Child's Play Child's Play 2 Goofs

TheRealTDAGeena posted on Apr 30, 2011 at 04:31AM
Okay I found these as I watched my favorite Chucky movie (Child's Play 2) ((I SWEAR I FOUND ALL THESE ON MY OWN))
Firstly the reason I liker this movie best is cause it's when Chucky was still considered a "killer" (Bride and Seed sorta screwed it up)and I say the second movie because firstly you see Chucky more than in the first movie, and he is not only a great killer here but he also keeps his Good Guy dolly look...
On with the goofs! (Proving I've seen this movie too many times)

The Rebuilding Process-
Chucky had a metal skull and rubber skin for his face. When his head is put onto his body it seems to be made entirely of plastic and seems that way throughout the entire movie.
The workers hold a tracer to the doll's face imprinted for eyebrows, eyelashes and freckles but only show them painting the freckles and eyebrows. About 2 scenes afterwards, They put on Chucky's head and the eyelashes are painted on.
Chucky is put together made entirely of plastic although in the first movie when Andy's mother was explaining to him Chucky is 'just a doll' she said he was made of plastic (grabs his head) and stuffing (his body) and even later in this movie whenever someone interacts with Chucky, he is built as if he were a stuffed doll with a plastic head.
When the worker (the one who was shocked) was hurried, he was shown painting on Chucky's face (only things painted are his teeth and lips) but his lips were already painted (you see when they put on Chucky's head) You might say they were painting his teeth (which they probably were) but both workers had dried GREEN paint on them and there is nothing green painted on any Good Guy.
(RANDOM NOTE) Chucky got up and got off the table when the worker was shocked but I was wondering how the hell he got that machine out of his face..? :o?

Taking Andy Home-
Joanne isn't wearing her seatbelt while they were driving in the car and nearly got hit by the Play Pals truck. (not exactly a goof though)
The Good Guy that fell out of the closet onto Andy's head (Tommy) fell onto it's back looking straight up and had it's head near the door but when they look back at the doll it is laying with it's left foot by the door and it's looking towards them. (He's alive too!)
(RANDOM NOTE) Joanne said she made the curtains in Andy's new room just for him even though they just took him home today... I just found that odd... LIAR >:o

Taking...Chucky Home?-
When Mattson throws Chucky into the car, Chucky is face down with his head in the middle of the car but when he drives away Chucky's head is facing the door.
(Probably the biggest goof here!) From the moment Mattson and Chucky left the Play Pals factory it was raining hard but after Chucky breaks Tommy (along with the statue) he buries him in the backyard under a tree. Thunder and lightning are still seen and heard but the dirt is oddly very dry. "Eat dirt Tommy!"

"Hi I'm....Tommy"-
When Andy checks 'Tommy' for batteries he opens Chucky's clothes from the back, although when he was being rebuilt, his shirt was pulled down (as if it went over his head) and his overall straps were shown to be attached by the two buttons on his front.
(Okay maybe THIS is the biggest goof...) When it shows Andy struggling after Chucky ties him up with jump ropes, it has a wide shot of both of them and you can see Andy wearing white socks but afterwards it closes in of one of Andy's hands and one of his feet and he is now suddenly wearing blue slippers. When Kyle comes in he's wearing his socks again. And once again, he's wearing the slippers when him and Phil enter the kitchen and throw Chucky into the basement.

Schooltime with Chucky-
(RANDOM POINTER) Notice someone familiar? Kyle's friend Adam seems to bare a great resemblance to Damien, Tiffany's little lover boy, from Bride Of Chucky, doesn't he?
When Andy opens the toy cabinet and find Chucky, Chucky seems to have double the freckles that were originally painted
(Ms.Kettlewell fails) Ms.Kettlewell locked Chucky into the closet and Andy into the room, although when Ms.Kettlewell returns to the room and unlocks the door she finds 'someone' rattling the closet doorknob and yells for Andy to open the door right now!
-She locked the door, how could Andy get inside?
-If Chucky struggled with the doorknob to open the door why would she think he could open it (was he rattling the knob for the hell of it? Seriously Ms.Kettlewell)
When Chucky is beating Ms.Kettlewell with the ruler and they show the view from out the window they seem to be right in front of it but they were on the other side of the room.
(RANDOM NOTE) I always laugh so hard at Ms.Kettlewell's bad acting and Chucky saying "You've been very naughty..." only because he makes it sound sexual ;3

The Madness Begins-
When the camera pans from Phil and Joanne's room to Andy's room you can see a bit of the camera in the reflection of a picture frame.
(Odd things in the basement):
A very old fashioned bike
Native American statue
The spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty
Retarded Mannequin
Whale Harpoon
Oddly, within the whole like half a minute of Kyle sitting on the swing and finding the buried Tommy doll, Chucky got out of a metal trashcan (without making a sound I must add), made it inside, upstairs and fought, tied up and killed Joanne.
When Kyle is walking down the hall to Joanne's room, all the pictures that were on the wall a few scenes earlier are now gone.

Play Pals-
(FYI pretty much all the goofs in the Play Pals factory mainly regards the Good Guy production)
All the Good Guy boxes have pictures printed on them but in the first and third movie, the boxes are windowed.
Boxes of completed Good Guys came down the line but immediately stopped for the period of time when Kyle, Andy and Chucky were climbing.
(Good idea to have a locked exit door... and no way to get to it for that matter...)
The machine that was shown putting hair on the doll and that had sewn Chucky to the platform, sewn Chucky on with plastic pieces (the ones that hold tags to clothes)

Doll Failures-(look for these throughout the Good Guys production line)
A line shows dolls coming out fully dressed but have no eyes or hair.
The dolls that had eyes put into them had hair but no clothes
Doll torsos with only arms can be seen hanging over head (even though arms and legs were put on at the same time with heads too)
Dolls with full body structure were on stands on a conveyor belt but full structure dolls were also seen going down a slide
After having arms and legs attached, the machine after it only puts barely half of the doll's hair on
Machines where the dolls are physically clothes, had their head put on and were boxed were never actually shown

I hope I wasted enough of your time.... It's time for bed...
Comment on If you saw these, what you think and if you think I've seen this movie WAY too many times....

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