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Thoughts on Joe Paterno and the Child Sex Abuse Scandal at Penn State

I don't know if you guys have heard about this or not, but I just wanted to hear opinions of others about this incident.

The general gist of it is the following:
Jerry Sandusky (a long time Penn State Football coach and friend of Joe Paterno) was arrested for sexually assaulting a child (or children) in 1999. He was not prosecuted for these crimes and was released (this is the part I don't know as much about, but suffice it to say nothing really came of this incident)

In 2002 a graduate assistant, Mike McQueary (now a football coach at Penn State), reported to head coach Joe Paterno (84) that he witnessed Sandusky engaged in some sort of sexual act with a child in the showers at the football facility (Sandusky no longer worked for Penn State but was working with boys at the school for charity)

Paterno reported this to the athletic director and did nothing else (as far as I know).

Several days ago more allegations were made about the incident in 2002 and the school almost immediately fired Joe Paterno for his part in the incident (though Paterno had stated he intended to retire at the end of the year as a result). Paterno admitted feeling guilty and terrible that he did not do more at the time. He wept and gave his sincerest apologies to all involved and requested prayers for the boys and their families.

Paterno had been with Penn State for 64 years and was about to (this week) break the record for most games coached by a division 1 coach. The season is 3 weeks away from it's end.

Also bear in mind that Sandusky has not yet gone to trial over these new allegations. He is alleged to have abused at least 15 boys at Penn State.

So my questions: Did Paterno deserve to be fired over this? What about McQueary? The athletic director? How much blame is to be put on Paterno and the others involved? I really want to know your opinions on this!

Here is a link to a story about it from CNN. Though it focuses on the new interim coach, it gives a decent o
Overview of the recent incidents. link
jameswilson posted over a year ago
 jameswilson posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

bri-marie said:
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this, mostly because I keep hearing conflicting evidence about who exactly Joe went to. I heard he only went to the athletic director. I heard he went to "numerous superiors and campus security." I heard we went to "numerous superiors, campus security, and called the police" although I'm seriously doubting this last one.

I've also heard that Sandusky has been tried, he just hasn't been convicted. (Not surprising, really. The judicial system doesn't work like on T.V. It doesn't always take a single court case to decide a verdict, and something this big would definitely take more than one hearing.)

Either way, the situation was not handled well all around. I would have hoped (and assumed) that McQuery would have had enough sense and decency to go to more than just Joe, but he didn't. I would have hoped (and assumed) that Joe would have had enough sense to decency to go to more than just the athletic director (if that was the case) and to make sure that someone was looking into such a serious allegation. But he didn't. I would have hoped and assumed that the AD would have gone straight to the police and demand that this be handled immediately. But it doesn't seem like the AD did.

I don't care how many records Paterno broke. I don't care how far along in the season we are. I don't care that he was going to retire anyway. There's no excuse to just let something like that be waved off. A stupid football game should never come before anyone's welfare -- especially children's.
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posted over a year ago 
londonsrock said:
This was pure greed. It is disgusting putting football revenues over the lives of little children.
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posted over a year ago 
kfchater94 said:
I think everyone invovled in this scandal should be fired. I don't know how any of them can sleep at night. I think joe got what he deserved. I'm just disgusted.
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posted over a year ago 
dreamfields said:
I believe that anyone with knowledge of the abuse was morally responsible that it was reported to the police. If thier supervisors did not, they should have reported it to the police. Protecting a child and following the law trumps school policy.
Saddly, I am not convinced that firing of these individual were done because of thier offence. I think the school may be trying to distance itself from them to lessen liability. It won't work. The college apparently knew about it. The rule when sueing is to go after the one with the deepest pockets,(aka-most money).
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posted over a year ago 
Resturant1 said:
WHAT THE,it's illegal, who would do that, SERIOUSLY!!
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posted over a year ago 
ColeThibault said:
Who cares
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posted over a year ago 
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