Buffy the Vampire Slayer Another Good Episode

amazondebs posted on Mar 12, 2008 at 11:56PM
i'm always reading fan fiction that has really good episode or thinking of random ideas for on myself

personally i love episodes where a spell back fires such as 'something blue' or 'tabula rosa' and i think a great episode would be for the gang to swoop bodies,
it would be either at the end of season 5 or the beginning of season 6

and i think it would be good if tara tried to cast a spell to try and solve a big arguement between the gang and the spell was designed to tell and help them all feel how each other feels but it ends up meaning it literally and they all swoop bodies with who they insulted or argued with last or something
what swoops i think would be good is buffy in dawns body, dawn in willows, willow in xanders, xander in anyas, anya in giles, giles in spikes and spikes in buffys

what do you guys think?

what would do you think would be a good episode? feel free to add a couple or elaborate/change mine
last edited on Mar 13, 2008 at 12:01AM

Buffy the Vampire Slayer 12 replies

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over a year ago amazondebs said…
oh and please restrain yourself from just talking about a spuffy or bangel one unless it has another good storyline entwined, lol

like i can imagine buffy really not being happy that spike has her body, and spike being chuffed that he had power and she didn't but it isn't the main storyline, you know?
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
OK, this is going to let you guys know what a huge geek I am, but I don't care. I am really pleased that Debs just started this forum because I'm going to be running a Buffy RPG starting in a month or 2. I can't wait to hear your ideas, because it can be really hard to come up with stuff that hasn't been done before. Additionally, I'll try to post any good ideas that I come up with.

My game will be set in Vegas, and so far, I don't really have much. I figure that there is a lot of potential for the area. The surrounding desert where all sorts of experiments are performed, the seedy old strip, the very corporate and gaudy new strip. And I'm inventing a horror themed casino that can sort of act as a base.

So far I don't really have much in the way of Big Bads, except for a super big bad that will sort of be an ongoing unraveling mystery. It's really big, on the scale of Wolfram and Hart and The First. It's basically the rise of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. One of them will be a casino tycoon in Vegas, who doesn't know what he is yet.

Look at me rambling, lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
hey that sounds like a great idea! make sure to tell us all when you set it up and feel free to use any ideas of mine

hmmm big bads.... speaking as a charmed fan too, i think some witches would be good, or what about some uber vamps that survived the hellmouth and have started to evolve in to something smarter but their still really strong, a good one is to alwasy bring bak one that actually existed in buffy such as glory or to use actually mythology like say medusa, i will try and think of something good
over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
whats RPG?
and i like that idea for an episode!
i really have nothing else to say, mite just ramble, this is too short to post, ahhh oh well!
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Debs, I remember I read this one Spuffy fanfiction where the gang: that is Anya, Xander, Buffy, Spike, and Tara all change genders. It was set during season five, and was really good.

I remember this really good fic I read though, of Angel and Spike switching bodies. That was a good one.

and nosemuffin, the RPG sounds like a really good idea.

And MissMckena, an RPG is a role playing game. You create a persona that's part of a set storyline or game and you interact by posting with the other players.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
Wow Debs, love the uber-vamp evolution idea. LOVE IT!

And yeah, an RPG is a bunch of geeks gathering together and sort of free-form acting. My Buffy RPG is going to be set after Chosen, so there will be a slayer in the group. And a warlock, and a half-demon so far. All of the people who are going to be in the game so far are really big Buffy fans. If you guys lived close, I would invite all of you to join.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago amazondebs said…
ooo if you can find that fan fic i would soo love to read it!!!

oh are you doing the board game, not setting up a site? awww i was getting really excited then lol
i'd love to be a vampire, i know not a very creative choice but i just love them sadley i only have only one buffy friend
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nosemuffin said…
We're doing it in person, just sitting around my apartment hanging out. :(

I know that there are online versions that you can play. I'm not sure how to set them up though.
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
Sure, I'll find it, but which one are you talking about. I don't think I can find the Angel and Spike one, as that one was on a site that is now defunct, but the other I can find, or can send to you cause I have that one saved, just in case. I tend to save the fics that I really love, most of them are Spuffy, a few are Spangel, lol.

And I would either want to be a vampire or a witch.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
If you were talking about the first one, here's the link for it:

over a year ago x-missmckena-x said…
oooo thats so cool! id wana play but i dont know if id be good at it! and all my buffy friends arnt that much into it so theyd prob think i was evn werider then they already do, wot are these sites though?
over a year ago NikaDawson said…
The site is basically the same. You make an account, you create a character, and then you post in a thread that's each got a different scenrio, playing back and forth with other members. I can try to find a role playing site for you, not necessarily a Buffy one, if you want an example.

And as for me, I've got one Buffy friend. The rest of my friends tend to back away when I get going with my Buffy obsession. Except my best friend she always says, 'Your my best friend, so I'll indulge you in your obsession.' She sort of just sits and listens and does that smile and nod thing, you know?
last edited over a year ago