Charlotte King Updates

a photo was added: Charlotte and Cooper over a year ago by Sara92
fan art was added: Charlotte King over a year ago by Sara92
an icon was added: Charlotte King over a year ago by hypnotoad
a comment was made to the poll: Did you feel bad for Charlotte when she got raped? over a year ago by BrittanaForever
a comment was made to the poll: Who should Charlotte be with? over a year ago by BrittanaForever
a comment was made to the poll: Do you want to see Charlotte with Cooper or another guy? over a year ago by BrittanaForever
a comment was made to the poll: What do you like most about Charlotte? over a year ago by Claudizzz
a pop quiz question was added: Charlotte is talking to Addison & who? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Why is Charlotte crying in this scene? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Who does Charlotte call in this scene? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: How many bones did Charlotte say she broke by the time she was 10? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Who went with Charlotte to the lineup? over a year ago by LSJ55
a video was added: Private Practice || Charlottes Rape || Into the Fire - YouTube over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: In Episode 4x19 what town in Alabama did Charlotte say her Uncle Buster Hodges lived? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What drink did Charlotte order from the bar in this episode? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What is Pete treating Charlotte for? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What town in Alabama is Charlotte from? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Which of Charlotte's arms was broken when she was raped? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What was the name of the girl Charlotte's ex-husband cheated on her with? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What is Charlotte's favorite book? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: What did Charlotte's father die from? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: In season 2 Charlotte cheated on Cooper with who? over a year ago by LSJ55
a poll was added: Who would you pick to be Charlotte's best friend? over a year ago by LSJ55
a pop quiz question was added: Which episode? over a year ago by LSJ55
a poll was added: What do you like most about Charlotte? over a year ago by LSJ55
a video was added: YouTube - Did You Hear What Happened To Charlotte King?- Shattered over a year ago by LSJ55
a video was added: YouTube - Charlotte King || Don't Face What They Fear over a year ago by LSJ55
a video was added: YouTube - Charlotte King :: My Skin over a year ago by LSJ55