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Christianity Question

What about Homosexuals?

What i want to know is, why does everyone think thy will go to hell? Whats wrong with being a homosexual? You should be allowed to fall in love with whomever you want. Everybody looks down on homosexuals, but they're people too! What is your opinion? Do you think they will go to hell? I haven't seen that ANYWHERE in the Bible it says that they will go to hell. So, do you think they will? What is your view on the subject?
 LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
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Christianity Answers

Schnusch said:
God is Love.
All kinds of love.
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posted over a year ago 
VeeTruLxi said:
God did not intend for a boy to love a boy, and a girl to love a girl.
I'm not sure if they will go Down There. But I know that loving a gender of your kind is wrong.
I'm sorry if I offended you, but this is what I think...
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posted over a year ago 
You get into heaven based on beliefs, not deeds. If you sin, fine. As long as you know who it was that gave his life for you, then you can go to heaven. Like god has said before, "All are welcome into the kingdom of Heaven."
LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
I know you don't go to Heaven because of deeds. But I don't think God will want someone to love one of their own gender. And once you sin, you should ask for forgivness and pray for help to stop doing that sin, as well as believing, right???
VeeTruLxi posted over a year ago
Love is never wrong.
SouthParkSmart posted over a year ago
bratski2192 said:
^^IA. But no one has any right to say who goes to Heaven or hell. The only thing we can do as Christians is pray for others to have a good life. It's God's decision to judge, not our right. We all are sinners, even born again Christians. It just means u wanna dedicate ur life to Him, & pray to sin less, since He is sinless. I don't agree with homosexuality, but I still have no right to judge them. Let everyone live the way the wanna live, cuz we were all meant to make a choice, but we should encourage others no matter what, & stand up for what we believe in, but not in a forceful way. It's not about being anti or hateful, or who is more superior than the other.
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posted over a year ago 
I agree. Thank you for your opinion. :)
LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
I agree as well, well said
livingstrong posted over a year ago
noobio7143 said:
i dont think theres anything wrong with homosexuals, i think you shoud be aloud to love whomever you want but my friend whos read pretty much the entire Bible said it was in the Bible that homosexuality is wrong.
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posted over a year ago 
then if it is wrong, that makes it a sin. And if it is a sin, then Jesus died for it, right? So they are allowed into heaven just like the rest of us who know and believe in god.
LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
In order for Christ's sacrifice to apply to you, you must accept him as your lord. If you know something is a sin and you continue to do it with no intention of changing then it is an unrepented sin and unforgiven. You must confess your sins to God and try to change in order for it to count.
GypsyMarionette posted over a year ago
Also, just let it go. No one has a right, however, to point at someone, & say they're going to hell for what they're doing. Just acknowledging that it's wrong, but stand up, for what's right too. Pray for others, don't spread hate, or be rude to someone just cuz they have an opinion (not saying that anyone is, but it peeves me off when some blast others for having a certain opinion). I just wish the dramatics would stop, & just be respectful, but alas, isn't gonna happen too often.
bratski2192 posted over a year ago
GypsyMarionette said:
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
[9]Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] [10] nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

a.1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.

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posted over a year ago 
I agree with what was said below.
LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
Alright, but I agree with the Bible.
GypsyMarionette posted over a year ago
Im not saying i dont agree with the bible. People have different ways of interpreting it.
LinkKinuzuma13 posted over a year ago
Now that you mentioned that, I think it might mean that people of the same gender shouldn't have sex just to satisfy their lust but if they love eachother there is no problem.
erlina41 posted over a year ago
livingstrong said:
My felocity is "Don't Know Don't Judge" Meaning if we don't know what the will of God is towards a certain situation then we shouldn't pass judgement, we should never pass judgment.
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posted over a year ago 
LinaRush said:
The Morality of Homosexualism - this is one topic that will always be argued about. As much as I've read the Bible I am pretty sure that if you keep being Gay/Lesbian and you die then you are going to hell.
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posted over a year ago 
How can you go to hell just by falling in love with someone? Think about it.
erlina41 posted over a year ago
Why didn't God create a husband for Adam and a wife for Eve???? Think about that too.
LinaRush posted over a year ago
MasterOfFear said:
I read a story that a barber who was a homosexual had a heart attack while he was at work and his spirit went to heaven and he met Jesus. He was overcome with despair and said he was sorry that he was gay. And Jesus said to him "It is better to have love for someone than no one"
and than the barbers spirit came back to earth when the paramedics revived him.
And i read another story that the narrator's gay friend was dying with his family all around him. The friend was falling asleep when he suddenly sat up in the bed and said "The angels are coming for me" and than he died.
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posted over a year ago 
aerostockians said:
Christ said not to judge and also let the wheat grow with the weeds - and not to judge anything before its time. Safety to keep a silent and accept all people as equals. Remember we only answer for the deeds done in OUR OWN body and not other people sins.
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posted over a year ago 
IntrepidKeris said:
"Everyone" thinks homosexuals will go to hell because the Bible says it's a sin. They usually ignore the fact that Jesus died for our sins, however.

I believe that Jesus died for any and every sin, except for rejecting God and Jesus. So if a homosexual is a believer, they wouldn't go to hell because they accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. Chances are that the person who was a homosexual, when they start believing, they'd stop doing gay acts though. I don't know any gay Christians.
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posted over a year ago 
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