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CSI Question

So whats the big deal with CSI Season 9 finale?

Hey, i have been a devout follower of CSI since the first episode of the fist season. I'm not sure if you'll agree but ever since Sara left; CSI got slowly worse (Then Warricks deaths, Grissoms departure and the whole writers strike in between). However i stayed with them in the hope it would find its spark again - apparently not. I've just watched the trailer for the season 9 finale and was left rather unexcited. Can anyone tell me what big story line is in there?
Thanks! xx
Thanks guys, i think the show will see out a meager Season 10 and then be brought to a close, which is sad, because at one point it was the number 1# show on tv. Now Criminal Minds is there. :)
Criminal_Minds2 posted over a year ago
 Criminal_Minds2 posted over a year ago
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CSI Answers

Cinders said:
The problem that many fans agree on is that the writers are focusing way too much on Langston. (I have a suspicion that it's somewhere in Fishburne's contract that he has to have so much screen time). By focusing so much on a brand new character and practically ignoring the established characters (Hello! Catherine is the head of the team now, shouldn't we hear more about her???) the writers are alienating their fanbase.

The season finale was pretty anticlimactic, if you ask me. The basic storyline is this:

Everyone's been hit bad by the economy-- Vegas is no different. It's a town that's made a business out of greed. The lab is feeling the pressure of the cut backs, and meanwhile, two people are murdered out of pure, classic selfish avarice. There are chips that have been discovered which are worth a tiny fortune a piece, on account of the casino they used to belong to went bankrupt and had to destroy all their chips, so they're very rare. That's what these people are killing over.

While the whole team is featured in this episode, it once again centers on Langston, with a side of Riley (who I actually really like), and a smattering of Catherine, with the rest of the cast (including Hodges and Wendy) being represented fairly equally after that.

Riley accuses Langston of being too medical-minded when he rushes to the aid of a suspect holding a gun. The most interesting thing in the episode (to me) was (spoiler alert), when Catherine says to Langston, "Riley thinks you're a little reckless," and Langston returns, "Well, I think she's too trigger-happy." I remember thinking, "Ooooh, burn!" and that was the highlight of the episode for me.


At the end of the episode, Langston shoots and kills a suspect, and the episode ends there. Supposedly, this means he'll have to deal with the fact that he took a life, and maybe even a hearing ala "Post Mortem" that Greg went through way back in season seven for killing a suspect.

(In other words, they're recycling a plot line.)

I'd be fine with the series if they stopped giving all the story lines to Langston. Hell, even GRISSOM didn't get that much screen time when he was the star of this mostly-ensemble based cast. And even if he did, Grissom DESERVED it. Langston's the new guy. He doesn't deserve to automatically become the star (again, in my opinion). What about veteran Catherine, struggling to run a team that used to be Grissom's, in an economy that's just plummeting lower and lower?

That's my question.

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posted over a year ago 
yah i agree i luv riley who is also new but u hear nothing from her barley everythings about ray and i dont really like him i also agree with your highlight i loved that part
Paramore-CSI posted over a year ago
completely in Aus i just watched the special 2 hr, which was really just 2 episodes one after the other, and it focased way too much on Langston and pretty much had nothing on anyone else
cuddy-me-up posted over a year ago
I have to agree. Way too much screen time is being given to Langston. No other Level 1 CSI works cases solo. Heck, I rememeber Nick complaining to Grissom that he wasn't able to work a solo case and he as a level 3 CSI. It's annoying that they are basically ignoring their fanbase because of Fishburne....
catniprules posted over a year ago
NimfaDora said:
I don't know. Actually I was really disappointed with this episode...
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posted over a year ago 
HillaryC said:
Laurence Fishburne seems out of his element and I agree he should not be the focus on the show. I never thought much of Sara, but when Grissom left it hurt the show. Warrick was a goner the minute he dot busted for drugs even if they were not his.
I liked A Space Oddity this season because they used Wendy Simms, and David Hodges and it was a fun show. Great parody of the classic Star Trek
They don't use the ensemble very well lately you're right. And it the writers fault unless Fushburnes contract say here gets more air time than the others. If that's the case the show is doomed.

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Laurence Fishburne seems out of his element and I agree he should not be the focus on the show. I never thought much of Sara, but when Grissom left it hurt the show. Warrick was a goner the minute he dot busted for drugs even if they were not his.
I liked A Space Oddity this season because they used Wendy Simms, and David Hodges and it was a fun show. Great parody of the classic Star Trek
They don't use the ensemble very well lately you're right. And it the writers fault unless Fushburnes contract say here gets more air time than the others. If that's the case the show is doomed.
posted over a year ago 
i have to agree if more of the shows were like that one they would pick up more of there audience,again. that was a great episode and I like the lab rats.
ineedcoffee posted over a year ago
floorye said:
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posted over a year ago 
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