Buffy the Vampire Slayer The Scoobies - Categories

ArabellaElfie posted on May 18, 2009 at 11:50PM
The Scoobies are coming! A brand new Awards Ceremony for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer World - anything from best hat to most heartbreaking speech, seriously any and everything. Best hairdo? Best staking? Any and everything is going to be here and it is going to rock. Do you know why? It's because of you. This is a Buffy run, spot run Oscar type event.

The event, which is still in the mind forming stages, will begin with this. Making up categories. If you want to see a category just post it here. Don't worry about nominations. If you want to go with Best food item conusmed by a Scoobie during patrol (I like this category actually, who is seeing chips/crisps?) then post it. We can all come up with nominations late.

Also, if people want, we can include a section for the poppers on the spot. Best icon added, funniest post, anything (I only ask that it be posted here and that it's the first post if it's a image).

The timeline is sort of fuzzy at the moment but I think we might let this go until June 1st, simply because the spot is a bit slow at the moment, then do 15 days of categories and so on.

Any fanart, vids, anything at all you would like to make for this would be amazing. Also, if anybody would like to aide in the ceremony or anything let me know. I'm open to any and all ideas, I want this to be a HUGE EVENT. And I know we can do it.

Important links:



So, without further ado.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE SCOOBIES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


In Sunnydale
For Those Things Within the Show

* Most Embarrassing Moment

* Best Outfit - Male

* Best Outfit - Female

* Worst Outfit - Male

* Worst Outfit - Female

* Best Dance
Example: Xander's snoopy dance, Anya and Dawn's money dance, the OMWF dances, etc.

* Best Musical Montage

* Funniest Dream

* Best Costume
Example: Mexican Giles, Bunny Anya, 'God' Oz, etc. (don't forget Wizard Hat Giles!)

* Grossest Demon
Example: Balthazar, Gnarl, Queller Demon...

* Best Breakup
Example: Buffy & Angel, Oz leaves, Angel leaves, Riley leaves, Xander ditches Anya...

* Best Turn to the Dark Side
Example: Angel/Angelus, Good Faith/Bad Faith, Willow/Dark Willow, Hyena Xander and "Normal Again" Buffy...

* The Cockroach Award Best character who survives atleast (and appears in) 100 or more episodes

* Best Moment - Angel

* Best Moment - Buffy

* Best Moment - Willow

* Best Moment - Xander

* Best Moment - Dawn

* Best Moment - Spike

* Best Moment - Tara

* Best Moment - Giles

* Best Moment - Cordelia

* Best Moment - Oz

* Best Romantic Scene - Willow and Tara

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Willow and Tara

* Best Romantic Scene - Willow and Oz

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Willow and Oz

* Best Romantic Scene - Xander and Anya

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Xander and Anya

* Best Romantic Scene - Xander and Cordelia

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Xander and Cordelia

* Best Romantic Scene - Buffy and Angel

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Buffy and Angel

* Best Romantic Scene - Buffy and Riley

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Buffy and Riley

* Best Romantic Scene - Buffy and Spike

* Best Non-Romantic Scene - Buffy and Spike

* Best Scene - Horror

* Best Scene - Comedy

* Best Scene - Drama

* Best Scene - Romance

* Best Romantic Scene - Other

* Best Quote/Speech - Funny

* Best Quote/Speech - Romantic

* Best Quote/Speech - Heartbreaking

* Best Non-Verbal Expression Example: Spike giving the "thumbs up", Xander shaking the cross in "Doppelgangland", Spike's "two-finger salute", almost everything in "Hush".

* Best Delivery Of A Single Word Or Line Of Dialogue Examples: "Out. For. A. Walk...Bitch" and there's something about Oz's delivery of the word "Whaaaaat?" when Willow asks if he wants to make out that always makes me laugh.

