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Club against teen bullying to prevent suicide Question

Have you ever thought about killing yourself because of being bullied?

If you have please come and talk to me!
Names Jake Mulliken and i would love to help you out!
You can join my club or you can just add me on my profile.

link for my club

 Jakemulliken posted over a year ago
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Club against teen bullying to prevent suicide Answers

demonthief said:
don't commit suicide. I've been in the same situation. Just think about good things that have happened or WILL happen. Don't let them pick on u. Just "kill them with kindnes", and if that doesn't work... throw a desk :)
But my point is, that YOUR WORTH LIVING FOR!
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posted over a year ago 
i also tried to suicide but i couldnt thanks to you .you gavev mehope to my life your words arelike emotional
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
ill vote for you for the best answer
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
me too. a kind word does more than you think.
mobiansrawesome posted over a year ago
Spartan2D23 said:
Well, I have, but, I was too scared to do it and that was way into the past, but, I would never try it again. I'll tell you what I was going to do. After being yelled at my dad, I was done with life. I was about to slit my throat open with my bayonet I got for my birthday, but, I was to scared to do it. I dropped my bayonet and ran to my friend's house so I could ventilate, not caring what my dad was screaming at me. I never told anyone what I was going to do. But now, I keep my bayonet under my pillow in case someone breaks into our house. My life is a little better now, but I still get bullied. I'm fine now, but I do not want to do that again. I was so scared then, and I will NOT do that again.
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posted over a year ago 
well i am glad that you did not! I know it is scary.....stay strong
Jakemulliken posted over a year ago
yah man be strong youre a man beilive in your self be like a rock unbreakable
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
i feel what you can feel pal?????!!!!
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
i had the same experiance
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
smartone123 said:
ive tried twice,both failed.this song describe me,except mental abuse by my own mind
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posted over a year ago 
u r so much better then them. whats the point od wasting your life. when your done with school, u wont even see them again
BeatleLover4 posted over a year ago
have some faith in you dont give them a shit you are better than them in everything beilive in yourself and i will beilive in you
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
thank you thats very sweet
smartone123 posted over a year ago
HaruLuver said:
I would have but I was scared to death I couldn't find a way to kill myself without feeling pain but I realized I just shouldn't do it.
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posted over a year ago 
UnderworldAngel said:
when I was younger, yes. my cousin made my life hell for me and my sister but I was so afraid of putting a knife to my wrist or putting a gun to my head or swallowing poison
I gave up the idea when I reached middle school
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posted over a year ago 
ilovesttrinians said:
yes all the time it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Honestly yes. I have been bullied since 12 year's old. It was so rude and painful to see girl's whispering in each other's ears, looking at me, laughing. Walking down the street with guy's who were my age thinking like "Omfg ur fucking ugly who the damn hell r u!?!" It hurted so bad...I was soooo socially scared/Awkward. I used to have friend's but they all left me....Some people consider me lucky for being beautiful, but deep down my look's didin't count to me...I alway's cared wat ppl thought of me...So one day When I was home alone...I grabbed a butcher knife, and holded it close to my tummy....I imagined the pain I would have if I did this, but it woulden't be as bad as the bullying.....2 minute's and real deep breaths later, I put down the knife, and ran in my room and cried. I prayed to God to stop the bullying because I coulden't take my life anymore. It was torture! I swear! :'( Then I gave up on praying...and 2 year's of gruling times...and hard ass bullying and hurtful words....I got to meet Cody Simpson. He asked me out, and we dated for 4 months. We broke up but we're still great friend's <3 :) And thank's to meeting Cody, and moving to Atlanta Georgia, I got to meet more celebritys. :) Like Christian and Caitlin Beadles, JB, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, and some more. I felt lucky and happy. Some pplz don't believe me but that doesn't stop me from being proud and strong of my self . Cause I learned death isin't the answer to bullying. You just need adult help. And/or put up with it for a while/Ignore them. Because in the long run, you will find love. You will find happiness. You will find #HOPE. And this is coming from a 15 year old girl who is verbally/Phisiclly abused by her step dad who as now passed away like er birth dad.

Yeah, I'm that strong.<3
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posted over a year ago 
Nice story
Shadow4Realz posted over a year ago
ShadowUlimate said:
I don't know why I'm letting myself type this all out, but I am.

Yes I have, many a time. I still can feel like it honestly, but it's not from bulling anymore. It's simply because I feel a need to rid myself to stop others from being idiots dealing with me.

