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Debate Question

What is your opinion of the Tea Party?

Personally, I think they are horrible people. I mean they claim they want to "bring the country back to the roots, according to our four fathers," but look up your history a little more. Back in the 18th century, when the Constitution was written, whites were considered the superior race; blacks were slaves, and Hispanics and Native Americans weren't cared for most of the time. And hasn't anyone noticed that there are only white people in this party? Makes you wonder what their real purpose is, eh?! I mean I think they were primarily formed because of the fact that a black man is leading the country, and these people are just racist. I mean look who's leading them: The most stereotypical and racist talk show host, Glen Beck, and the crazy, former governor of a state, whose population is the size of Baltiomore's, Sarah Palin. Don't get me started with Kirsten O'Donnell. Augh! To the point, this party is crazy, and, in my opinion, they will do nothing to this county to make it better. Moreover, they'll make it worse!
CoolNala posted over a year ago
 CoolNala posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

Cinders said:
I enjoy tea parties. They give me an excuse to act all girly and stuff my face with pastries at the same time.

Oh. Wait. You mean THE Tea Party? I think it was a daring act of defiance on behalf of the colonists. It might have been more considerate if they had boiled the ocean first, maybe dumped some milk into the harbor, but I don't pretend to know how Britain takes their tea.*

Oh. Wait. You mean THE Tea PARTIES? As in, the groups of conservative protesters across the country? I think they are exercising their rights to free speech and assembly. I think that's one thing that's pretty cool about this country. I think they vary on a case by case basis. I think that some are more radical than others, some more misguided than others, some off-message, some using it as an excuse for prejudice, and some using it as nothing more than an outlet to complain about the liberals. I also think some of them can make good points. But I think it's the craziest ones that make the evening news. Having never actually ATTENDED a Tea Party Rally, I have no idea what the average one is like OUTSIDE of the media coverage they receive, so...

But they don't bother me that much. If that's what you're asking.

*This joke stolen from link
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posted over a year ago 
*gigglesnort* I love you, Cinders... xD
Dearheart posted over a year ago
You're hilarious :)
Sappp posted over a year ago
harold said:
There are three options:

1) They are crazy. This is the case if they actually believe all the rhetoric that they spout.

2) They are monsters. This is the case if they don't believe all the rhetoric that they spout, but are instead using it to play on people's anxieties in order to gain political power and wealth.

3) All the crazy, hateful rhetoric is actually a plot by various enemies to discredit them, fabricating videos, position statements and web sites in the names of tea party politicians. If so, then their enemies have failed. Though they seem ridiculous and/or despicable, the Tea Party politicians have a large number of people supporting them.
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posted over a year ago 
pandawinx said:
When i heard this first, i thought you literally meant tea-parties and was a bit outraged people were shooting them down, however, then i looked it up and realized that it was basically a American BNP, so i think they are racist. I could beat around the bush, add in loads of detail, but there's not really else to say. they are simply racist.
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posted over a year ago 
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