Dalena Don't you think . . ?

diehardromantic posted on Feb 09, 2011 at 12:09AM
Or maybe I should ask why it is that not David, Jennifer, Demi, Taylor Swift or Jake Austin have had anything to say on the whole JB media circus? The more I see of them, and I like Selena, so don't like to think it, but all this media coverage and being seen to be photographed is a PR Stunt to get recognised and create controversay as they both have upcoming tours?
Of course JB and Selena could be just two kids who like each other, and well he's a 'safe' option. Perhaps things with David might be beyond her realm of 'experience'? Mmm What are your thoughts?
last edited on Feb 09, 2011 at 12:12AM

Dalena 37 replies

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over a year ago diehardromantic said…
After reading much of the news about Justin and Selena, I still have to wonder about David and Selena. I mean he appears tight lipped on all this controversy and is still single. Hard to believe when you're that hot! Okay so maybe I'm hopeful, but just maybe there's something more going on here. I mean really, when you see it, read it and hear about it, will we ever know the actual, complete truth?
over a year ago A2121467-No_2 said…
Warning: I think they're going out and may damper your mood because of what I think.

Unfortunately David may not be single. The press focuses on him so little and he's been in the game for a while. He can probably date a girl and we would not know. Since you posted, or somewhere around that, Jake has said something about Justin and Selena, but not to the effect of Maria's statement. I don't think even think a lot of people have been asked.

There are so many theories I have that I am not even going to do more than touch on a few.

I don't think it's a publicity stunt because although Justin would get attention, Selena would get death threats, possible loss of fans and Justin would also lose fans. And both would gain, but the gain/loss thing would be too much of a gamble IMO. BUT, very good for Selena and her budding career, I must say. And it would be no loss to Justin to be dating a very beautiful girl that many guys love. But I don't know how it would be good for their money earning, which is ultimately why they're in the business, I think... if they were offered to do all this for free, I mean, no, they wouldn't. :p So to me it points to they are dating.

I think there could be a lot we don't know. But to me it seems like one of the Wizards cast hit it on the ball, that they have a lot in common and therefore got together. It makes sense, I must say.

Okay, I'll say one thing that I think: If David and Selena have actually been going out for a while, Justin would be a good way to sway people from Delena to Jelena. Good for a kids' show. Get people's heads out of "the gutter". And how funny that David and Selena start mentioning each other again in their twitters. Like it's a safe time to do it.

We've gone from paparazzi photos of basically innocent vacationing to holding hands. I'm actually dreading if we'll get kissing photos. I know Selena's an actress and kisses people she has no feelings for a lot, but . . . PR doesn't require kissing, does it . . . Selena is 18 and has been slightly pushing the envelope, as they say. I'm not holding out hope I'll never see them.