* Episode that Made you Laugh the Most

* Episode that Made you Cry the Most

* Best Buffy's Birthday Episode

* Best Laugh-out-loud Moment

* Best Season - Romance

* Best Season - Comedy

* Best Season - Dramatic

* Best Season - Overall

* Best Season Premiere

* Best Season Finale

* Best High School Event
Example: Graduation, prom, homecoming, etc.

* Best Sex Scene - Romantic

* Best Sex Scene - Hot

* Best "One Episode Only" Character

* Best Hair - Female

* Best Hair - Male

* Worst Hair - Female

* Worst Hair - Male

* Best Vampire Face

* Favorite Spell
Example: Tabula Rasa, Will Be Done, etc.

* Favorite Nickname
Example: Red, Whelp, Bit, Love, Pet, Blondie Bear, etc.

* Favorite Character Trait/accessory
Example: Giles with his glasses, Buffy and her quips, Spike and his nailpolish/smokes etc

* Best High School Companion
Example: Jonathan, Larry, Harmony, etc.

* The Burning Baby Fish Award Best "Crazy" Character:
Example: Dru, Basement Spike, Brainsucked Tara, etc.

* Saddest Death

* Best Holla Back Best reference to a previous episode

* Best Staking

* Best Use of an Ordianry Item in Slaying

* Best Accidental Sexual Innuendo

* Best Time Dawn Mucked Everything Up

* Best Butt-Monkey Moment For Xander

* Best Big Bad
Example: The Mayor, The Master, Glory, Faith, Spike, Dru, Angelus, Adam, Caleb, The First, The Trio...

* Best Sacrifical Act or The Toll Award

* The Zombie Award The Character shouldn't have died and is thusly being brought back

* The AWOL Award The character who should have never left the show, and is therefore "absent without leave

* The "And Whatever Happened To..." Award The character who you thought was going to be important and then inexplicably disappeared

* Big Damn Hero Award The character, besides Buffy, whom you feel displays the biggest heroics

* Biggest Character Development

Above the Sun Cinema
For Those Things Involved in the Production

Best Actor - Season One

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season One

Best Actress - Season One

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season One

Best Actor - Season Two

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Two

Best Actress - Season Two

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Two

Best Actor - Season Three

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Three

Best Actress - Season Three

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Three

Best Actor - Season Four

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Four

Best Actress - Season Four

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Four

Best Actor - Season Five

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Five

Best Actress - Season Five

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Five

Best Actor - Season Six

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Six

Best Actress - Season Six

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Six

Best Actor - Season Seven

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Season Seven

Best Actress - Season Seven

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Season Seven

Best Actor - Series

Best Supporting/Featured Actor - Series

Best Actress - Series

Best Supporting/Featured Actress - Series

Best Written Episode - Joss

Best Written Episode - Other

Best Staff Writer

We are pleased to announce
The Honorary Mr. Pointy Will Be Awarded to Mr. Joss Whedon
last edited on May 25, 2009 at 02:01AM

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 61 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 61

over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
These are from link and taken from link

* Best dance
example: Xander's snoopy dance, Anya and Dawn's money dance, the omwf dances etc

* Best 'crazy' acting
example: Dru, basement Spike, brainsucked Tara etc

* Best costume
example: mexican Giles, Bunny Anya, 'God' Oz etc
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Hmm, well we can have some categories like best romantic (or non-romantic) scene/moment for each couple. You know, one for Willow & Oz, one for Xander & Anya, one for Giles & Jenny...everybody!
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Off the top of my head:

Grossest Demon: I'm thinking Balthazar, Gnarl, that weird space thing that attacks Joyce (what the hell WAS that?)...

Best Breakup: Buffy & Angel ("Close your eyes..." STAB!), Oz leaves, Angel leaves, Riley leaves (although I personally did a little happy dance when Captain Cardboard left), Xander ditches Anya...

Best Good Guy Turned Bad: This would be a good one: Angel/Angelus, Good Faith/Bad Faith, Willow/Dark Willow, Hyena Xander and Psycho "None Of My Friends Are Real So I'll Kill Them All In The Basement" Buffy...good times...
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
The Joyce demon was the quellor I think...not sure.

