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Christofer Drew Ingle Question

Does Chris take Drugs? :(

It says he smokes drugs in some of his songs :( :(
he smokes pot but thts not too bad. pot is actually the healthiest drug. compared to meth an cocaine
gothixgirl posted over a year ago
dido.haha pots fuken awesome!haha hey...i smoke meth!haha(o.0)_?
iam_emo posted over a year ago
he smokes tobacco daily, 'american spirit'. Has smoked marijuana because it takes less concentration to compose songs. He smoked for 14 years since my quemnão knew.
Maaah posted over a year ago
 MRS-J0NAS posted over a year ago
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Christofer Drew Ingle Answers

NSN_Lovee said:
Who caress He's Fuckenn Hot!!!!<33 LolxD
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posted over a year ago 
like yea at least he's stil hot xD
flappy-jacky posted over a year ago
Smartical07 said:
He's been smoking pot since he was 16. He's not too bad of a user though.
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posted over a year ago 
He also smokes meth "mdma" takes a couple of pills and drinks a little big woop..
love-hate245 posted over a year ago
breanna3 said:
he smokes but not before a show or while on ustream or stickam
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posted over a year ago 
iam_emo said:
only cuz the song says it...doesnt mean he does!cuz shiit i can sit here and write a thousand songs about drugs and have never done them!haha.but he probablly just smox pot here and there,thts not bad!haha
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posted over a year ago 
NvrShoutNvr4evr posted over a year ago
Um, actually he does smoke, he smokes meth, weed, and takes pills and started drinking a little.. but guys come one hes awsome(:
love-hate245 posted over a year ago
MDMA is ecstasy not meth you idiot. he also smoes ciggerates weed and he does LSD otherwise known as acid. he openly admits it look up "christopher drew fake ciggerates and drugs on youtube he clearly says what drugs he does
juicyj420 posted over a year ago
everjoy said:
He does do drugs.theirs pics of him smoking.He smokes,&does weed lik he says in the song "the past "
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posted over a year ago 
nicole12500 said:
yes he DID like 2 years ago and not because his song says it but because he really did now hes smoking and drinking but trying to stop both :)
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posted over a year ago 
he still smokes so stoping never happend i saw him in consert and met him when he was out of his bus taking a smoke.
Team_Edward77 posted over a year ago
he is not trying to stop smoking or drinking lol why would a famous rockstar addicted to cigarettes quit. Its not gonna happen, and partying is the life of most famous rockstars. who cares though listen to the words of his intellegent mind
damonbono posted over a year ago
Actually he stated himself that he was trying to quit smoking ciggarettes but he does not support the use of drugs.
leesy123 posted over a year ago
kim5957 said:
yes not cuz a the song is and nt cuz of his image of an artist just bacause u can tell.
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posted over a year ago 
topaz_r said:
Yes he stated smoking when he was 14. Hes tring to quit. He smokes other stuff too(sinse he was 16) and he doesn't do drugs beforew shows!
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posted over a year ago 
His songs are real, so yes he does smoke.
topaz_r posted over a year ago
damonbono said:
Chris Drew sings alot about weed, as well as pills "Oh I got my car and my guitar a couple pills a couple scars" On his upcoming album he sings about "seasoning" his mind with acid and MDMA( ectasy) Every rockstar is going to be into drugs, Its not about the artists lifestyle athough i enjoy pot, acid, ectasy, and a handful of pain pills. People should be more influenced on his words of love instead of wheather he is on drugs or not.
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posted over a year ago 
skipdeezee said:
His new song time travel is about a PSYCHEDELIC drug trip. He also talks about ACID and MDMA in that song. Ive also heard him talk about tripping SHROOMS,and he smokes WEED every day. So yea he does do drugs now
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posted over a year ago 
love-hate245 said:
Yes, he does and he smokes pot and mdma aka "meth"
he even mentioned meth on a song, its called. "time travel" its from the new album which is also called time travel, yeah its sad, ima true fan of nsn but he's awsome and he knows what hes doing so we cant stop him. I truly live nsn(:
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posted over a year ago 
nataliedruce said:
first off. mdma isnt meth. its the purest form of ecstasy second he also drops large amounts of lsd. which i dont recommend any of u doing because he does it. it seriously FUCKS with your brain.
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posted over a year ago 
lol thank u that kid kept saying he smokes mdma and its meth hahaha n ya he drops acid alot he wrote seawhatweseas when he was trippin
juicyj420 posted over a year ago
leesy123 said:
At the age of 14 he started smoking ciggarettes (he now smokes American spirits which is pure tobbaco). At the age of sixteen he started smoking marijuana (smoking the green just to find an escape to this town that was so mean to me).LOL see what I did there heehe.In I love you more than he make a reference to being addicted to painkillers, and in time travel the whole songs basically about drugs (acid and MDMA).In an interview I watched he stated that he does LSD, MDMA, acid, and painkillers.
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posted over a year ago 
He only smokes pot now.
OhaiiCreeper posted over a year ago
juicyj420 said:
yes, he smokes pot daily even though thats not a drug lol. he also lies to drink wine he does MDMA which is ecstacy, he also does LSD otherwise known as acid he openly admits it in interviews also
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posted over a year ago 
reneeismyname said:
yes he does do drugs. He is not afraid to admit it and is very open with his drug usage. I congradulate him on that. I also remember him specifically talking about it on an interview called smalltalk. Also i remember him mentioning MDMA, wee, and LSD in this interview
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posted over a year ago 
3miibee said:
HHe smokes cigarettes, he drank a whole bottle of cough syrup with his friends when he was 16, he does acid and shrooms alot (or use to)he also smoke marijuana everyday and just recovered from taking alot of pain killers & pills (the song awful was about) and he does MDMA (esctasy).(: Lol
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posted over a year ago 
neonscythe said:
Yes christopher drew Often smokes marijuana. He also takes LSD and MDM (also know as acid and molly.) a lot of this is done after shows he likes to meditate... Drink some champangne and trip out.
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posted over a year ago 
bbshay0983 said:
Yes, I really do think he does and pot is by far the healthiest drug there is just look at some of his interviews you can totally see he's stoned but I still love him and whats so bad about smoking pot??
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posted over a year ago 
annabelle2898 said:
He smokes cigarettes and pot and he does acid and ecstacy. The fact the he does the drugs and that he is vegan makes him so stick thin. And he's also a douche bag. I used to look up to him.
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posted over a year ago 
He's not a douche bag. I've met him. He's really sweet. He just doesn't like 14 year olds attacking him. They tend to grab his junk .
OhaiiCreeper posted over a year ago
OhaiiCreeper said:
He used to do hard drugs. He got some felonies over seas last year so he is mellowing out. He only smokes pot and drinks wine. (:
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posted over a year ago 
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