You're right. We'll never know. I think that could be the truest thing anyone could say and know it. My friends have the right idea, lol. They barely pay any attention to celebrities and don't wonder a damn thing!
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
I know what you're saying A2112467-No_2.
And I would be surprised if David and Selena are actually going out at this time. But their seems to have been alot done, to appear they were not anything more. The constant reminders they think of each other as brother/sister, when one twitter was deleted after a fellow guest star saw them out together?
And then today at the Grammy's, Selena looked less than impressed when her fellow presenter mentioned Justin and looked at her seemingly waiting for a response? Well one can live in hope.
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Ok, so I just saw Video footage of Selena on KTLA. Well being a DaLean Fan, we can be most observant and body language can sometimes say more that the words. So look closely and would like to hear your views. I find it interesting she moves more, smiles and even flicks her hair when David H is mentioned. Then on the topic of Justin B, becomes coy and seemingly restrained. Mmmm? Perplexing.
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
I see @TeamBieberAUT on twitter, says she read an article in some Youth Mag a couple of weeks ago that Selena and David are dating. mmm could be a hopeful fan, or all the JB Mania has been to distract us? Sadly I think that's not so as some Selena and JB pics would indicate something else.
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
I think at present Justin-Selena IS real. BUT I'm not abandoning my hopes for the future :)
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Being that Selena-Justin are young, I still hold out for a DaLena reunion.
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
Exactly. Who knows what lies ahead?
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Just to throw something else in the mix. I am kind of disappointed that we have saviour the many talented fans for manips to get our DaLena moments. The on-set Dalena/Jalex moments are priceless, but Wizards will end soon. So will this mean the end of DaLena. They say they are close and good friends, but there doesn't 'appear' to be anything, apart from the Dinner late last year to say otherwise. What do you all think?
over a year ago yowitsmeLYNN said…
Hmm, I've got something to say... Wizards will end soon right? and David landed a role on Assistant's Pilot on CBS which mean he's kinda not in Disney after wizards right? And he's always hanging out with his new cast members, then Sel will focus on her singing career then maybe another show for her, and she'll focus on bieber too. I mean, im afraid that they're not goin to hang out anymore. Even if they say they're good friends, I know that their time for each other will be gone.. (been there, done that.) This is what I hate, when something that keep's em close will gonna end. Just the pics of em and bieber in oceanup really made a pain in my heart, I even shed a tear... this is how much I love them, and again, after another loveteam I ship before didn't end up together, Im losing so much hope...
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
It is true, many people grow up/mature then grow apart, but there will always be that connection, their undeniable chemistry and leaves us hope for the future, if nothing else. It is kind of intriguing why David is single, given his 'popularity' with other females. And well something with Selena is certainly possible once Wizards is over.
I too have a couple of 'mature' celebs (Keanu Reeves-as he looked in the Movie, Speed and Jennifer Aniston) I would like to match up, or at very least see them share the silver screen together, but do not ship them, as they never seem to cross paths and well may not be to everyones liking.
over a year ago yowitsmeLYNN said…
Well, yea you got a point there. Their chemistry is really undeniable, I hope still now they're hangin' out, even if just in their homes, or 'secret dates'... David is single? Really? I can't believe that a man that has all u need doesn't have a girlfriend. Maybe he's saving the space in his heart for Selena once Jelena is over. (hehe.)

The loveteam that Im talking about in my post is Lashley (Lucas Grabeel and Ashley Tisdale) in High School Musical, they're playing as siblings, fraternal twins to be exact. (i have a thing for siblings. lol) Their chemistry back then is also undeniable, some people say then that they're a couple already, but Lucas has a long-time relationship, and Ashley started the back-up dancer, then her director. I lost a big hope back then. Then now on Dalena, I don't know how its gonna be in the future... No one knows... They are the last loveteam that I'll ship... So I wish they could end up together, happily ever after...
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Well anything is possible. Perhaps we just need to wait, things could have changed if or when they ever decide to make the second Wizards Movie?
over a year ago yowitsmeLYNN said…
Sadly, the second was movie was cancelled... :'(
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Cancelled, really!? I thought they were still waiting on finishing Season 4 and everyone's schedules have been sorted. Well at least that's what I read on Maria Canals Barrera's twitter reply to the same question. That's really sad if a WOWP movie will not be!
over a year ago Love_DaLena95 said…
How is it canceled? Noooo! I don't want to believe it
over a year ago yowitsmeLYNN said…
I read somewhere that says the movie was canceled because some of the cast members have busy schedules... :(
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
I've heard that it's canceled too. It was probably in one of Selena's interviews.
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Well it would seem that unknown forces are determined to torture us as well as the people themselves, with only the fanfic to feed our hope of these two ever being, a couple.
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
Keep holding on shippers. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder", remember that :)
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
know something we don't?
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
No! If I knew something I would share wouldn't I?? I'm just saying, maybe time apart will make them realize they love each other?
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Love, Lust, Desire, Chemistry, whatever gets them together. As far as I can see if there is something there, you see where it takes you, no regrets, no looking back, because if you wait, well life certainly can throw some punches.
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
ok, I'm gettin it out there. But when I first clicked on Maria's photo of her and most of the Wizards Cast enjoying dinner, a little part of me hoped for some 'scandal' Like Selena and David maybe caught in a lip lock or looking secretive and close. Arrh the disappointment and hope fades
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
Yeah but David and Selena were sitting together,right? That's a start. :)

be logical buddy, she can't cheat on Bieber, she's not like that, plus Beliebers are.... no comments.

