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Debate Question

So what IS GamerGate anyway?

Some GamerGaters claim that is about "ethics in game journalism." Many deny the allegation that it's about misogyny. Still others willingly admit that it is an "anti-feminist" movement. Some say it's about "keeping politics out of games," and others say it's about "keeping games the way they are" without any sort of agenda influencing it.

And yet, few within the movement condemn the harassment, death threats, and threats of violence that come from GamerGaters.

So if you identify as a GamerGater, please explain to me what it is in your view. Also, please don't link me to blog posts or forums. I want YOU to explain it to me, and without the "No True Scotsman" fallacy, please and thank you.

Image Credit: TheMarySue.Com
So what IS GamerGate anyway?
 Cinders posted over a year ago
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