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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Question

do you think Buffy was in love with Spike

 leyton55 posted over a year ago
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Answers

tinkymel said:
I am a Spuffy fan, but no she wasn't in love with him. It is that old saying,"I love you, but I'm not in love with you." It think she loved him for all the right reasons at the end, but she started out using him. We know that he was crazy in love with her, but that he understood that she would never be in love with him. She is flawed in her ability to love. That is what makes her so endearing. She wants to love and have a normal life, but keeps involving herself with men that can't give that to her. As much as I hate to admit it her only true love is Angel. That is the only person that has truly been in love with. Everyone else has been fillers. As we see at the end of the show she tells Spike she loves him, but he lets her know that she knows that she doesn't. It is sad, but sometimes love is not returned in the same way. And with all the really hurtful things that he did to her, I don't think she could ever let that go.
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posted over a year ago 
babybell said:
Yes. Definitely yes. I am really not in the mood to explain why, so i will come back later and do that, but mhmm.
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posted over a year ago 
Isabellas_girl said:
I think Buffy deffinatlly love Spike.JW even confurmed it and the writers did too.If Spike hadn'told her to go out of the cave she would have stayed and die whit him.If this isn't love then I don't know what this is.
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posted over a year ago 
joss never confirmed it thats why there are so many arguments between bangel and spuffy fans, joss never gives us an answer on them couples!
x-missmckena-x posted over a year ago
JW said that Buffy was in love whit Spike the moment their hands clasped.he laso sid that Bangel's relationship ended in the graveyard and that the cokkie speach was only a hope for the bangels and that the man in Buffy's life was Spike.:)
Isabellas_girl posted over a year ago
Buffy definitely was in love with Spike. She chose him over and over again. When Xander was strung up by demon Ashanti and they (Robin, Spike and Buffy) found him...during the fight Spike got knocked down. Buffy chose to see if Spike was okay before checking on Xander who had lost a lot of blood. There is the one incident when Caleb destroyed Xander's eye...Buffy was very emotional and physically distant...but when it came to Spike she was animated and hands-on even putting herself in danger. She basically defied everyone and everything when it came to Spike. If that’s not being "in love" I don't know what is. When Giles was delaying Buffy in the cemetery so Robin could kill Spike…Buffy admitted that if she had to do it all over again she would let Dawn die. Giles tried to point out that she should do the same for Spike. She reacted by killing the vamp and racing over to save Spike…she had tears in her eyes. Then she threatens Robin…saying “most importantly I will let him kill you”. All this she did under the guise of needing Spike because he is the strongest warrior…bull…she wouldn’t let Spike leave when he wanted to. Even when she had another option (Angel) she chose Spike. She basically chose Spike and his wellbeing before anyone else.
laydydee posted over a year ago
@Isabellas_girl: I also want to add Buffy never answered Angel when he asked her if she was in love with Spike...she totally ignored that question. If she wasn't she would have said no. However, she went to say that Spike wasn't her boyfriend but he was in her heart. The night Buffy and Spike spent cuddling brought them close...they both had the closeness issues. I think when Spike asked "were you there with me" what he was really asking her was if she felt what he felt...the closeness.
laydydee posted over a year ago
alco_holz said:
Buffy loves Spike the same way she loves Xander. If you listen to the chosen commentary he says that he needed to bring the Spuffy r'ship around to a place that wasn't romantic/sexual BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WRONG. He also said in that same episode that the whole cookie speech was to give the hope for BA. Even in the midst of her r'ship with Spike in s7 Buffy said she loved Angel more than she would ever love anything in her life. She refused to allow Angel to wear the amulet but let Spike. She trusted Angel with her legacy if she didn't make it out, but she wouldn't risk him. She stayed in the cave because she wanted Spike to leave because he was her friend. She left him, she would never have left Angel because she is Angel's girl, always. When she see's the future, it is him.
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posted over a year ago 
Ladyluck523 said:
I don't think Buffy realized she was in love with Spike until she told him so in the Hellmouth.
I agree that during season 6, before he got his soul, she used him. She treated him differently after she found out he got his soul back for her. They had a slowly growing relationship through
season 7. First, she didn't dust him even though there was strong evidence that he had killed and turned some people. Second, she risked herself to get him back from The First. Third, when Spike offered to leave Sunnydale, since it was unclear if he was still under The First's influence, Buffy told him she was not ready to let him leave. Fourth, she drew strength from him the night she got kicked from the house and he gave her the "you're the one" speech (how any girl could NOT fall in love after that speech, I'll never know). In fact after that night, they realized something was happening but that would talk about it "maybe when..." Fifth, she chose him as her champion.
So yes, I do believe ultimately that Buffy is in love with Spike.
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posted over a year ago 
laydydee said:
In S7 Buffy said..."why does everyone in this house think I am still in love with Spike". You cannot be "still" in love with someone if you were never in love with that person. Which means she was in love with Spike in S6.