*pats your back*
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
okay don't you think JB is trying a little Tooooo Hard to impress Selena. I think on some level he knew she loved David, but it boosted his ego she wanted to hang out with him. And what happens next. He cuts his hair, not unlike Davids style, when not gelled up. He starts going more to the Gym to build his muscles (not really helping) and then there's the tattoos. really?!!! However David beats him hands down when it comes to style. The baggy butt sytle is really unattractive. I don't know they looked such a miss-match at the recent MTV Awards. Her smokin in the black dress and then him? He doesn't seem to fit his clothes. I would be sacking my stylist!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago notjustanerd said…
OMG you are right, it does look like JB is making major changes to his look, and it's hell of a coincidence that it's everything David has O.o

I agree, they are a mismatch. They don't look good together. I think Selena would look good with something taller than her and black/dark brown hair. *shrug*
over a year ago yowitsmeLYNN said…
@diehartromantic you are so right. He's like he's copying David, because he knew she loves David so much so he's trying to show that whatever David has, he can't get it, but he can't. Especially "the muscles".
over a year ago dalenaLover said…
One thing that im absuelty sure that Selena doesnt Love Justin. As she Said before she wouldn't marry with him. Simply if youre in Love you immadietly start to think about your sweet home together. She just likes him And she knows that he wouldnt be "one and only thing" in her life. Someday gonna come ad they'll break up, she's well aware that. ( Dont get me wrong i used to Love her so badly before All these dramas ) but in the other hand she's doing it for her career to kind of using him. She likes him but Making this like a public relationship is All because of he's not an ordinary teenager-even i hate him- he's JUSTIN BIEBER!
However, youre Free to belive or not but she LOVED David. Yes she did. And the Love of her for him wasn't simple and easy for her. I'm pretty sure that it hurted her a lot. And i know not much as the past but it Still hurts too.
One more thing, They've never dated. -Whether we mean kissing , holding hands, saying "I Love you" to eachother and starting a relationship.- But They LOVED eachother both Selena and David did.
But They were playing bro-sis and also They were also like from another world to eachother. She was so pure and Still like a teenager -or some knd of angel- as opposite he was 3 years older rough tough egoist.
But They felt in Love. Cuz Love has No logic. Also They had so many common things too , They were both fun , enerjic, capable to understand eachother... These and a lot more things made them closer then enjoy Their company then slowy it turned an obsession and as last step it turned an impossible Love! They couldnt say eachother how it feels like but sometimes both their eyes was giving up trying so hard to run away from eachother and as you can see in their old pictures or videos their eyes were SHINNING! I have never seen Selena like that before! Neither Selena nor David. İt was the magic of real Love.
But as from the other world thing They've never accept this and tried to move on and this made them fight They both were so hurt and they pushed eachother away. dont think about the idea of They couldnt come back again. They fighted made up fighted again and again made up... For a while... And as a "friend" of course. Then , one day They pushed eachother so hard And couldnt come back -They unfollowed eachother on twitter etc.- than after long while later they decided to be friends but not like they were at past. Like " um hi! See you then" because it was eaiser and painless. Then they got "friends" like that. After All she started to date with Justin and David was too busy to being "David" -girls,clubs,friends,alcohol,popularity- etc. They both tried so hard to forget how it felt like.
But as Selena Said in her song " Even if i fall in Love again with someone new, it would never be the way i LOVED you."
Here its What i get about them , What do you think?
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
