Coke Survey... Hope It's Not Too Hard!

beoulved posted on Nov 06, 2009 at 05:28AM
1. Product
· What is the product of your choice?
· Why did you choose this product?
· Provide information on this product (e.g. label)
· Why do you think the product is marketed in this way? (e.g. packaging, size,
· Who do you think this product is for?
· How does the product compare with the competitors?

2. Price
· Track the price of the product and describe your findings.
· Why do you think the price is set at such? Why did it change over time? Why
did it not change over time?
· How important is the role of price in the marketing mix?
· How does the price compare with the competitors?

3. Place
· Where is this product available? Why?
· How is this product placed as compared with competitors? More prominent?
Less prominent? Why?
· How do you think the target market finds this product? Is it associated with a
specific place?

4. Promotion
· Track the promotions of the product in the following dimensions and describe
o Advertising
o Sales Promotion
o Personal Selling
o Public Relations
· Provide evidence.
· b. What do you think are the rationale for some of the promotional decisions?
· c. How does the promotions compare with the competitors?

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