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i'm not sure if this is teh right site to post this qn but i'm gonna ask anyway. why is F**K a bad word?? and the origin of the middle finger?

oh and i'm spelling it like that cause some ppl might find it offensive. (just as a precaution)

i not really sure what spot this qn would fall in but i figured this spot would be most appropriate

so the f-word, is widely known as a swear word and a bad word but by it definition meaning sex i dont really see how in the following context is a so much an insulting thing:
eg: i did something by mistake and i yell out the "word"

how exactly is that a bad word. i mean i get it went someone says F-you is a bad thing or F your relatives cause is just down right disrespectful
but even then isn't it just like slang for the word sex??

also could someone tell me the origin of the middle finger? like how did it become a bad sign. why not other fingers?? just something i have been pondering..

 alisonfaith297 posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

harold said:
There is considerable debate as to the origin of the word, in part because early dictionaries did not include expletives. Most credible accounts trace the word back to one or another northern European language (Swedish, Norwegian, German) which have similar-sounding words relating to sex.

There are a number of completely bogus urban legends about the word, too. Most people have heard the idea that the word is actually an acronym of For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. This theory should be immediately obvious as ridiculous fakery, as acronyms did not exist until the late 19th and early 20th century (popularized by the US military [1]).

It's a "bad" word for three reasons:
1) It's a private bodily function, like defecation, urination, suppurating sores, vomiting, and so on. In general, talking about such private matters in public is only slightly more acceptable than actually *doing* them in public.
2) It's a short word with plosives, so it makes a satisfying expletive.
3) People consider the word itself taboo.

The combination of the three is really necessary to have a satisfying "bad" word. Why do we have bad words? Primarily, they exist for shocking emphasis. If the word didn't satisfy all three criteria, it wouldn't be used in the same way it is now, but something else would. It's a necessary part of human language that we can say things to quickly communicate how shocked or disturbed we are. "Bad" words are how we do it.

As for the middle finger, as with most obscene gestures, it represents something scatological. In this case, it represents an erect penis, with the fist (or bent fingers) representing the testicles.
In this way, it is similar to "the fig" (which is intended to look like a flaccid penis and testicles). In the United States, the middle finger is used pretty universally to indicate contempt, but as with any human gesture, it means something different in other cultures. In some Asian cultures, the middle finger is understood to be rude, but is also used to indicate arousal/interest. So you should always be careful when using gestures in other countries - you may be communicating something very different than what's intended.

1 - Acronyms are considered as distinct from abbreviations (which have been around at least since the Roman Empire), because acronyms are abbreviations which are *pronounced as words themselves*.

(edited because I forgot, once again, that Answers don't understand Fanpop tags. Grr)
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posted over a year ago 
THANKS! that was really helpful!
alisonfaith297 posted over a year ago
pandawinx said:
well, it doesn't sound overly intellegent. there are more witty words to make you sound past the age of 12. but hey, we all stub our toe at one point in our lifes and it's a free country. I personally, would try and evade using it as much as possible, though.

origin of the middle finger--- well, whats the origin of the peace out sign? or the loser sign? (well, it looks like a "L" but you get the picture) the peace out backwards sign? it is one of the great mysterys of the universe, one which will never be discovered.....
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posted over a year ago 
i dun comprehend ur first sentence. and interesting about the middle finger thanks1
alisonfaith297 posted over a year ago
alismouha said:
I think the origin of the finger is that because it means "Up yours" and since the middle finger is the longest one,it would be the most effective to put up someone' know.
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posted over a year ago 
That may sound sarcastic,but it's not
alismouha posted over a year ago
interesting. thanks
alisonfaith297 posted over a year ago
JaydaJadie said:
It's not rude. It's only perceived by some people that it means the "f" word. Your middle finger is just like your other fingers - a good ol' normal finger.

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

All that stuff about Fornication Under Consent of the King is false. It's just an urban legend. Acronyms didn't really come in use until the 20th century. Check out the articles on wikipedia, snopes, or just google "etymology of f**k."

The word f**k has been in use in the English language since before 1500. No one knows for sure w it comes from but there are similar words in other languages that have been suggested as possible origins, like ficken (German), fukka (Norwegian), and fokka (Swedish), which mean the same thing.

The word means "to have sex (with)," but sex in a particularly violent, cold way. It is sex only for physical pleasure, sex without love, passion, or without duty (when it first came into use, many marriages were still loveless, and sex was performed for the procreation of children rather than from love or satisfaction). The word itself was DESIGNED to be crude. To many people throughout history (and even today), the concept of f**king was offensive. Sex itself was taboo enough in many societies, even if it was sex from love, but f**king? It offended every moral stricture of society - it even went against the bible. In Victorian times, the amount of sex education young woman received before their marriage usually amounted to being told by their mothers to "lie back and think of England." It was a woman's duty to have children for her husband and for her country, but she wasn't expected to enjoy it. Sex was wrong, vulgar, immoral, sinful. A woman who had sex before marriage, even if she was raped, was ruined forever. Imagine the kind of society behind that logic, and imagine the way the idea of f**king would hit them. Pretty hard, I would think.

Of course, the word has been reclaimed. Nowadays, it's meaning has been softened somewhat, and it's starting to lose it's original meaning altogether (as in, "I lost my f**king wallet." The speaker obviously doesn't mean that his wallet has violent and passionless sex. The word is just used for emphasis). But we've got hundreds of years of history telling us that "f**k" is bad, and it'll take a while to overcome that.

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posted over a year ago 
My answers voted as the best answer, my finger answer and the f word answer!
JaydaJadie posted over a year ago
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