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1do you think it's just sick and wrong for an adult who is around a cute little charming kid for a long time and starts to develop sexual feelings toward her/him?

2what if they make a little accident and give that child a bad touch? X.X

3do you think his/her love for him/her could possibly be genuine?

4do you think the child can love the adult back in a real an in depth way?

5how big does this age distance need to be for it to be described as pedophilia?

Why the interest in pedo's? Your other question was about this too, so that's why I'm wondering...
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
uh wow ok i'm shocked that i'm actually right here XD and I saw ur 16 so basically you can't call it pedophilia anymore. and lol by thinking someone is cute doesn't mean you want to do something with them XD you can walk down a street and thing "wow that guy is cute" but then forget about him afterwards. ;P
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
lol, okay....i "think" i was attracted to her, but im not sure X_______X
coriann posted over a year ago
 coriann posted over a year ago
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Sappp said:
1. I would see this as creepy. However, when the person does not act on these feelings and does not bother the kid with it, I don't think it is sick. But weird anyhow.

2. Accidents happen, but if a person has feelings for a kid he/she should be extra carefull that these things do not happen. I, and I believe more people would share that, would find it hard to believe it was an accident if the person had feelings for the kid.

3. Yes. I think pedophilia is an unfortunate attraction. A pedophile simply cannot act on his feelings, because the object of his attractions is a child that cannot consent.
I have respect for people who have these feelings but do not act on it because they know it will damage the child.
On the other hand, I have absolutely no mercy for people who do act on them.

4. No, I do not believe little children (lets say under 10 years) can love someone in a true romantical way. Love is more than a feeling, its also having a relationship and maintaining that however hard it is (that's what I call an 'in depth way')

5. From Wikipedia:
As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The prepubescent child must be at least five years younger than the adolescent before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia.

About the difference between pedophilia and homosexuality: the difference is consent. A homosexual relationship is between two consenting adults (or teenagers of the same age). In a 'relationship' between a pedophile and a child, the child cannot consent.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I agree with Sappp. She basically said things very similar to my opinions on this matter :)
DarkCEpitome posted over a year ago
:\ enlightening
coriann posted over a year ago
I agree with you Sappp! :)
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
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cassie-1-2-3 said:
I know this is going to sound horrible becuase it's an unpopular opinion, but I only think pedophilia is wrong when the child is forced, threatened, or coaxed into it.
If the child is completely willing and knows what he is doing from the start, I don't think it's morally wrong.

1. I don't think it's wrong to simply have feelings. It is wrong to act on them with a reluctant partner, though.

2. Accidentally touching anyone should never be wrong. If it's an accident, it's an accident. If the child becomes traumatized by an accidental touch, well that's unfortunate, but it's nobody's fault if it's genuinely an accident.

3. Pedophiles CAN fall in love. There have been studies. I will look for them and get back to you.
Here's the gist of what I have read:
*There are adults who are still children at heart, or have a very immature mentality who seek a person on their own level. They are immature, but at the same time, they are still adults who seek affection and romance. It is still possible for a pedophile to have a relationship that isn't all about the sex, just like it's possible for an adult relationship to not be all about sex.
These, I think do genuinely fall in love.

*There are adults who want a sexual partner, but for some reason are either extremely insecure or too intimidated by other adults, so they turn to children who are much safer.
These, I don't think fall in love.

*There are sadistic adults who enjoy overpowering, torturing and molesting children. (I'm pretty sure this is the common stereotype of pedophiles, but statistically, they're in the minority)

4. Yes. It depends on their level of Oxytocin ("love hormones"), I think.
**EDTI: link is a source that states that children have active oxytocin.**

5. It's circumstantial.
"As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia, or paedophilia, is defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 or older) typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary). The prepubescent child must be at least five years younger than the adolescent before the attraction can be diagnosed as pedophilia." - link
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posted over a year ago 
oh cool, finally someone with a little compasion for the pedofiles! not that i think it's right for a bunch of five year olds and six year olds to be sexen adults, its just that love can happen sometimes when your around a person enough, you start know...fluffy inside X________X
coriann posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
...That's an interesting viewpoint, cassie-1-2-3. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or mean at all when I say this. I'm being sincere, it's...different. Intriguing in some ways :)
DarkCEpitome posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
Well, pedophilia is not defined with an age gap, it's defined as a person who is an adult (16 or over) having an attraction to prepubescent children (13 or younger).

1. I'm not sure if I think it's "sick and wrong." It's okay at all. But, pedophilia is a mental disorder, and it's not something the person can control. And, just because someone is experiencing those feelings, doesn't mean they're going to act on them.

2. Then I'd say medical-mental and legal action should be taken.

3&4. It could be. I don't think it will necessarily be at first, but I think they could come to genuinely care for that person.
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posted over a year ago 
thx for your answer, uh, can you tell me how this is different form the gays+lesbian case? thankyou XP
coriann posted over a year ago
I don't understand what you mean.
bri-marie posted over a year ago
@bri-marie It's humanly impossible to agree with a person more than I agree with you right now. Best.
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
Chaann94 said:
1. Yes. Because a kid has no idea what sex it, what it means and a kid is no way near ready for it.

2. A little accident isn't pedophilia. My PE teacher once had his hands on my chest but that was because I fell out of a 10 ft high rope and he caught me.

3. No. There's no love between a pedophile and a child because pedophiles only think about their own perverted needs and doesn't care about the child at all.

4. No. The child has no idea what love is, because its brain and body is nowhere near developed for that kind of love.

5. If the child is under 13 or so and the adult over 21 I guess.

and 6. I saw you asking what's the difference between being gay. There's a HUGE difference.
Gay people have a mutual relationship. They love each other.
Pedophiles only molest a child. There's no love in that.

So yeah pedophiles are sick, selfish, manipulative psychopaths and IMHO they should all be nutered with a stone.
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posted over a year ago 
:'D lmao *mutered with a stone* i like that what does lMHO mean? :\
coriann posted over a year ago
I find it hard to believe a (exemple here) 7 years old knows that sex is about two people loving each other so much they want to become one even for just a brief moment. and about the homosexua-pedophile, you were but I was saying something completely different. I was talking about a homosexual couple, not a pedophilic-homosexual... i dunno how to call that... but anyways homosexual and pedophilic-homosexual are two different things that was what i was saying.
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
Yeah, we're both saying the same thing now. Of course pedophiles and non pedophiles are different. Homosexual or not.
cassie-1-2-3 posted over a year ago
jjmepdo said:
Being a pedo now is like being gay in the 1950s. But it rely is as simple as a man being acted to a woman. I have known i am a pedo sinse the age of 14. U lot might not belive me when i say this, but i hate my slfe when i say this, i am atraked to both girls and boys aged betwine 9 and 15.
PS i am a 20 year old male sorry about the spelling iv got dyxlia. Also it is not troue that all pedos are men.
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posted over a year ago 
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