I have been close to actually doing it a lot. The only thing that stopped me was my moiral who's listened to every bad thing and really stopped me with his tears and his words. But I always mentally go back to wanting to be dead. It just seems better than dealing with everything.

When I move in 2014 I'm sure I'll be a lot better, but until then. I'm sure I'm mentally going to be begging for death for a long time.

From bullying and aggression I've lost the ability to write, which was my main passion. I'm loosing my ability to voice act, draw, sew, cosplay, pretty much I'm loosing a will to do anything.

Guess 2014 is going to be a pretty boring year. By then I won't be able to do anything with my new found lack of death-wishing.
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posted over a year ago 
i sorta feel the same way, i cant keep myself hidden away anymore though. maybe since we have simialr problems we can be friends? its alright if you dnt want to, i'd understand. i read your descripton, i hope you can find the easons to stay. i know i am.
liveevil posted over a year ago
Sure we can try to be friends. I'm not very good at talking to people so I might seem selfish at first but I don't try to be.
ShadowUlimate posted over a year ago
i feel you
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
liveevil said:
I really do appreciate this website, and you know I thank god that there are people here to help me but you know, there's that 78% chance that I am just going to lose it one day.i cant stand the sinful, meaningless person I am. I hate how I look I hate who I am I hate my bullies but I hate myself most of all. I am the meanest most heartless person I know, and the people around don't need this kind of bs. i'm debating whether or not I should leave it all right now, or stay and try to work it out. but you know I'm trying. I haven't killed myself and I haven't left yet. I am just waiting for that someone to show me MY meaning in life, but that person just hasn't come yet. and here I am waiting, waiting for someone to say I WANT you to stay. could anyone please just at least say something nice? please?... anyone? I could really use some help.
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posted over a year ago 
onew_shinee1 said:
hi i thought about a way of killing myself because every day im being bullied by badwords,hitting,pushing,saying things that are not true about me and my image im sick of everything in this world its to hard for me i cannot stand it anymore please help me give me advice what to do please i cannot handle it anymore i need help. my bullying started from kg1 till now grade6 and im sure itll continue tillgrade 7 .ive tried to hang my self stab my self but i couldnt because if im gone whoes gonna take care of my parents and who will be happy from marks if im gone .i want everyone who knew me remember me in a very good way . and forgive me for every mistake ive done.i used to have more than 1000 friends but one girl i really hate her from all my heart told every body not to talk to me from that moment my mind is thinking of a way to suicide and a smile was always in my face but suddenly this smile dissapeared from my face . but the only one who used to return it back is my precious parents. i wish shes with what she did to my life its now filled with darkness ,depress like i have no feature i have no life im always missarable i even hate my self that i even ask my self why was i born .i need just one answer that i deserve to live until this moment without cutting my self or something like that . i wish this only wish in my life that both of the girls who bullied me their friends will break up with them and never talk to them and never give a face to feel how i felt to also say know i feel what m feels.i wish also for them that their friends will never reapologies from them they will not have friends until they get old.thank you

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posted over a year ago 
it gets better! bullying is something only kids do, i was bullied in school too, i got threw it now i have a job, adults are different, everybody is nice to eachother at work. change schools if you must but stay in school get the best grades you can so you can get a good job, don't let anybody take that away from you, you can do it!
toolak9 posted over a year ago
i dont think so i feel im worthless i have no life or no soul like im not confidentwith what im doing i feel suicide is better for me
onew_shinee1 posted over a year ago
suicide is NOT the right answer! just ignore the bullies, be a nice person to who ever you do speak to, you will make new friends,
toolak9 posted over a year ago
Twood2016 said:
I'm actually being bullied now...and it's gotten so bad that I actually thought about suicide. I don't know what else to do. it was just a thought, not an action
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posted over a year ago 
CoolGirl1858 said:
Don't kill yourself you are able to spend your life on something God made you here for something. If your upset knock the sense to the person with a tap to the head are break your phone. Sneak out of class/school to cool down. Tell an adult, mom, dad, brother, sister, teacher who ever you can even a stranger if you have to. And if you get hurt from them get a restraining order against them anything you can do to stop them from talking to you making you feel useless every single one of you are beautiful I don't think I am but maybe one I will realize it but this is about you not harming your self and not listening to that bully. And I got more to say but it is way to much but ALL of you are amazing and beautiful. BYE.😊😊😊
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posted over a year ago 
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