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Debate Question

So let's say you're debating with someone and you're winning and you know that you're winning...

And it's obvious that your opponent is driven to a corner where he/she doesn't make sense, but they're still debating, being stubborn. Would you keep pressing them til you win, or would you let it go, leaving them with the last word?

I'm just curious how you'd handle it. Sorry if I'm not being clear enough.
i like to respect people's opinions :P
coriann posted over a year ago
 luv_warriorcatz posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

coriann said:
i would definitely give them room, because without the opposing side, there would be no debate!

:) i like debate because, i like to hear all the people opinions on the subject, i mean usually we know people oppose us, but we don't know why, listening to them, helps me understand their point of view, but by understanding i don't mean being gullible, i simply mean that when you understand something you don't go on in blind hate,

also sometimes i get bored and for some reason it's really fun to discuss different ideas

i don't really see myself as an argumentative person, whenever im talking about two things in real life and the other person seems angry or its obvious that they are not having fun with this and they want to hold strongly to their point of view, i just leave that person alone

but i do blow up and have senseless arguments sometimes, mostly with my family ^ ^ or if it's with someone else, it's usually because their decision will impact me in some negative way

anyways, back 2 your question, lol, okay, if im winning, yeah, i would never try to defeat that person, i know sometimes, arguing, or even just in a friendly debate, when you *win* against someone, your not just winning, you may crush their self esteem or their pride, and things can get bad between the two of you, you should leave the other person with their self respect, it's not fair to do that simply because no one wants that done to them, at least i don't think so, also you can damage friendships,

also i try to leave room for other people's ideas, it's also a way to prevent my own self from losing, is to not come on too strongly, but if its something i believe very firmly about (which is very few things) or its just a stupid debate eg. *do slaps hurt someone* and the other person is obviously on the losing side, even though it might make me angry of their hardheadedness, i would not try to "win"

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posted over a year ago 
viktoriya773 said:
I go on! and tell them how foolish they are... I don't like losing a debate to some who is not correct! Even if it becomes a fight, I'm won't stay back!
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posted over a year ago 
coriann posted over a year ago
CornChips said:
I would just tell them to lets agree to disagree because there is no point to continue a debate with someone who is so determined to have the last word in.
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posted over a year ago 
ya, me too ^ ^
coriann posted over a year ago
Chaann94 said:
Happened to me once.
Our team was winning the team debates and after them came the 1 on 1 debates. I was randomly picked as the one doing that(nervous as hell btw) and I was pretty much cornered after the first minute...

But I was stubborn and crawled back. I saw that the guy thought he had already won, but I saw an opening in his defense and I killed it! ^^

But then that was in a debate that has to last 10 minutes...
If there weren't a time limit and I'd be winning, I'd keep going on until they are convinced that I've won.
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posted over a year ago 
:D sounds interesting
coriann posted over a year ago
Roxas1314 said:
This happens a lot when I debate with super-'religious' people about homosexuality.

I just wait for them to give up after they run out of excuses to hate us gays...9 times out of 10 they delete their comments and block me and tell their friends that I am a 'devil-worshiper,' and a 'sodomite.'

I usually end the debate with something sarcastic after they call me whatever horrible names they can muster up in the last few seconds...
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posted over a year ago 
lol Rox, what's a sodomite? :)) oh, crap, *sodomy kay cool i learned something today, anyways, when people think you wrong and they run out of ideas, for some reason they get hostile, and mean so that doesn't surprise me at all, that's exactly why i leave them alone into thier own beliefs :P ps. i hate it when people block you and don't want to talk to you because o that, i mean i know a friend who that happened to her, and i experienced the same thing with some particular person who thought i was gay, and then she banned me and told me to *straighten my self out* i just hate the discrimination people, i mean they act like since your gay you will suddenly jump on them and try to hump them or something,
coriann posted over a year ago
Usui--takumi said:
Those of us who pride ourselves on logic and rationality hate losing an argument; it damages our self-respect. But that aside, none of us expect to actually win an argument of the sort we’re having here. In fact, I can only remember winning an argument once in my life, when a better man than I said, “You haven’t convinced me, but I can’t answer you.” I didn’t gloat about winning; rather my jaw dropped at his honesty.
But, you see, convincing someone isn’t the point of arguing. At least, forme. For me, the point is to sharpen and clarify my own ideas by testing them against others. Sometimes, in fact, I only learn what I think about something when I hear myself making an argument. When someone is so far from my position that arguing would be absurd; or says something so preposterous that nothing can be gained or clarified from the discussion, I will usually opt out. Case in point: the discussion of Capital that was going on until I lost my copy: I was reading it to help me understand what are some difficult concepts; and people who hold positions far, far from mine sometimes said things that were helpful in clarifying things. There was no point in arguing with them. If someone believes that the exchange of commodities is determined by pure ideas, I’m not going to change his mind, and he isn’t going to change mine. Why argue? But nevertheless, some of the “value is all the in the head” people said very, very useful things that helped me piece together concept I was having trouble with.
Another use of a good argument is to make subtle distinctions sharper and clearer. If someone starts out saying, “We should do more to prevent voter fraud,” and, through thecourse of an argument, it becomes clear that his attitude is, “the poor should be disenfranchised,” then that argument was useful in showing anyone listening the basis of his original position.
To summarize: I will engage in argument to help me clarify my positions; to expose thelogical conclusions of another’s positions, and that’s about it.
Well, no. I’ll also do it because I’m pissed off, or because I thought of a clever way to trash someone who annoys me. But I shouldn’t do that, and I try not to. If that person is talking worthlessly, I'm going to leave the arguement.
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posted over a year ago 
At least, forme. For me, the point is to sharpen and clarify my own ideas by testing them against others. *yeah the same is true for me!* :D
coriann posted over a year ago
Usui--takumi posted over a year ago
IshidaSado said:
I've Driven My Parents Into A Corner MANY Times (About Gay Right Because I'm An Advocate) But They Just Bring Up Something I Did In The Past That Has No Relevance At All To The Situation At Hand. I Continue To Fight, But Then They Just Ground Me. Afterwards I Say "Yah Cause You Know I'm Right" And They Have Nothing Further To Say. *It Happens All The Time At My House, I'm Used To It :(*
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posted over a year ago 
lol! it's funny that you debate against your parents, but seriously, a long time ago i realized that debating against your parents is just useless they always have this "im never wrong" sort of attitude and when they disagree, they just ground you ^ ^ happens to me all the time, but i usually don't debate, it's usually just some wild argument about something i want , or i want to get, or vice versa
coriann posted over a year ago
Tyler47 said:
Depends how much I like them, how arrogant they've been being, and the amount of contempt I hold for their position, if any.
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posted over a year ago 
lol "how much u like them" :))
coriann posted over a year ago
jackog said:
The thing you have to realize is that people are stubborn about their beliefs. Rarely you will debate someone and get them to agree with you. When you and other people around you know you are winning you do not keep going. It is often seen as rude and you being the bigger jackass. If you are winning lay off and you should end the debate, and the last word is not the most important thing if your winning! :)
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posted over a year ago 
blackpanther666 said:
I would just debate until it became clear that they had no room left to stand, then I would leave them to it. If you truly feel like you are winning then there's no point in continuing. However, I have to wonder, what does it actually have to do with winning if it isn't an official debate? Debating, unless in a competition, isn't about winning or losing, but proving a point and learning something about other people's perspectives.
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posted over a year ago 
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