course they should react, but there is nothing they can do, because it is legal here, and it did'nt happen in their country, and if both nations make a law about it, then it wont affect what has already happend, because it was legal when they did it.

If Kurt and Geert and the muslims did'nt offend each other, and just let it go, then there would'nt be any big discussions. I think that all they can do is to give the muslim people an apology.

Kurt and Geert should'nt mingle with them. Did you knew that the muhammad drawings actually were kind of a cartoon??

The muslims should'nt judge the nations, but the people who published it, and no one else.
over a year ago katiemariie said…
People should be allowed to publish whatever they want-- even if it is inflammatory and prejudiced.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
I agree with Kate. What you are talking about here is more censorship, which equates to further eroding of freedoms.

Don't make Scandinavia like the USA... please.
over a year ago aholic said…
Haha sorry :P The Geert should just respect them, and that's all. If he did, there would'nt be a problem.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Why? why should they be respected? Simply because it is deemed a religion?

Sorry.. but no religion is sacred ground to me. I make fun of them all equally. If they think their god(or gods) are not powerful enough to handle me and feel they need to step in and get angry, then I question just how much power they really think their god has...
over a year ago aholic said…
Ha true, but we should all respect that the muslims believe in it. No matter if we think it is silly. I know what you mean and I agree, but if we should all try to solve the issues in the world, then we still got to work together.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
On this I disagree. I think part of the problem with the world today is that it has gone overboard on the PC crap.Everyone is afraid to say anything because someone, somewhere, is going to take offense at just about everything.

I do not tiptoe around anyone's sensibilities.
over a year ago aholic said…
That's fair. Everyone should be free to say what they want, but they should also expect a reaction.
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over a year ago DrDevience said…
Fair enough... but they should NOT expect to get blown up.
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over a year ago aholic said…
Yeah, that's the sad thing, and it's not only us (as in Europeans and Americans) that have to do anything about this. Of course the movie has a purpose. We should just all be more peaceful and respective over to each other.