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Is Obama doing a good job as president?

Now I'm not asking if McCain would have done better, I'm just asking is Obama doing a good job, or if not, what could he do better?
 emilyroxx posted over a year ago
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XDRoseLuvsHP said:
I think he's doing well. Not absolutely super amazingly, but well.

His biggest problem is that he wants to please everybody all the time, and that holds him back.

Right now, the people he's trying to please are the Republicans. At this point, these people can NOT be pleased, no matter what (unless he starts another four wars... maybe then they'll be happy...) It doesn't matter what he does, they'll find a reason to hate him, even if it means resorting down to the colour of his skin (which is called racism).

But he isn't assertive enough. He has all these brilliant ideas, and he's such an amazing speaker. But he is a push over. He needs to get over that. If he can get passed that, he has the potential to do great things :)
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posted over a year ago 
I completely agree, nice answer. :)
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
I'm sorry but I disagree. Just read my answer and it will hopefully bring some clarity to you. Just start watching Fox News too instead of that CNN garbage and look at things fair and balanced :)
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
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MajorDork74 said:
NO he is not. That should be painfully and blatantly obvious! It's outrageous! If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!
He makes Jimmy Carter look good!
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posted over a year ago 
Why isn't he? Why is it obvious? Hey, look at the alternative! The Tea-Partiers? Now THAT is scary...
XDRoseLuvsHP posted over a year ago
Ill wife, new job.......may God help me.
MajorDork74 posted over a year ago
@MajorDork74:Sorry to hear about your wife. Hope she's ok. @susanslover: I agree with your point about 9/11 and immigrants.
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
zanesaaomgfan said:
Hes trying his best. And since some don't think hes trying, voters may turn to other canadates and vote for them and Obama's work will be trash. Hes trying though and every hater should give him a chance. :D
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posted over a year ago 
sapherequeen said:
I think Obama's trying his hardest. He has a lot to plan, resolve, and numerous people to please. I currently trust Obama and whatever decisions he plans to make.

I also think that haters should at least be more considerate towards Obama's positon.

Imagine; You are the president, the absolute head of the USA. The country is in perile, there are people rooting against you, and even without those two factors there's still tremendous pressure on you. How would any everyday person honestly react to all of this?
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posted over a year ago 
I don't like or trust Obama at all, but I respect him and I agree with you on the haters thing. I think that should go for EVERY president. (Now if only people could apply the "haters should be more considerate" idea to Bush...'course, that'll be the day pigs fly...)
Dearheart posted over a year ago
I don't trust, nor respect, Obama at all. Thanks to his dumb self, I've been unemployed for months!! And pigs are flying! We have Swine Flu! So, where's the love for Bush? He was obviously better than Obama! We're going to clean out the Capital in November!
MajorDork74 posted over a year ago
Lol republicans stopping us from getting jobs!! Tht is funny considering obama is nicknamed welfare president. Democrats want a govt dependent nation they are making it ok for u to be lazy hell u even get a obama phone now.
travhubb posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u said:
Yes, he's doing an outstanding job. I would have preferred him to follow-up on a few key issues but considering the partisan nature of congress, I'm not sure if those issues can be reasonable pursued. My overall impression is a guy rooting for the average, blue-collard worker. He bats for the unemployed, the underemployed and the disenfranchised. Personally, single-care insurance was a stroke of genius and I'm confident improvements can be made to ensure the program's efficiency (by the way, does anyone know that the entire bill is 17,000 pages long and includes policies that ensure patient safety care?). Extending unemployment insurance, the payroll tax cuts, his plans to raise HHA wages and his willingness to compromise on issues for the betterment of this country, tells me he's in touch with the average man/woman. It tells me he's not living in a bubble, manufactured by political ideologies. I know it would be impossible for him to engage all 435 congressional men and women on a personal level and bring them to a mutual understanding or compromise but some part of me still believes in it. Unfortunately, for that to occur, every congressional member would have to step out of their offices and walk a mile in the shoes of a struggling American. Anyway, whether he and the entire congressional body is re-elected or serves one or two terms, they are contracturally obligated to serve their constituents, and they should all do so with our safety, livelihood, and hearts in mind. They are not entitled (and this includes both Republicans and Democrats) to do anything but put our best interests at heart but I digress. This presidency hasn't been easy and we never expected it to be. I like Obama and more than that, I feel he has done a remarkable job given the current state of the political atmosphere in Washington. I don't expect his contributions to be appreciated now or in the near future but I will say this; whether people are aware of it or now, this president has inspired the re-surgency in activism; and that influence has been seen the world over. There's something about him that makes you feel as if you have a voice and it was meant to be heard. He brings that sense of inclusion in all that he does and with everyone he encounters. So yes, he is doing an outstanding job!
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posted over a year ago 
bri-marie said:
It's hard to say as of right now (in my opinion, anyway). Obama has a hell of a lot of things to clean up and fix. They aren't easy things and there isn't an answer that's going to come out of nowhere and magically fix them. They're going to take time and it's going to take a lot of different methods to get America back the way it used to be.
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight_Dream said:
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posted over a year ago 
WOW. This is such a great answer. You really explaine your views on this man and his policies. I almost propped you for it :P.
Sappp posted over a year ago
I'm very sorry to hear about your wife, Peter. I agree completely.
MissKnowItAll posted over a year ago
@Twilight_Dream: Ma'am, I work with geriatric patients. The mortality rate of delayed geriatric surgery is an issue most doctors grapple with when dealing with that segment of the population. Sometimes, more ofthen than not (in my experience) there are pulmonary or cardiovascular complications associated with surgery. Therefore, most doctors who have dealt with patients with other probllematic health issues have suggested other means to deal with an illness, rather than opt for complicated and dangerous surgical procedure. I think Obama was right in suggesting that it might be wise, for some geriatric patients, to opt out of surgery as it might involve other comlications or worse, death. I also think the argument you used to support your POV might not involve personal experiences with older patients and I think unless you've personally dealt with these issues, it should not be used to explain why you think a segment of the population should receive surgery, regardless of the risks involved.
ducky8abug4u posted over a year ago
samuraibond005 said:
he isn't hardly doing anything but at the same time i don't blame him. what can he do when the government pretty much robs him of his power. he is lacking in achievements because of the government system