Yes Buffy was in love with Spike...she finally admitted it to herself in the finale when she interlaced her fingers with his. Their hands catch on fire (I think that was symbolic of their souls coming together) and you could see the resolve on her face...she knew she loved him and Spike knew she loved him without a shadow of a doubt at that moment. He had that look...especially when their hands met...he felt it. The "no you don't...thanks for saying it" is an example of the usual banter between them. He couldn't allow himself to acknowledge it out loud. He was content...he finally was the man worthy of her...the man she believed he could be...the man she chose over and over again defying everyone. He wanted to be her hero. I think in that moment for Spike it was not necessary for her to say it...even though it was something he always wanted to hear. I think if Spike hadn't told her to leave she would have stayed with him to the end.

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posted over a year ago 
she never told Riley that she loved him, not once, and she prefered Spike over Angel the "love of her life"
LiSa_4624 posted over a year ago
frankthe2nd said:
Yes, of course she did. She just didn't realize it until Spike was about to die.

Seriously, she said it and JOSS said it. If you want to argue with the creator, pfft, go right ahead.
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posted over a year ago 
SpikeLuve said:
I think you're supposed to decide it for yourself. I like to think she was, maybe not in the same way she loved Angel. But yes, I think she loved Spike in a special way.
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posted over a year ago 
x-missmckena-x said:
This is really an opinated question and should really be a pick not a question if that makes sense.
It all depends on how you see the Spuffy relationship some people beleive that it is the only relationship worth mentioning others beleive it didnt even exsist.
I personally beleive that there was a connection in the end well season 7 and tat Buffy did start to respect him but wheather she loved him or not i dont think even she knew, i dont think she did she could of maybe in time but i think in the end she just really repected him and had a connection with him!
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posted over a year ago 
brosis101 said:
maybe but im not 100% sure. Buffy may be in love with spike but not deeply. maybe shes in love spike because she needs someone similar to angel in her life. Spike and angel are pretty similar. Both vampires, now both have souls and are still deeply in love with the slayer.
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posted over a year ago 
I personally do not think Spike and Angel were similar at all. The only thing they have in common besides being in love with Buffy is having a soul. To me Spike showed human traits whether he was soulless or ensouled. You cannot say that about Angel...when he was soulless he was twisted, evil and a bada$$. I am not saying Spike did not have his bad side but he also had a good side. Spike got his soul back to get the girl...Angel's soul was forced on him as punishment by the gypsies…he never wanted it. Spike's demeanor was basically the same with or without a soul. Angel's demeanor was day and night with or without a soul respectively. A soulless Spike fell in love with Buffy. I couldn’t see a soulless Angel falling in love with Buffy.
laydydee posted over a year ago
Spike and Angel are nothing alike. Sure there is the soul and them both being vampires but they are completely different. Spike was more human the Angel was in a way. Sure Angel didnt drink human blood like Spike did but Spike was more human. And I agree with laydydee Spike got his soul for Buffy, Angel didnt. Angel had a soul but even with it he was dark. Spike without a soul was evil but in a different way. He also had times when he worked with the scoobies. I also agree with Spike being souless and loving Buffy, Angel would have still gone after Darla if he had a soul, Spike was going to kill Dru to show Buffy what he felt for her. Ding Ding Ding We have a winner. Spike loved her maybe not as much as Angel in the normal way but just as much in his own way.
blueeyestheory posted over a year ago
MarciaSwan said:
Yes. The last words she said to Spike "I love you" and he aswer " No you not, but thank you for saying that" but i think Buffy loves Spike
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posted over a year ago 
clanbillr said:
No I never thought that Buffy was in love with Spike. We all knew that Spike was in total love with Buffy!! In season six everyone thinks that Buffy's in love but she actually tells us all that Spike is pure evil!!! No matter what he thinks he's doing to get Buffy to love him it's all for him. She tells everyone also that she loves Angel. She does use Spike for sex though!!! In season seven when Spike gets his soul he thinks its to just get the girl. She feels his soul but defiantly doesn't love him still. She uses Spike again because he's needed to save the world by killing the vampire's and closing the Hell mouth forever!!! She does tell him she loves him but she just respects him and his destiny. He finally tells the true because he feels it, She doesn't love me but thanks for saying it!!!
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posted over a year ago 