I'm currently working on some generic icons for this, just to get a feel for it, really simple stuff, I'll probably post and link them.

Love them Coop, especially the "Close your eyes.." STAB! bit, it's making me giggle.
over a year ago Cinders said…
I realize that a "best quote" category is way too broad, and would require sub-categories (Best Quote: Funny; Best Quote: Romantic, etc.) but I'd be willing to try it. Or... not...

Best Season should be a category, though. After all, there are only seven. ;o)

Best Big Bad (The Mayor, the Master, Glory, Faith, Spike, Dru, Angelus, Adam, Caleb, the First, the Trio... everything).

The Zombie Award (aka the character who should have never died and is thusfor being brought back to life).

The AWOL Award (aka the character who should have never left the show, and is therefore "absent without leave")

The "And Whatever Happened To...?" Award (aka the character you thought was going to be really important, and then inexplicably disappeared.)

These names are, of course, up for discussion... and the last one was just me thinking, "They should have made Olivia more important. Giles needed some action, yo!" So you can scrap that one if you don't like it.

That's all I've got for now.
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
I like all of Cinders' suggestions. Especially the Zombie & AWOL Awards.

I also think we should do the standard Best Actor, Best Actress categories.

There should probably be some sort of category for Best Writer and Best Director, but Joss would just run away with those so it might be pointless. Obviously, Joss should get something, though. Maybe a Lifetime (or Un-Lifetime) Achievement Award?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Well going with Coop's idea an award for "Best Buffy Writer That Isn't Joss".

"Best Season Premiere"

"Best Season Finale"

"Best High School Event" - Graduation, prom, homecoming, etc.
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
"Best Buffy Writer That Isn't Joss"! Perfect! :)
over a year ago adwbuffy said…
Ok i'm getting confused
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
You're flummoxed? What's the flum?
over a year ago Klema said…
big smile
How about 'Best sex scenes' ? xD That should be interesting.
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
big smile
ooooh! what an awesome idea :D

-Best 'one episode only' character
-Best and Worst hair

i'll try and think of more :D ♥
over a year ago claire-aka-bob said…
thought of a couple more!

episode that made you laugh most
episode that made you cry most
etc. ♥
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Best staking

Favorite Musical Montage

Best use of an ordinary item in slaying

Favorite spell (examples would include Tabula Rasa, Will be Done etc)

Worst betrayl

Favorite minion

For the categories that focus on the making of the series (example best writer aside from Joss, the Sacred Lord and All Knowing One)

*Best Actress (per season) - as Coop said
*Best Actor (per season) - as the Coopster said
*Favorite Musical Score
*Best Foreshadowing
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Best Nickname (red, whelp, bit, love, pet, blondie bear etc)
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Best High School Companion (Jonathan, Larry, Harmony, etc)
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
How about Best "Moment" categories for each main character? You know, Best Willow Moment, Best Giles Moment, etc. Like try to find the moment that really sums up that character...

We've got a lot of great ideas here already!
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
We seem to be showing our rockage in this!

Love the "Moment" idea! We could even cave and do it for couples as well that way a wonderful Willow and Oz moment doesn't get ignored because of the Spuffy v. Bangel Question.

I'm not sure if we mentioned this one but what about speeches, Best Xander Speech, Spike Speech etc...

Katie, who is now speaking in third person, will need to go through this and make a list of what we have so she doesn't forget things at one in the morning.

Had an idea in the shower (why does the ALWAYS happen?) I believe we should call the awards...ready for it? Slayerettes! See, they are award statues...statuettes...slayerettes...yea, I was tired and had soap in my eye but it still is good, right? So, what do we think? Slayerettes a go?
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
big smile
Riley leaves (although I personally did a little happy dance when Captain Cardboard left)
Oh my God, Totally!

