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Debate Question

so what do you think about gender roles? :(

hello everyone, personally i think they are tedious and they suck, i think boys should be who they want to be an girls also should be what they want, I'm sure most girls will stay girly and vice-versa anyways, like what's the point? is there even a useful reason for gender roles and gender stereotyping? :)
 coriann posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

bri-marie said:
I don't think I'm adequately able (still) to give my beliefs on this. But, I'll give it ago.

I think gender roles are fairly important. I think it's important to have roles that cater to gender strengths. Men are (typically) stronger than women, so it makes sense that jobs such as construction be aimed more for men. Women (typically) have a better ability to use both halves of their brains, so it makes sense that jobs that require "thinking outside the box" or multi-tasking be aimed more for women.

However, I do not think that gender roles should be limiting. I don't think that construction jobs should only be men, or multi-tasking jobs be only women. I think all genders (and non genders!) are needed in all jobs. It's just as important than women be construction workers as it is men be construction workers.

Think of it this way: you're in a group project. There are four people on your team. You need a leader, a person to keep track of everything that happens, a researcher, and a person who puts the project together. Obviously, you're going to assign these tasks based on everyone's strengths. However, you're not going to just automatically assign these jobs. Sally is best at researching, but she doesn't want to research this time. So, you all vote so you can give everyone an equal shot at the job they want.

As I said, I'm not very good at explaining my views on gender roles. I have no idea if my example make any sense to anyone but me :x
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posted over a year ago 
However, gender stereotyping is a completely different thing. I don't see much use in stereotyping at all.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
I said why I feel that why. Second sentence, second paragraph.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
oh okay
coriann posted over a year ago
Cinders said:
They're arbitrary. They aren't bad, and they aren't law, they're dictated by culture, one hundred percent.

In matriarchal cultures, women held the power. Some even fought as soldiers. But the matriarchal cultures, ironically, were more focused on, well, more cultural and internal pursuits. The patriarchal cultures were more warring... and they invaded many of the matriarchal cultures. Which is why that's the way in most places today.

But gender roles are entirely dictated by the culture in which you're born. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does amuse me when someone tries to link it to science or biology - it's neither, it's sociology. Anthropology. That's all.

And then there's this:

"In every known human society, the male’s need for achievement can be recognized. Men may cook, or weave or dress dolls or hunt hummingbirds, but if such activities are appropriate occupations of men, then the whole society, men and women alike, views them as important. When the same occupations are performed by women, they are regarded as less important. In a great number of human societies men’s sureness of their sex role is tied up with their right, or ability, to practice some activity that women are not allowed to practice. Their maleness, in fact, has to be underwritten by preventing women from entering some field or performing some feat."

- Margaret Mead, a brilliant (female!) anthropologist.
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posted over a year ago 
hmm...okay this is tough to understand, i think you saying that when a man does something it's all cool and sftuff, but when a woman does it it's like, whatever, and yes, that has been the case for a number of years, plus the need for a man to be "manly" can prevent guys from doing a lot of stuff, because, what's manly is in a very small box, i mean look at gender roles this way, if a woman is loving caring kind nurtuting, sweet, the man "has" to be the oposite, there's no colaboration, gender roles are made to make women "compliment" men and vice versa, this can be annoying and troubling in many aspects, rather than just letting men and girls out of the box of gender roles, it's not bad to aknowlege men and women's differences, but not to force those differences on to people through *social norms* which can be even stricter than laws in our hearts which long day and night for acceptance and love from ourpeers/fellow man
coriann posted over a year ago
:\ long
coriann posted over a year ago
Heroine999 said:
Gender roles?Did you say gender roles?Wow...can't believe there is such thing as that.It's stupid.There's no point to it because if if everybody to follow it then this world would be very boring.It just so stupid and entertaining to me!*Laughs*
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posted over a year ago 
^ ^ thankyou!
coriann posted over a year ago
VERY much :P
coriann posted over a year ago
lol! ^ ^ thx cassie, yeah that's what i ment :P
coriann posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 said:
Gender roles aren't gender requirements, so I think they're fine. I think it's okay for different actions to be labled "masculine" or "feminine". If there's ever a time where a male can comfortably take on femenine tasks, and a female take on masculine, and femele femenine, and male masculine, then I don't see how gender roles would be a problem at all. If people were generally accepting, gender wise, then why wouldn't they accept femeninity and masculinity?

