Dawson's Creek Do you think Joey should have chosen Dawson?

Kramer101 posted on May 21, 2007 at 06:30PM
I really wanted her to choose Dawson. She went out with him
SHE'S HOT!!!!!!!
last edited on May 21, 2007 at 06:31PM

Dawson's Creek 18 replies

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over a year ago kuchuk said…
She can be hot but her soulmate were always be Pacey.Dawson always came at the wrong times to be with her but no matter what happened Pacey were always there waiting for Joey.So she did the right choice.
over a year ago Pottyabouthary said…
Just cause she wet out with him first doesnt mean she should end up with him, she loved Pacey. The word soulmate that was used so many times doesnt mean that they should e together cause it was used for Jen and Jack as well! I think she made the right choice.
over a year ago marinakc said…
I definitely believe that Joey and Pacey should have been together! I find Dawsons way too self centred. Take for example when Joey leaves him. All he cares about is how HE feels, and HIS betrayal. He doesn;t seem to actually love Joey enough to want to see her happy.
Besides, I adore Pacey!!!
over a year ago callstories said…
Every time I heard them utter the word soulmate I puked! Joey and Pacey were so good together. They had a real chemistry. Watching Joey and Dawson together was like watching cousins kiss. We were all weired out.
over a year ago kbolton said…
Dawson and Joey were always best friends, it was freaky even to watch them kiss. Pacey was sooo what Joey needed, fun, dynamic, sexy and DIDNT know her every secret... a gals gotta have a little je ne sais quoi about her...also Pacey truly loved Joey, whilst Dawson was more infatuated with huimself!! I think she made the right decision 100 percent!!
over a year ago love_jensen said…
Dawson and Joey are cute together but I dont know they are too different Dawson is a dreamer and Joey is more like realistic and Pacey understan her very well
over a year ago cicino1 said…
pacey and joey belong together
over a year ago mcewen_girl said…
i completly agree with whoever wrote Dawson and Joey kissin was gross it made me want to puke!!!!
Joey & Pacey were made for each other Dawson is just too self involved he would be better with Jen
over a year ago lianenji said…
Pacey is perfect for her
over a year ago StaceyKelley00 said…
I actually started to not like Dawson starting in the 3rd season. Everything was always about him, and he didn't think of how everyone else felt. Pacey and Joey belong together!
over a year ago MelanieLeery said…
PJ is true love. There's no doubt she chose him.
But I don't agree what u guys think about Dawson. He might be a dreamer, but his characteristic is very special and unique. He looks at life by his own eyes. Maybe something he does is not logical in other people's eyes, it's still right in his own logic. And to all of his girlfriends: Joey, Jen, Eve, Gretchen, Amy, Nastasha, they'll never forget him
over a year ago HaleyDewit said…
No,I don't she should've chosen Dawson.He was her best friend,so that was kinda weird when they were together.Pacey and Joey,however,that's love :)
over a year ago Heidelberg4eva said…
The chemistry between Joey and Pacey (Katie and Josh)was undeniable and palpable. It was obvious Pacey was her soul mate. The writers made the right choice. I love Dawson's Creek and I love the relationship Joey and Pacey had. Why can't I have a Pacey?!
over a year ago johitalandia said…
nooo! it would be like lucas picking peyton (oth)... everyone wanted lucas with brooke and that would be the same here!
everyone could see the chemistry between pacey and joey!! they are perfect for each other ♥♥
over a year ago Bangel90 said…
No, absolutely not. She chose Pacey because it's TRUE LOVE and they love each other SO much. I remember the writers saying they considered giving the fans the "finally Dawson and Joey get it together" finale but in the process of writing they felt like they were doing the wrong thing, it didn't feel natural for Joey to choose Dawson and so they of course made Joey choose Pacey.

It's so real even the writers have to surrender, their love story developed so beautifully on its own.
over a year ago Verginska said…
hah, i've only watched the series finale, cause i needed a quote from it. and i've seen that tons of people on YT vid pacey&joey, and practically no one vids joey and dawson. BUT from just the finale, i liked dawson and joey/dawson more, even if you could see she was not really in love with him. i guess i liked the chemistry between the actors better, and also the understanding they obviously had.
over a year ago bangel9redux said…
Hmm. I love love love Dawson and Joey together. Whether you want to talk about romance or friendship, I love watching them interact. They just have something untouchable. I think I would have wanted her to pick Dawson, but I would not have been bothered if Joey stayed single. Honestly, Joey was just on a revolving pedestal for most of the series but definitely in seasons 5 and 6. Five years into the future (i.e. the time jump in which the finale is set) some part of me wishes she would have just moved on from this adolescent triangle business. If they all lived without each other romantically (and largely socially for that matter) for this long, why revert back to the high school relationships? To make a mini rant productive, in my heart of hearts "I want the fantasy" as Joey said.
7 months ago TonJansen said…
I believe Dawson and Joey belong together. For all the people who find Dawson went to soon for Joey in Coda I bring in memory Pacey going for Joey the night she endeD things with AJ. I felt Joey was more in making things finally up with Dawson in stead of making out with Pacey at that moment.