Yeah! Slayerettes is a good one!
Best Buffy related Pick/Pick Series, Most Dedicated Buffy Fan Jan '08 - May '09
Those are just some ideas...

Alice, who is also now speaking in third person, is gonna think of some more category ideas.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Well I already mentioned the best couple moment so I love that :)
And I love the name Slayerettes!

over a year ago Happyhour said…
big smile
I am incredibly excited. And they're so many cool awards, I like Agent Coops because it's a lovely category to have, and best good guy turned bad was awesome. I can't think of any except maybe best accidental sexual innuendo ('What else would I be pumping you for?' and 'Spurty Knowledge.') and...best time Dawn mucked everything up? Not that she isn't lovely but...seriously. Or best time Butt-Monkey moment for Xander!
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
I am loving Best Accidental Sexual Innuendo! I'd even include Buffy's *ahem* gesture in Hush. There's so many to choose from, it's like a meat party in my mouth! I
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
OK, I just went through the entire thread and as far as I can tell this is what we have so far:

Best Dance:
Example: Xander's snoopy dance, Anya and Dawn's money dance, the OMWF dances, etc.

Best "Crazy" Acting:
Example: Dru, Basement Spike, Brainsucked Tara, etc.

Best Costume:
Example: Mexican Giles, Bunny Anya, 'God' Oz, etc. (don't forget Wizard Hat Giles!)

Best Romantic Scene for each couple.

Best Non-Romantic Scene for each couple.

Grossest Demon:
Example: Balthazar, Gnarl, Queller Demon...

Best Breakup:
Buffy & Angel, Oz leaves, Angel leaves, Riley leaves, Xander ditches Anya...

Best Good Guy Turned Bad:
Example: Angel/Angelus, Good Faith/Bad Faith, Willow/Dark Willow, Hyena Xander and "Normal Again" Buffy...

Best Quote Categories:
Example: Best Quote: Funny, Best Quote: Romantic, etc.

Best Season

Best Big Bad:
Example: The Mayor, The Master, Glory, Faith, Spike, Dru, Angelus, Adam, Caleb, The First, The Trio...

The Zombie Award (aka the character who should have never died and is therefore being brought back to life).

The AWOL Award (aka the character who should have never left the show, and is therefore "absent without leave")

The "And Whatever Happened To...?" Award (aka the character you thought was going to be really important, and then inexplicably disappeared.)

Best Actor (for each season)

Best Actress (for each season)

Joss should get something: Maybe a Lifetime (or Un-Lifetime) Achievement Award?

Best Buffy Writer That Isn't Joss

Best Season Premiere

Best Season Finale

Best High School Event:
Example: Graduation, prom, homecoming, etc.

Best Sex Scene

Best "One Episode Only" Character

Best And Worst hair

Episode That Made You Laugh Most

Episode That Made You Cry Most

Best Staking

Favorite Musical Montage

Best Use Of An Ordinary Item In Slaying

Favorite Spell:
Example: Tabula Rasa, Will Be Done, etc.

Worst Betrayal

Favorite Minion

Favorite Musical Score

Best Foreshadowing

Best Nickname:
Example: Red, Whelp, Bit, Love, Pet, Blondie Bear, etc. (it strikes me that all the best nicknames are Spike-related...weird)

Best High School Companion:
Example: Jonathan, Larry, Harmony, etc.

Best "Moment" categories for each main character and couples.

Best Speech

Best Accidental Sexual Innuendo

Best Time Dawn Mucked Everything Up

Best Butt-Monkey Moment For Xander

If anyone catches any that I missed, just point it out and I'll add it in an edit.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Coop, I love you. Seriously, I can marry you at the Scoobies. Thank you so much for getting the list together thus far.
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Aw, shucks, ma'am, 'tweren't nuthin'...
over a year ago Cinders said…
Holy Spike on a Cross, that's a lot of categories!