Honestly, the idea of everything being completely neutral seems a bit grim.
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posted over a year ago 
they can be sort of like requirements sometimes, they are like social norms, people get mistreated if they are seen in a different role sometimes, i think most people do accept masculinity and femininity but, they don't accept people who want to go out of that, um, i like neutral, i think, but, why does it seem grim?
coriann posted over a year ago
coriann posted over a year ago
well, that's just me, cause right now my life is sucking, im so lonely. i have no friends to talk to or hang out with, i feel useless and a lot of other things, i know it's fun to try and struggle to succede, because that helps us feel special and better than the rest, but then some of us are on the other end of the stick
coriann posted over a year ago
dreamfields said:
Some gender roles are based in our makeup. People mention strength in this discussion, but that is not the only one. For instance each fetus starts out with a bridge connecting to two lobes of the brain. If the fetus developes into a male, the bridge disolves. Thus men think with one side of thier brain at a time while women can think with both sides art the same time. This explains why men and women think differently. One is not better than the other, they are just different.
Culuture can be the major factor in gender roles. Not all men or women fit 100% of thier gender role. Each person should be able to use thier abilities regardless of gender. The question to consider is how many people may be unconfortable and whether or not you are willing to put up with it.
One last thing I would like to add. In many areas around the world women are seen to be less and abuse of them is tolerated. Abuse is never right, it is always wrong. Even if we have different "gender roles", we are all equal in God's eyes.
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posted over a year ago 
at not art :)
dreamfields posted over a year ago
that's so true dreamfields, women r seen in very lesser way sometimes, and because of females being seen as the homemakers, in modern times when women have to work, now they have to be homemakers "and" breadwinners. Sure girls and guys r different that's true, and im beginning to take back my sayings about hating gender roles, it;s just that a man's role should not "only" be for a man, eg. my little cousin wanted to learn how to swim, but his father wasn't around much, so they said he needs to be taught "by a man" how to do that, that got me a little irritated, because i felt as if girls in general weren't good enough for that sort of task
coriann posted over a year ago
that makes sense
coriann posted over a year ago
alismouha said:
What Bri-marie said. They're fine as long as they aren't limiting. Although I do find them stupid, unnecessary, and sometimes sexist. It has always been quite baffling what is accepted as a social norm and what isn't.
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posted over a year ago 
they are limiting sometimes :\
coriann posted over a year ago
HeitsiTsegin said:
I think if a girl wants to go and become a scientist, then why the hell not?
I also think if a guy wants to watch my little pony and/or become a fassion designer, then why the hell not?

I'm aganst gender roles, no matter if the gender roles do favour my gender. It's only right that women should be able to go out and do what they should.
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posted over a year ago 
^ ^ yay!
coriann posted over a year ago
I so agree with you bro.
Heroine999 posted over a year ago
I agree. And I found that first paragraph funny (not in a bad way) because I'm a guy and I watch My Little Pony. I agree.
PlayingWithFire posted over a year ago
ha ha, you're not the first, there's my father along with other guys on fanpop :P (he only watches it because my little sister does)
coriann posted over a year ago
PlayingWithFire said:
I do agree with bri-marie, they're not always bad. But it is sometimes frustrating when people call me a "faggot" or a "pussy" just because I watch My Little Pony, am not afraid to cry, and am more into the artistic careers.
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posted over a year ago 
:O a pussy? oh that's low
coriann posted over a year ago
Yeah, it sucks.
PlayingWithFire posted over a year ago
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