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Debate Question

Documentary of a British mother breastfeeding her 8-year-old daughter; What do you think?

I recently came across this video; like I stated in the title, it's a documentary following a British mother with two daughters, the younger one being eight-years-old. This woman is supposedly currently breastfeeding her younger child. The mother believes that her children should decide on when this type of bonding may end. The little girls are clearly fond of breastfeeding, and even draw pictures of their mother's breasts. There are studies about this saying that the longer you breastfeed a child, the higher the child's IQ rises.
Now for my own opinion (I copied and pasted the original comment I left on the YouTube video); In my opinion, this wouldn't be placed under the category of child sexual abuse. That just seems too harsh a label for this type of act.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
What I will say is that this really shouldn't be encouraged. The child is almost 10-years-old, what if she still doesn't want to stop?
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
^ *goes and throws every single cereal box in the garbage can* thanks for ruining that for me XD
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
 sapherequeen posted over a year ago
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Debate Answers

harpyr said:
I don't see any abuse in this situation. Just because our society sexualizes breasts doesn't mean that is their primary purpose. The original and true purpose of breasts is for feeding children. When that girl is old enough to care what people think of her still breastfeeding then she will stop. I'm sure that having this video shared all over the world via YouTube probably accelerated that.
That being said I breastfed my daughter until she was 4 and I was tired of the chore of it so I weaned her even though she didn't want to. It's a personal decision how long to nurse one's children and people that want to be all judgemental about it can just shove off and mind their own business.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree t=with you, it should be their decision
diademrocks posted over a year ago
EalasaidWooster said:
Ughhh! *Shudders* D:

I'm sorry, but I find that extremely disgusting...and slightly disturbing, too

Breast-feeding does increase your IQ, but I think that this only occurs at a certain age.

When you are a baby/toddler, you need breast-milk to help develop your brain. It's pretty complicated and I'm not sure if I can explain it properly so I won't try to. But it involves a sequence of stages you need to go through, and breast-feeding helps you do this in the right order.

However, by the time you're 8 you already know the things that breast-feeding helps you learn as a baby, like walking, talking and recognising things. So it's not really increasing her IQ.

I'm amazed that the mother can still produce breast-milk! I didn't know you could for that length of time! O_O

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posted over a year ago 
I thought the same thing when it came to the mother's breast milk.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
Yeah, it's weird. Perhaps she takes hormone drugs or something?
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
No need to take hormones or drugs to continue to produce milk. I've been doing so for 5 years now with nothing more than a nursing child. Breasts will continue to produce milk as long as it is being expressed, either through nursing or pumping. It's simple supply and demand. The supply only dries up when the demand is gone.
harpyr posted over a year ago
Great answer! Fellow psychology student perhaps?
Eline_K posted over a year ago
misanthrope86 said:
It isn't sexual abuse, because it isn't sexual. Its about feeding your child. Breasts are only sexualised by adults. To kids, breasts are a source of food.

Have you watched the whole documentary? It is actually fascinating. There is a lot of stuff around women's bodies, mother's bodies and de-sexualising the breasts.
The documentary also discusses how children can ween themselves and are just as "normal" as people who weened at toddlerhood or were never breastfed.
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posted over a year ago 
zutaraforev said:
i don't think that it is sexual abuse that is the breast purpose to feed the child but i think this is going on to long i mean 8 yrs old ? the child is not at the baby or even toddler stage anymore ! but it is the mother and daughters decision so i can't say much more
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posted over a year ago 
I agree.
sapherequeen posted over a year ago
MadamOcta13 said:
Letting the child decide when to stop shows a lack of discipline on the mom's part.
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posted over a year ago 
Or a lot of love.
LGYCE posted over a year ago
ducky8abug4u said:
At least the woman isn't feeding her child a pack of New Ports or a bottle of Vodka. If the mother wants to breastfeed her child until the child decides not to, that's fine with me.

It's a unique parenting style. Besides, from what I saw, she's a wonderful parent and that's all that matters. Her ability to parent her children in a loving, supportive and safe environment was all that should have concerned the person who documented the mother's parenting style; and it should have been the main focus of those who watched and commented on it. In any case, the issue is moot.