That is some delightful insight 'daLeanaLover'. But for me (and jeez cannot believe that I'm about to say this) but the old Brittany Spears song, 'Still a girl, not yet a woman' rings true for Selena. I think JB was a safe bet. Young and popular. Not a serious 'love' and good for her career (and she hasn't done his any harm either irrespective of what his fans wish to believe) because she gave him the exposure he needed for his film and subsequent tour)! His fans are young and somewhat naive, they are making him a rich kid. I cannot help thinking that all these changes that JB has made have come after all his visits to the WOWP set. He must of seen the chemistry between David and Selena. After all just because he's JB doesn't mean he's not human or blind. I'm sure there was alot of reassuring going on. Even some of his fans have been stunned by the whole tattoo religious scripture thing. Which doesn't David have something similar MMMM:) Even the pics taken of the WOWP cast, after Selena started with JB, David was always a person away, or further. It cemented my thoughts on DaLena, but perhaps there was more at play here? I mean the pic of her and David taking the last walk to set and then later photographed at their after party dinner table then next thing you know JB's back and they are at Awards and then he's whisking her away to Hawaii. Overkill and more publicity!
When WOWP has past, sad though that is, and the brother/sister connection is forgotten, I think there's a chance for David and Selena. A Chemistry like theirs never leaves you, it just simmers below the surface. Let's face it, David talents extends beyond acting. He could always write something for Selena in future, a movie/ TV show, direct/produce one of her music clips etc. However in saying that I'm a big believer in following your heart for the here and now, otherwise they may not be there later and time lost is love wasted. But perhaps in their case they need to live and experience things outside of their connection to realise what they had was unique? Something to watch for in the future.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Just read on a recent twitter that David is being considered for a remake of the movie, Carrie, starring along side Miley Cyrus? Mmm think this will rattle any cages?;) Cannot help thinking that if David makes it big on the silver screen, Selena might change directions. She has always said in most interviews that although she loves her music, she is an Emmy/Oscar girl rather than a Grammy Girl. Would she attend one of David's premiere's like he has done for her in the past?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Okay so JB has darkened his hair:) What he has and David hasn't is Selena? Add this to my earlier entry at the top of this page and you do have to wonder?
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
Integrity! There has to be alot said for David's star profile and staying true to yourself, without drawing attention by being with another, especially when it comes to life after Wizards (remembering it finished for the stars well before it ended for us):( Like his movie, Little Boy, writing for another sitcom and the Movie circuit. Selena's popularity is seemingly clouded by all the hype surrounding her relationship with JB. Which is kind of disappointing as her talent gets lost in the mix:(
over a year ago ariana1999 said…
I'm a Dalena fan but We all thought that David and Selena is dating like 3 years ago or 2 years ago? but Lorenzo [ david's brother ] told in an interview that David didn't date Selena. I'm so upset that Selena dated Justin Bieber. I mean, REALLY? -.-" I hope that Selena and Justin will broke up and she will ask some advice for David. and I hope that there are upcoming movies for them as a lovers not brother and sister because their chemistry is just, WOW.
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
I'm guessing they were never a couple, but they were close. I'm guessing playing brother/sister on a Disney channel show, this would never of sat well. But the gloves are off now, and if something good came up they might get on board. She could even make a guest appearance on the new Grown Ups2 Movie playing the daughter of one of the Growns ups, that hooks up with one of the Frat Boys (David Henrie)? Or actually could see them playing the offspring to Keanu Reeves character now married to the DA, and their son (David) who is also a SQUAD man from the Movie Speed and Sandra Bullocks character who is now married to a IT Tech and their daughter (Selena) is a rebel, with dark hair, coloured streaks and some tatts?:). They have a reunion when the offspring of the evil Dennis Hoppers character seeks revenge? Yeah I've spent too much time thinking about this:) Moving on.....
over a year ago diehardromantic said…
So another interesting observation. JB has taken to flicking his hair up the way David did before the cut he had for the movies he's doing and has also been quoted in his interview with Oprah, that he ALSO wants to be married by the time he's 25! I know David wanted that too, but the right girl hasn't come along. YES she has David, you just don't know it yet!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago firebabe77 said…
Rest assured with all the sightings of DALENA nowadays (Staples, Las Vegas) our dream will soon come true. One of these days somebody might squeel the real score. A nice gift to us for Christmas? I hope so!