I believed Buffy was in love with Spike. She was in denial...she protested too much. If Angel was the one...the love of her life...why didn't she take the opportunity to spend the night or a few hours with him when he delivered the amulet. She hadn't seen him in a while...she was about to go to war with badass the First evil and could potentially die. So I would have expected her to spend some time with Angel. Sex was out but cuddling was the night she spent with Spike. Instead she gave Angel the cookie dough speech and sent him on his way...telling him to be ready if she doesn't succeed. Come on...that was the moment she truly chose Spike over Angel in her heart and Angel knew it. She then went home and spent the night with Spike...I deduced they made love because the First as Caleb said "why aren't you asleep in your dead lovers' arms"...not dead ex lover or dead former lover. She finally admitted her love for Spike because it was undeniable. When their hands clasped both Buffy and Spike knew she was in love with Spike without a shadow of a doubt. The flames that engulfed their hands were symbolic of their souls coming together. The look on Spike’s face…Buffy was panicked and concerned telling Spike he did enough…it’s time to go. The moment they touched it all changed…Spike’s eyes went to their hands…Buffy swallowed and her face became calm. Buffy couldn’t deny the love she felt for Spike anymore so she said “I love you”…that is when Spike pulled a Buffy by responding with "no you don't". Those are the same words she used when he professed his love for her even though she knew damn well he was telling the truth. He thanked her...but at that time it was not necessary for her to say it even though it was something he wanted to hear for a long time...they were feeling it. I think Buffy would have stayed with him till the end if they had not been forced apart and if Spike hadn't said "now go". He was at peace…he wanted to be her champion…her hero…the man she believed him to be…the man she finally admitted she was in love with. He wanted one of them to live.
laydydee posted over a year ago
blueeyestheory said:
Yes Buffy loved Spike. In one of the episodes she says "why does everyone in this house think I am still in love with Spike". This proves that she had to love him at one point in season 6. People argue that it was always Angel becuase she made him get a second army to continue if she failed but she gave the amulet to Spike. She gave it to him becuase she needed a second army and becuase she knew Spike would do it. She also told him to go when the hellmouth was caving in he wouldnt becuase he knew it would save everyone. there is no doubt that Spike loved Buffy. She didnt want to leave him and you knew that she loved him. When she says it she didnt just say it to make him feel better. He said "no you dont, but thanks for saying it." becuase that's how their relationship has always been. They cant be with each other but they did and this is just a reminder of that. Also in the book after he dies she was going to tell Giles about what happened when they all left but she didnt. She wanted it to be a secret, one thing no one else knew about. It was a special moment she wanted. This proves she loved Spike.
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posted over a year ago 
maddythespaz said:
Sort of. Do you remember when Buffy told Tara (R.I.P) that she was sleeping with Spike? When Tara asked Buffy if she loved Spike, Buffy was silent in the sort of that says "Yes, I'm in love with him, but I'm not going to say anything because he's a vampire and I'm supposed to hate him."
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posted over a year ago 
goodbyemra said:
Buffy is not a girl who throws around the words "I love you". In season 5, she said it felt strange to say it, even to GILES. She NEVER said it to Riley. So please please PLEASE tell me why anyone would think that the last words she said to her closest friend and strongest ally, as he's facing death like a motherfucking HERO, would be anything less than the pure, unadulterated truth? She could have said "Thank you" or "You don't have to do this" or any number of things. She's never really been one to say things just to make Spike feel better, has she? But she told him the thing that is the hardest thing in the world for her to say, because it was TRUE.
-thesparkinme (Tumblr)
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posted over a year ago 
Findabhair said:
No, not when they were together. Buffy was using Spike. She was feeling so numb she got into that relationship with Spike, knowing he was interested in her, just to feel something. Throughout their entire relationship, she felt ashamed and dirty. At the end of the last episode, though, when Spike is burning up, Buffy says she loves him. I think she just has this deep feeling of respect for him, not love. Before that, they cuddle. Buffy needs someone, Spike is seeking redemption, and so is Buffy. Many feelings there, but I don't think it's love. Spike even says so when he is dying after she tells him. The end of their relationship is remarkable with all of the mutual respecting, considering Buffy abused the infatuated Spike for almost an entire season, broke up with him and crushed his dreams, and then the used Spike tried to force himself upon Buffy. Love? I think not. But definitely something. They tormented each other, much like Cathy and Heathcliff minus the ever-lasting love, starting from Spike's first appearance on the show in School Hard.
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posted over a year ago 
spuffyromy said:
At the end yes she was
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posted over a year ago 
Vampire-Girl013 said:
i think she used spike to fill the whole in her heart after riley left. i dont think she ever loved him
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posted over a year ago 
simple case of mind over matter
Vampire-Girl013 posted over a year ago
tmac4369 said:
Yes, I truly belive Buffy really was in love with Spike.
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posted over a year ago 
Shalimar_ said:
No, she always loved only Angel.
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posted over a year ago 
flootzavut said:
"Why does everyone think I'm still in love with Spike?"

You can't "still" be in love with someone if you weren't in the first place. Jury's out over whether this line means she was definitely no longer in love with him, in denial, unsure how she felt about him, or in the process of falling back in love with him, but that "still" doesn't leave room for her to never have been in love with him in the first place.
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posted over a year ago 
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