B-T-Dubs-- Since Buffy is so massive on its own, we really should make Angel the Series its own awards shows. I was going to suggest having them compete together, but... Maybe get the best of Buffy versus the best of Angel for the ultimate face-off? We could focus on the Angel stuff after the Scoobies are over. Call it something else, and then have the Scoobies Versus (whatever we call the Angel Awards). It could be a party.

And since have SOOOOO many categories already, I won't suggest anymore (not that I can think of anymore), but I will volunteer my time to organize and keep track of the "Best Quotes" part of the competition, as there are sure to be many and it'll be one less thing for you to worry about, Katie.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Thank you Cinders. I was having the same thoughts for the Angelverse and then combine them.

I'm sort of stuck as to the best way to take nominations.

Time Line Idea

According to the original timeline we still have awhile until we even start taking nominations (the 1st) and then it was going to be 15 days doing nominations, 15 days voting and then maybe a weekend for everything to be tabulated. We are just all getting so into this that I think we might want to push it foward and try to have the ceremony on Friday June 26th. Why? It's Joss Whedon's Birthday! So, with the new timeline how does this work for everybody:

* Categories accepted up until Monday May 25th (as we are doing a great job with this bit)

* Nominations begin on Tuesday May 26th and will be accepted until Monday June 8th

* Voting will run from Tuesday June 9th to Saturday June 20th (I am off on Sundays so it gives me a full day to work on the results and any photoshoppy things I need to make)

* Ceremony the weekend of June 26th to June 28th (this will fall over the Joss Whedon Birthday Weekend and, if I can somehow convince the Fanpop Four to get us a chatroom, possibily live, so it would be best on a weekend, I will have to arrange off from work to make it so it would be great to plan in advance - I really want to be there if it is live)

Thoughts? I want to give up time for everything but it would be nice to have a timeline to map this all out on.

Also, do we want to do the voting the same way as the Fanpoppies? Besically what they do (somebody let me know if I'm wrong about this) is send their votes to a user who then tallies everything up. Persoanlly, and I'll curse myself for this at some point, I think this is the best idea. I am completely good for having debates and discussions about the choices and people writing soapboxes/articles about their choices but I don't want people picking something because they don't want to defend their choice. Also, with the fan section this could cause some hard feelings because we all rock and it would be best to not have to go through the hubabalou that might come of it. The other thing that would be nice about that is for things such as quotes, speeches, scenes...they aren't going to fit into the picks so a form would be best. Also, instead of users having to search and find the correct pick (as I am sure some of these categories will be asked between now and then) it will all be in one forum.

I am completely willing to take them and tally them up, and I'll also recruit some others to help me (hey, Cat...Coop...Cinders...know how you were all amazing sweet and sort of offered to help...think I could recruit the CCC Trio?.....Ok, you are three users with Cs. It's the Trio. This is too perfect not to do it).

If anyone doesn't feel comfortable with me doing the tallies or something then I will gladly step aside during this part.

Nothing about this timeline is set in stone as of yet, looking foward to your thoughts.

Edited because I put May for all the dates, Cat caught it for me. Thanks Cat :F
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I just went through what Coop put up and did a rough (very rough) article to see where we stood on categories. Here is what it looks like so far;


So, that's it so far. I think we might want to arrange them so they flow one into the other and move some stuff around but that's the break down for how many individual awards right now. Pretty impressive list :F
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
That's 82 awards plus the Joss one (Mr. Pointy was to write something...anybody have any thoughts?)

Special Note: I just did some searching and I don't see an 'offical' route to asking for a chatroom. I would just go and find a free place for us but I think it would be best through here. Anybody have any thoughts on how I can 'offically' go about this? We could use it for this, sort of a launch, and then do a get together every month or something.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Just a little correction:

* Nominations begin on Tuesday May 26th and will be accepted until Monday June 8th.

