Creative Outlet No Exsistance

gothgirlpoet posted on May 17, 2009 at 10:56PM
Its gone.

The light.

The darkness.

The sound.

The harsh whispers.

No sign of life.

No sign of death.

The world is gone.

Was there really a world?

We are all a test.

Locked up in jars for expierments.

Testing our every move until none left.

Robots prehaps?

Thou hast not know.
We get thought our thoughts.
We die but don't.

There is nothing to die.

Inside our soul is relised.

In reality it never exsisted.

Neither did we.


Creative Outlet 3 replies

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over a year ago _Blackhearts_xx said…
thats so cool O.O
i liek it ! ;D
over a year ago KristinaDawn said…
ohhh me likeezz it toooo!!!! ;D
over a year ago elizasmomma said…
love it sooooooo much