Chocolate Espresso Snowcaps cookies recipe for Christmas:

shreyjagma posted on Nov 09, 2013 at 05:06AM
Chocolate Espresso Snowcaps cookies looks like mountains roofed with snow and tastes pretty crunchier and tastier than other chocolate crinkle cookies.

Ingredients Required:

• 1/2 (200 ml) cup flour (all-purpose)
• 1/4 (200 ml) cup cocoa powder (unsweetened)
• 4 medium sized teaspoons instant espresso
• 1 medium sized teaspoon baking powder
• 1/8 medium sized teaspoon salt
• 4 medium sized tablespoons butter ( unsalted and at room temperature)
• 2/3 (200 ml) cup sugar (packed light-brown)
• 1 full egg (white & yellow)
• 4 ounces chocolate (bittersweet , melted and cooled)
• 1 medium sized tablespoon of milk
• 1/2 (200 ml) cup sugar (confectioners) - for coating

How to prepare it:

1. Take a medium sized bowl, in that take all purpose flour, cocoa powder, instant espresso, baking powder, and some salt and beat nicely. With the help of an electric mixer beat the mixture contains butter and also brown sugar until the mixture turns very light and pretty fluffy too. Add and beat egg till it well combined; now it’s time to mix freezing cool chocolate.
2. With mixer now in a medium speed, slowly add ingredients which are dry; then add and beat in milk just until well combined. Flatten dough with the disk and wrap it up with plastic. Freeze until it becomes firmer; it might take about 45 minutes make it ready.
3. First pre-heat the oven to 3500F degrees. Spread 2 baking sheets along with parchment paper. Roll the dough into a 1-inch sized balls. Take confectioners' sugar and in that now roll the balls in sugar twice.
4. And now place the balls on ready baking sheets, leaving a 2 inch gap on all sides. Bake it on both sides of the sheets, until the cookie coating are cracked, it might take 12 - 14 minutes; Please note that the cookies will become soft if you touch. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack and allow it to cool completely.

Celebrate this Christmas with the taste of link Espresso Snowcaps cookies with entire family and make the every moment of it memorable.
last edited on Nov 26, 2013 at 04:57AM

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