* Voting will run from Tuesday June 9th to Saturday June 20th (Katie is off on Sundays so it gives her a full day to work on the results and any photoshoppy things she need to make)

* Ceremony the weekend of June 26th to June 28th (this will fall over the Joss Whedon Birthday Weekend and, if I can somehow convince the Fanpop Four to get us a chatroom, possibily live, so it would be best on a weekend, I will have to arrange off from work to make it so it would be great to plan in advance - I really want to be there if it is live)

Just correcting your month Katie...
And I would most certainly volunteer to be one of the users people send their votes too!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rose2 said…
What about a "Best character that has been on the show for more than 100 episodes?" category or a "Best Buffy's Birthday Episode" category?Well,I know we already have a lot of nominations so if oyu don't like them or anything it's ok!!!
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Thanks Cat! Apparenlty May happens twice in my head. Going to go edit it.

Edited in Rose! Don't worry about having too many or anything - I know that you are all going to help me so I'm not daunted yet. See how I sneak in the whole "all going to help me" bit?

And of course,

over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Love the timeline idea, the "Mr. Pointy Award" and I agree that this has gotten too big to be able to handle with Picks. Live chat sounds like fun, I just hope I'll be available if it becomes a "live" event. This is probably a good time to give you all a heads-up that I'm moving on June 13th, and with that will come the requisite disconnecting of my Internet connection here and re-connecting it there. I don't know exactly how long I'll be MIA, but I'll keep my abscence to a minimum. From now 'til then, I'll continue to post as normal.

I'd be willing to help tally some votes, no problem. Maybe we should finalize a "ballot". What ArabellaElfie posted looks like it's getting pretty close already. We just need nominee names at the bottom of each category. Once the ballot is finalized, put it up where it's sure not to be missed. Everyone who votes can copy the ballot, make their votes and send it via PM. There should be one person who all the voters send their ballots to, so there's no confusion. Then that person (whoever we decide on) will forward the ballots on to the other vote-counters.

Here's another idea: Maybe instead of each counter counting each ballot in it's entirety (which would necessitate having to then send all results back to one person who would have to add up all the totals), perhaps it would work better if each counter was resopsible for a different group of categories? Cinders has already volunteered to handle the Best Quotes categories, so that's what gave me the idea. That way each time a counter looked at a new ballot, they would only have to concentrate on the parts of it that they are working on.

This is really shaping up!


The Trio? I love it! I call dibs on being Andrew, though, with him being the only one that doesn't-um...die.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Ha! OK, you can have Andrew. I always had a soft spot for Jonathan anyway. He was constantly in the peripheral for the whole series, and if Buffy hadn't convinced him not to kill himself in season three, he wouldn't be around to be evil in season six. ;o)

Sure. I'll help in whatever capacity you need. I'll manage quotes, plus whatever else you want me to manage, it's all OK by me.

As someone who helped link of the Fanpoppies, I can say that you have it pretty much correct, Katie. What Coop is suggesting, though, sounds pretty solid, and will minimize confusion. Send them all to one user, and that user distributes them among the vote counters.
over a year ago Cinders said…
Ha! OK, you can have Andrew. I always had a soft spot for Jonathan anyway. He was constantly in the peripheral for the whole series, and if Buffy hadn't convinced him not to kill himself in season three, he wouldn't be around to be evil in season six. ;o)

Sure. I'll help in whatever capacity you need. I'll manage quotes, plus whatever else you want me to manage, it's all OK by me.

As someone who helped link of the Fanpoppies, I can say that you have it pretty much correct, Katie. What Coop is suggesting, though, sounds pretty solid, and will minimize confusion. Send them all to one user, and that user distributes them among the vote counters.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Cinders, have I told you how eloquent you are? I just read the voting idea from the Fanpoppies and I completely agree with it.

I'm just thinking it will be easier for users to just send their votes to one place and I'm nervous about losing votes or errors with then fowarding them. How do we feel about breaking it down my user names?