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posted over a year ago 
KissOfDoom said:
I'm sorry, I just find this incredibly disturbing. Not because of sexuality; Besides the child doesn't understand this yet- but because I think it may create serious issues to the child's phsychology as she grows up. She may develop an unnatural bond with her mother, which can prevent her from becoming independent in an older age. Also, she may have problems feeling from food when she reaches an age when her mother finally decides that she is too old to be breastfed. There are reasons why people are naturally supposed to be breastfed until a certain age.
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posted over a year ago 
sunkissme said:
Obviously this is not normal in American society. But I don't consider this child sex abuse. I was breast fed until I was 4. I remember sucking my mom's boobies & asking myself what I am I doing? From this point I stopped. But it is a special bond between mommy & baby. I felt secure, safe, love, & bonded with my mom. I loved the feeling. But it was awkward & I'm sure the daughter will eventually latch off. We can't blame mother or child if they both like it. Heck! Breast milk is an amazing gift of Mother Nature.
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posted over a year ago 
xXSweeneyXx said:
I think it's very strange how much the children enjoy it. I don't like the idea of it, animals are supposed to breast feed their children until they can get nutrience from other foods. I think it's very strange and too...I don't know. "unnatural" isn't the right word but it's anything but that. Just...Not the way nature plays it.
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posted over a year ago 
There's a lot of things we do that isn't done in nature. It's pretty irrelevant to whether or not those acts are healthy or necessary. Humans are unique in that human babies are helpless a lot longer than other mammals. So we can't really take parenting cues from animals, because the situations are completely different.
Xeginy posted over a year ago
Monrose said:
I think it's disgusting, think about the child's social status!

"Hey, Liza! Wanna join us? We're going to McDonald's."

"No, thank you. My mother just breastfed me. *gulp*"
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posted over a year ago 
diademrocks posted over a year ago
Kittycat23 said:
Its just not right!
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posted over a year ago 
zutaraforev posted over a year ago
wats ur whole opion ?
zutaraforev posted over a year ago
Why is it not right? You can't just say its not right.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
Lawli-gagger said:
It seems nasty.
Want higher IQs? Get 'Hooked On Phonics' lady...

I think breast feeding should stop no later than 18-20 months.
I mean does she even know the purpose of breast feeding?
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posted over a year ago 
18-20? my mother breast fed me for a couple years at least.
misscrazel posted over a year ago
rodvliss said:
It's because of society sees it as something sexual, doesn't mean it's sexual. I think it's there dissicion. Personly I'm not in favor of that I Think you should stop breastfeeding your child when he/she about 4 years old
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posted over a year ago 
Chaann94 said:
Well... breast milk basically stops having a function for the kid after 6 months or so (i forgot it and can't find it on google atm sorry) after that it's basically just something that's looked upon by society as gross...

Also I think it's horrible for the girl's image. I mean, to her it's normal, she thinks it's normal but little does she know it's not at all!

What if she's thirty? And someone asks; hey... is that you?! and she says; "yup, that's me..."
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posted over a year ago 
See, another person that is affected by how society views them.
dexisawesome posted over a year ago
^ So you're saying that you shouldn't care about how anyone in society thinks of you? So then that girl should just take her mother to a job interview and whenever she's hungry she says; just give me ten minutes"? Also I dunno how huge your backyard is but I live in society and that's just the way it is. Even animals have that same "society" feeling, it's in our nature.
Chaann94 posted over a year ago
elcastellano said:
I don't know if she knows about when getting immunity benefits ends, but it's kinda pointless after infancy, my two cents. I don't subscribe to the illogical belief that this or that is evil and this or that is good, or this or that is icky, etc. So it just is. That's my oppinion on it, if they wanna, go right ahead.
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posted over a year ago 
Angelica99 said:
This woman is committing child abuse and everyone looks on! I know, from experience, what this type of abuse can do to a child. We're looking at years of mental trauma and confusion for the child. I hope that this woman has stopped this abuse by now.
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posted over a year ago 
scooter111 said:
To heck with the religious prudes. This is hot!
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posted over a year ago 
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