Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction

movygirl posted on Aug 20, 2008 at 07:26PM
Does anybody know where to look for btvs/ats fanfiction?
Please tell...

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6 replies

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over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
Well, it honestly depends for what you are looking for, I tend to do the following

Vamp Kiss (Spuffy) link

The Guild (links to tons of character and ship specific sites)

Elysian Fields (Spuffy)

Spuffy Realm

What kind of stuff are you looking for? Nika and I are both pretty into fanfiction and while we do overlap she ususally does darker stuff than I do (though I love every fic she pimps to me) and I am pretty good at picking out the good AU stuff. Let me know what you are into and I should be able to find something you'll like.
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
There's also the always good www.fanfiction.net, which has every fandom imaginable.

And Arabella's right, I am into some very dark stuff a lot, so, probably not stuff I can rec to everyone, lol.
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
and if you are looking for something more...um...kinky, just add the word adult to www.fanfiction.net.
over a year ago movygirl said…
Well, honestly i'm willing to read everything (even the spuffy stuff). But what i would love to read is -what a surprise- bangel, cordy never dying, tara never dying (maybe kennedy dying :-P)...
So, i'll go over every site u'll suggest ;-D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tisha said…
Check out these sites:

Sublime (arhive with various ratings, has some great stories)

Land of Denial (archive with just about every Bangel storyline imaginable, various ratings)link

Chosen Fics (has links to great sites)

The Naughty Slayer (archive with- well I think the title tells you what the ratings are like)

Individual sites from my fave Bangel authors (Warning: Almost everything is NC-17)

Maquis Leader


Indie's Fanfiction (she tends to have particularly dark fics)

Every 6 Seconds (Gia goes heavy on the smut, but all her stories have interesting and creative plots)

Margot's Femfic (some of the best stories I've read)

Bangel Fanfiction Yahoo Groups: (you have to join the group to read the stories, which are posted in the messages)



BA_Fluff · A haven for the distraught B/A shippers

Blinded by Passion

Hows_Forever · Buffy/Angel Fanfiction List

Lea_Nc17FanficUpdates · Leanne's B/A Fanfiction

Lost In The Dark

Lynns Buffy/Angel Fanfiction World

The Pack's Prodigy Archive

Two_Lost_Souls_BuffyandAngelFanfiction · Forever Bound

Um whoa this is getting long so I'll stop now. Really, if you search Buffy/Angel fanfiction on Yahoo or Google, you'll come up with thousands of sites. If you want specifically Bangel, then type that in because there are just as many Spuffy sites as there are Bangel.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArabellaElfie said…
I remember, months and months ago, talking to a fanpopper and I started to tell her about this fantastic Spuffy human AU where Buffy ran a bridal shop, Spike was a photographer and I was floored by plot. I searched for about three weeks and then today I'm on the Spuffy Realm, hit random story and guess what I find? Yup, here it is! link

I looked around for our original post/commentsation but I can't find it. Thought this was fitting though.