(personally i don't like the checks and balances system)
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posted over a year ago 
What would be a better system? A dictatorship?
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
no, thats a little too far, i like an ologarchy kind of system. my ideal sistem of government would include, at a city, reagonal, state, and natinal level. three people as the maine government bodies. i can explain this better while talking but ehter way i dont like the way the Amerivna government is set up because nobody really has enought power to get anything done
samuraibond005 posted over a year ago
Interesting... Personally, I think that three people would be too few of a number to keep the country in line. The checks and balances system is designed to ensure that no part of the government has too much power, and frankly, I think that three people ruling the country is just as bad as a single person ruling the country.
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
adavila said:
I think Obama is like our ex president Vicente Fox, everyone was like Oh yeah the change is comming everything is gonna be alright now, but the thing is that there was no change just the same old crap
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posted over a year ago 
hey...i think u wrong..!! u r forgeting that he is d 1 who made osama bin laden killed...! n saved U.S.A..from so much disasters...!! so changes r there..!!
kriti123 posted over a year ago
No adavila is right! There has been no change! The only change we got is bad change with our economy getting worse! And our Seals killed him! Not Obama! And if you think that is the only great thing Obama has done, think about it. The ONLY thing he has done.
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
kriti123 said:
i think yes...of course!!
i think he is the best president of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA....till date..!
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posted over a year ago 
Really? Why?
emilyroxx posted over a year ago
BCZ he is d 1 who saved america from many more diasters by killing osama bin laden
kriti123 posted over a year ago
Try researching Abraham Lincoln. He kept our country together! And look at Obama who is doing absolutly nothing. And he didn't kill Osama Bin Ladin, our Seals did! Try reading my response too.
Prawls8612 posted over a year ago
Prawls8612 said:
No! He is doing a terrible job! If people say he has all of these outstanding ideas then why isn't he putting those outstanding ideas to work? He has extremely poor leadership skills! If he is trying to please everyone, maybe he should just stop! Maybe he could say to the Congress, "Hey! Lets put our differences aside and do what is best for this country! Lets stop hating on each other, and as a team, lets come up with a brillient idea to help our economy and fix all of our situations!" But is he doing that? No. He needs to get his act together. Everyone right now is blaming the Republicans for not letting Obama pass anything. But lets think about that for a second... How many things has Obama wanted passed? About 2? Its been about 3 years and our President has done absolutly nothing. Everyone else will say, "But what about the Health Care? He tried to pass that!" What good would Health Care have done to fix our economy right now? Honestly, if he would first worry about our economy maybe then after that he can work on Health Care, then all of our other problems. He needs a to do list... And he also goes on all of these vacations that us tax payers help pay for!!! If your country is in trouble, don't you think you would help your country first before you take time off to go golfing and going to the beach while your people struggle to keep food on the table? He needs to get his act together and help America!
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posted over a year ago 
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