Also, who wants to tell Cat she drew the Warren straw?
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Preferably someone with a Dark Willow icon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
I'm gone for one day and I turn into a selfish, despicable, disgusting, crazed, murderer freak?!

Someone tell me Katie can be Giles and we can turn into the original scoobies trio *looks around hopefully*
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I'd like to point out the fact that I had nothing to do with the naming of the Trio members.

I can be Giles. I have glasses and I do, on occassion clean them.

Here we go. Oh Dear. Dear Lord. Pass the Tea. Tweed, I need Tweed.

over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Must get permission from Coop and Cinders to change the trio into the Buffy/Willow/Xander trio so I don't have to be the biggest idiot on the show...if it's a go, I call Buffy! :)
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
I call Xander! I can think of worse things than hanging with Buffy & Willow. ;)
over a year ago cecig said…
What about a "the most embarrassing moment", example naked Xander in Nightmares, "Best outfit", example Spike coat, Angel coat, etc.
"Worst outfit", example all the Willow's clothes je. "
over a year ago Cinders said…
Aha! I'm totally cool with Willow. Out of the three, she's the closest to me in personality.
over a year ago spikes_girl said…
Good, good :) Feel much better knowing I am now a hero instead of a sick, murderous kid.
over a year ago Klema said…
'The funniest dream', 'Best Vampire Face - more than one episode' and 'Worst Vampire Face - more than one episode' ? ;D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Edited in my pretties!

I know I have a few icons to make but I had a very, very, very bad day at work so I'm actually going to try to go to sleep. Why do people, who fail to show up for work and they - hey, no job after no shows for two weeks - seem shocked and have to call their parents in to yell at me? Seriously. Let's have the man in his early 50s come in and yell at the 23 year old because his daughter isn't being treated 'fairly'.

Also - double tomorrow.

See, real life sucks in the non-good (sometimes known as bad) way.

Reminder that the nominations end on Sunday night and Monday I'll open a forum for nominations. If anyone has a thought on the 'crazy' category let me know. Also, if nobody wants to do anything Fanpop related just let me know.

Off for some brooding and internal yelling in my head. If you don't hear from me in a day or two I've taken our security locks at work and killed the man. Please bail me out.
over a year ago AgentCoop said…
Real life is what reminds me of why I like to spend my free time doing things like this. Have courage! :)

I had a couple of last-minute category ideas:

Best Non-Verbal Expression-Example: Spike giving the "thumbs up", Xander shaking the cross in "Doppelgangland", Spike's "two-finger salute", almost everything in "Hush".

Best Delivery Of A Single Word Or Line Of Dialogue: This one's pretty self-explanatory, but the ones that came to my mind were "Out. For. A. Walk...Bitch" and there's something about Oz's delivery of the word "Whaaaaat?" when Willow asks if he wants to make out that always makes me laugh.

As far as the Crazy Acting award, I'd just make it a special award on it's own. Maybe it can come between Best Actor-Series and Best Actress-Series? It needs a name, though. The Drusilla?
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
OH! I got some!
Best BtVS: Season Eight Moment - (Seeing Dracula again, Buffy going back to high school, *spoiler* Buffy as a lesbian, Buffy killing Willow in the future etc.)
Scariest Scene - (Any scene in Hush, Rape Scene (Was I the only one who found that insanely scary?) etc.)
Best Laugh-out-loud moment - (Oz's Attacking the mayor with hummus (Is that how it's spelt?) idea, etc.)

over a year ago Cinders said…
I like the season 8 idea, but not everyone here reads the comics.

But on that note, I loved the homage to the cartoon-buffy-that-never-was at the end of the "Time of Your Life" arc. So adorable!
over a year ago jackiehyde4eva said…
Hey i dont know if its too late for this (coZ I think its aay earlier here) or if someone else has suggested it( i kinda lost track) how bout the best sacrificial act?

Also im back! finally i feel seriosuly fanpop deprived but after 2 months my computer is usable again
last edited over a year ago